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Englisch Ausdrucksweise verbessern

Frage: Englisch Ausdrucksweise verbessern
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 74
Wie ich meine Englisch Ausdrucksweise in dem verbessern.
Frage von AMD | am 12.03.2013 - 20:24

Beiträge 74
Antwort von AMD | 12.03.2013 - 21:51
und bitte nach der Grammatik achten

Beiträge 0
Antwort von Senkura (ehem. Mitglied) | 12.03.2013 - 22:46
The novel ``The absolutely true diary of a Part-Time Indian`` written by Sherman Alexie is about a boy named junior Arnold Spirit, who ist 14 Years old and also a native American.
He is poor and [...] wants to change his life, thus/that`s why/hence he goes to/attends the college of the white Americans to pursue/accomplish his dreams. On Page 88 I describe the pictures of how Junior goes to school. He waits on the street for a car to go to the school. For Junior it is very difficult to arrive at school, because he neither has money for the School bus nor gas for his car.

Now I would like to write a comment about poverty. Many young people can`t go to the school like other people with the school bus, because they don`t have enough money, however, it is important that they can go to school without problems.

In the novel there are many situations where Junior does not have enough money for instance at page 121 where Junior is ashamed that he is poor. It is very difficult ( for people ) to not have enough money. Many people who don`t have enough money drink alcohol to forget their problems. Alcohol is also a big problem mentioned in this novel.

In my opinion, everyone should have the chance/opportunity to go to school by bus for free.

[...] He and he, wieso 2 mal he? Am Anfang zeigst du doch schon, wer gemeint ist, das zweite "he" ist daher unnötig.

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