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UWC Bewerbung

Frage: UWC Bewerbung
(3 Antworten)

Beiträge 4
Hallo, ich möchte mich gerne um einen UWC bewerben und dazu muss ich ein Englisch Essay schreiben. Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar, wenn ihr kontrolliert ob ich Fehler habe und vielleicht auch Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten habt. Mein Essay darf nur 1000 Satzzeichen enthalten.

Why am I interested in a United World College?

One Month ago I didn´t even know that the UWC exist until I randomly saw a article about it and at this moment I knew that this is a chance for me. I call it a "chance" because I always wanted to go to a college, but my parents couldn´t pay it. As I read about the idea of the UWC I was so excited because I would love to learn more about other cultures and other People round the world. I always was intersted in other cultures, maybe it is beauce I have kurdish roots. And I also think that when we learn more about other People, we would have more comprehension. I think in times like these it is very important to create a own opinion about people with other cultures because the thinks we hear and see in the TV are not always right. In the college I could show that I love to be german but I also don´t forget my kurdish culture. I grow up with two languages and two cultures and I love both. I hope that I gain a lot of positive Experience and maybe new friends who live around the world.
Frage von susi1247 | am 31.08.2017 - 16:41

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Antwort von Ritchy (ehem. Mitglied) | 31.08.2017 - 21:38
Hallo Susi, Du meintest mit den 1000 Satzzeichen sicher die Anzahl der Buchstaben?
Satzzeichen sind Komma, Punkt, Ausrufe- oder Fragezeichen etc...egal, ich korrigiere ein bißchen, bin aber keine Leuchte in Englisch...
Why I am interested in a United World College?

One Month ago I didn´t even know that the UWC exist until I randomly saw an article about it and at this moment I knew that this is a chance for me.
I call it a "chance" because I always wanted to go to a college, but my parents couldn´t pay it. When I read about the idea of the UWC I was so excited because I would love to learn more about other cultures and other people around the world. I always was interested in other cultures, maybe it is because I have kurdish roots. And I also think that when we learn more about other people, we would have more comprehension. I guess in times like these it is very important to create an own opinion about people with other cultures, because the thoughts(opinions) we hear and see in the TV are not always allright. In the college I could show, that I love to be a german but I also don´t forget my kurdish culture. I grow up with two languages and two cultures and I love both. I hope that I gain a lot of positive experience and maybe new friends, who live around the world.

Beiträge 4
Antwort von susi1247 | 31.08.2017 - 21:59
Dankesehr! Und ja ich meine tatsächlich Satzzeichen.. Normalerweise schreibe ich ziemlich viel, musste einiges wieder wegstreichen :p

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Antwort von Ritchy (ehem. Mitglied) | 01.09.2017 - 11:48
Why am I interested in an United World College?

One month ago I didn´t even know that the UWC exists until I randomly saw an article about it and just at this moment I knew that this will be my chance.

I call it a "chance", because I always wanted to go to a college, but my parents couldn´t pay it. When I read about the idea of the UWC I was so excited, because I would love to learn more about other cultures and other people around the world. I always was interested in other cultures, maybe because I have kurdish roots. Also I think, that when we learn more about other people, we would have more comprehension. I guess in times like these it is very important to create an own opinion about people with other cultures, because the thoughts(opinions) we hear and see in the TV are not always allright. In the college I could show, that I love to be a german but I also don´t forget my kurdish culture. I grow up with two languages and two cultures and I love both. I hope that I gain a lot of positive experience and maybe new friends, who live around the world.

Ich habe nochmal drübergeschaut und einiges korrigiert, aber sicher bin ich mir oft auch nicht. Jedenfalls sind es bei weitem keine 1000 Satzzeichen.
Man kann den Satz mit comprehension auch mit "...the more we learn..., the more comprehension we would have. " schreiben [also je mehr, desto mehr...].
Ich spreche halt, wie der Schnabel gewachsen ist und man hat mich im Ausland auch meist verstanden.

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