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Referat in Englisch über Uluru: Bitte korrigieren

Frage: Referat in Englisch über Uluru: Bitte korrigieren
(2 Antworten)

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Hello, I like to present you Uluru today.

General Information:
Uluru is the most famous mountain in Australia and therefore the landmark of the fifth continent. The local name Uluru was used by the Aborigines. The Anagu people are the traditional inhabitants of this area.
Uluru is a large sandstone formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory in central Australia. It is located at Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and lies 335 km south west of Alice Springs, the nearest large town.
Uluru is a total of 861 meters high, but one sees less than half of the mountain, because the largest part is under the ground. The rock is more than 4,5 km long and 2,5 km wide. It is composed of grey sand, but because it has much metal in it, it rusts. Also there’s much red sand on it and that’s why it is red. The Uluru appears depending on the time and weather in different shades, from brown to orange and strong red.

Archaeological findings to the east and west indicate that humans settled in the area more than 10,000 years ago. This were the Anangu, a tribe of the Aborigines. In 1873 William Gosse was the first European who explored this area. He designated the hill after the Premier of South Australia, Sir Henry Ayers: Ayers Rock. On 26 October 1985, the Australian government returned ownership of Uluru to the local Pitjantjatjara Aborigines, with one of the conditions being that the Anangu would lease it back to the National Parks and Wildlife agency for 99 years and that it would be jointly managed. 2002 the name was changed to Uluru / Ayers Rock.

Dreamtime Stories:
The Aborigines think that the Uluru didn´t exist in its todays form. There are many legends and myths about Uluru.
One story says that Uluru was built up by two Giant children who played in the mud after rain. The mud hardened finally to a Mountain. And the two children moved on to the Mount Conner and were frozen to rocks there. And people who doesn’t believe it, can check this because the children who are frozen to rocks are still visible today.

This was my presentation about the Uluru. Thank you for your attention.
Frage von Florian02 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 21.10.2017 - 10:09

Beiträge 40
Antwort von olgar | 23.10.2017 - 10:34
Hello, I`d like to give a presentation on Uluru today.

General Information:
Uluru is the most famous mountain in Australia and therefore the landmark of the fifth continent. The local name Uluru was used by the Aborigines. The Anagu people are the traditional inhabitants of this area.
Uluru is a large sandstone formation in the Southern part of the Northern Territory in central Australia. It is located at Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, which is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and lies 335 km south west of Alice Springs, the nearest large town.
Uluru is a total of 861 meters high, but one sees less than half of the mountain, because the largest part is under the ground. The rock is more than 4,5 km long and 2,5 km wide. It is composed of grey sand, but because it has much metal in it, it rusts. Also there’s much red sand on it and that’s why it is red. The Uluru appearance changes, depending on the time and weather in different shades, from brown to orange and strong red.

Archaeological findings to the East and West indicate that humans settled in the area more than 10,000 years ago. They were the Anangu, a tribe of the Aborigines. In 1873 William Gosse was the first European who explored this area. He named the hill after the Premier of South Australia, Sir Henry Ayers: Ayers Rock. On 26 October 1985, the Australian government returned ownership of Uluru to the local Pitjantjatjara Aborigines, with one of the conditions being that the Anangu would lease it back to the National Parks and Wildlife agency for 99 years and that it would be jointly managed. In 2002, the name was changed to Uluru / Ayers Rock.

Dreamtime Stories:
The Aborigines think that the Uluru didn´t exist in today`s form. There are many legends and myths about Uluru.
One story says that Uluru was built up by two Giant children who played in the mud after rain (?). The mud finally hardened into a Mountain. And the two children moved on to the Mount Conner and were frozen to rocks there. And people who don`t believe this story, can check this because the children who were frozen to rocks are still visible today.

This was my presentation about the Uluru. Thank you for your attention.

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 23.10.2017 - 17:31
Leider ziemlich viel aus Wikipedia 1:1 kopiert ... Nicht vergessen - auch Lehrer kennen

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