Englischtexte - Bitte ganz schnell verbessern!
Frage: Englischtexte - Bitte ganz schnell verbessern!(keine Antwort)
Hallo, ich weiß es ist ziemlich viel, aber ich bitte um eine Verbesserung meiner Texte. Ich danke euch schon im Vorraus Lg. ![]() [b] 1. Email [/b] On their website, UICC, a London-based agency, advertises a one-week course titled “Working in the UK – Everything you need to know!” For those attending the course the agency guarantees a 6–12 months’ work placement in their field of specialization in the UK. This year four people can do the course for free. You would like to be one of them. Write an email to UICC. In your email you should: · explain why you want to join this particular course after leaving school · emphasise your relevant qualifications for a work placement after the course · describe what personal qualities make you an outstanding candidate To: info@uicc.org Re: dfdsfsdfr@gmx.at Subject: course “Working in the UK – Everything you need to know!” I am writing in the reference to your website article about the one-week course titled “Working in the UK – Everything you need to know!” First of all I want to tell you something about myself. My name is Anna Leber and I’m 18 years old. Currently, I live in Austria with my Family and go to the Higher Secondary College for Occupations in the Service, Industry and Office Management in Mureck (HLW). I would like to join this course after my A-levels at the HLW Mureck, because I’m very interest in languages and I speak and write English fluently. It’s a dream from me to work in the UK and I think this course would be a good preparation for my future, because I want to immigrate to England with my boyfriend. After the course I would knew the important things for working in the UK like the qualifications I need. The course would show me the theory of working in the UK and the placement would fix my knowledge. As I told I’m really good in speaking English and I have some work experiences abroad. I did an internship in France for 1 months and with most of the clients I had to speak English. Besides I can also work at the Computer for example I can use Word and I have the European Computer Driving Licenses. Wide Distance are no problem, because I have the driving license. I look forward from hearing from you! Yours faithfully My name here Words: 247 [b] 2. Blog Comment [/b] National Waiters’ Day, by Ed Parker, January 9 Waiting (or waitressing) often has bad reputation. We really need to change this and show that it is a skilled profession with interesting career opportunities. I propose we introduce a day of celebration – National Waiters’ Day – to show and tell the public all about the profession. What do you think? You have decided to comment on this blog post. In your blog comment you should: 1.analyse why the waiting profession sometimes has a bad reputation, 2. discuss the professional skills necessary for the waiting profession, 3.suggest possible activities for National Waiters’ Day Let’s celebrate a National Waiters Day 1 June, 10:40 am Ed Parker, thank you for bringing this up. I also worked as a waitress in my internship for my school and it was really hard for my boss to find a waiter or waitress, because it often has bad reputation. I think for most of the people it is hard to work on the weekend and you don’t get more money, because it is typical for working in a gastronomy. And some people think it is an easy job for getting some extra money on the weekend when you go to the school but don’t think that they have career opportunities as a waiter or waitress, but this is not true. It is very important that waiter and waitress are friendly and nice to the guest even when the guest are horrible. Languages skills are also necessary and a waiter or waitress should be sociable and not shy, because they communication with the guest is important (and also good for tips). In my opinion it would be a good idea to close all restaurants for this day or the whole week-end, so the waiter and waitress can celebrate this day with the family or friends. Also a good idea would be making a party or festival only for waiter and waitress and their family with much attraction and restaurants with self-service. Also a good opportunity for all waiter and waitress who work on the National Waiters Day would be an extra tip from the guests and/or the boss. We all should hold the waiting profession in high esteem and should be proud of the interesting career opportunities this job has! Words:265 [b] 3. Leaflet [/b] You work in the marketing department of your local tourist office. You have been asked to create a going green leaflet for English-speaking tourists who come to visit your area. In your leaflet you should: explain why it is important to protect the environment in your area advise tourists on how to save resources on their holiday encourage tourists to use local products and services We create the world we live in Save our planet It’s very important to protect the environment in our area and everywhere, because we only have one earth and we should be lucky to live here and not destroy this wonderful planet. It is no fun for us, when we go for a walk and see all the rubbish on the way and in the seas and it is even worse for the environment, so we request you to use our trash cans to save the planet. Don’t buy rubbish Besides it is really sad that we make so much rubbish and that so much good food is in the trash cans. So we all should save resources and also on the holiday. First of all, don’t buy too many souvenirs at the first day, because you could find more then you can give your friends. You also should not buy food as a souvenir when it is really hot, otherwise it could go bad. Healthy planet, healthy people Please use our bicycle offer for small distances. It is not only good for your health it is also good for the environment and the people which live here. We also offer local products, so try our good Syrian food like “Kernöl” a green oil made from pumpkin seeds. Our farmers make their products with love and eco-friendly, that’s why we recommend our farmer stores. This products are good for you and the environment. Enjoy your holidays at this wonderful place and never forget the environment to save this place for future! Words: 254 |
Frage von Jenny01997 | am 28.09.2017 - 16:24 |
Leider noch keine Antworten vorhanden! |
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