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Cartoon Analyse bitte bewerten

Frage: Cartoon Analyse bitte bewerten
(1 Antwort)

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.Hier der Cartoon:

Wäre nett wenn ihn jemand sprachlich und inhaltlich bewerten kann.
danke . vlt sogar ne test note drauf gibt, danke

The Cartoon published on the internet shows the reason for the globalization.
The picture depicts a fat man sitting on a chair and eating a small version
of the earth that is located on the table in front of the man. In the
bottom right-hand corner stands a half naked man, who holds a bowl in his hands. Above him the man drops some small parts of the earth and the little man tries to catch them. The facial expression of the big fat man looks really hungry and greedy and the little`s man facial expression is really sad and powerless.
The cartoon deals with the problems of the globalization and the reason for the damaged environment. The cartoon is eye-catching and shocking because of seeing this fat man eating the earth, the place where we live. The picture appeals to the reader directly by the small man on the ground because he looks like a normal person. The fat man represents the rich people and the politician of the world, who destroy the earth by exploiting the earth for resources. The small man stands for the poor or normal people like us, who only get a small pieces for example from the resources of the earth. The cartoon is meant to criticize the governments and the upper layer, who take advantage of the earth for them alone. He wants to convey the message, that we live in a really unfair world but we not even see it how they handicap us. As well as the small man, who don`t see the earth rather only the fat man, who is feeding him with nothing compared he is eating.
The cartoon is very effective, because he is very simply and easy to understand but still eye-catching and is convincing the reader. The reader not even need to have a big knowledge because the theme is self-explanatory.
I really agree with the message of the cartoonist but perhaps he should paint out more that the governments are also responsible and not only the rich people.
Frage von ibimskackeinenglish | am 25.06.2018 - 19:42

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 25.06.2018 - 21:03
Benoten kann man eine Arbeit nur, wenn man die Aufgabenstellung ganz genau kennt.
Ausserdem müsste man wissen, wie ihr während des Unterrichts vorbereitet habt für diesen Test. Ausserdem muss die Person, die diese Arbeit korrigiert und bewertet, alle Arbeiten lesen können und vergleichen, die die andern Schülerinnen oder Schüler geschrieben haben mit der gleichen Aufgabenstellung.
Also ist das hier unmöglich.
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