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Sachtext: Key Sentences gesucht

Frage: Sachtext: Key Sentences gesucht
(6 Antworten)

Beiträge 5
1 absatz...When you are bringing food from so far away it can be as much as four times or ten times as much as if you were buying that product locally," says Kezia Cowtan from LifeCycles Project, a non-profit group focused on food sustainability. So you should be thinking about buying a local meal or going to a restaurant that includes local ingredients in its menu." For instance, while on a business trip to Canada, ordering a steak that has been flown across the Pacific from New Zealand will contribute three kilos of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the environment.

2. Absatz A lamb chop from Australia will contribute a similar amount of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, while tuna steaks from Hawaii will add one kilo of CO2. However, if you are on the west coast of Canada and order British Columbian salmon garnished with locally grown tomatoes, then your carbon footprint, or the amount of carbon dioxide you contribute to the atmosphere, will be limited.

3. Absatz
Food miles are calculated by multiplying the transportation distance by the volume of food transported. The higher the food mileage from field to fork, the larger the load placed on the environment. Locally produced, seasonal produce cuts food miles and can make environmental and economic sense -- for both the producer and the consumer. It can also cut emissions by as much as 90 percent.

Ich habe für jeden Absatz ein Key Sentence geschrieben, könnte es mir jemand korriegiern?

1.Absatz You can eat in restaurant but it is expensive than at home
2. Absatz However, the carbon footprint or the amount of carbon dioxide your contribute to the atmosphere
3. Absatz habe ich leider nicht, da ich den Text nicht gut verstanden habe
Frage von presmabel | am 19.03.2017 - 19:02

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 20.03.2017 - 17:33
"So you should be thinking about buying a local meal or going to a restaurant that includes local ingredients in its menu."
Das ist meiner Meinung nach die Stelle, die Du in den 1.
Schlüsselsatz umwandeln solltes. "You can eat in restaurant but it is expensive than at home" aus der oben zitierten Textstelle gibt den Sinn nicht richtig wieder; besser: Think about buying a local meal or going to a restaurant that includes local ingredients in its menu.
However, the carbon footprint or the amount of carbon dioxide your contribute to the atmosphere
Du hast die richtige Stelle für den 2. Schlüsselsatz rausgesucht, aber nicht richtig formuliert: Your carbon footprint, or the amount of carbon dioxide you contribute will be limited by eating locally grown food.

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Antwort von matata | 19.03.2017 - 21:13
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Beiträge 5
Antwort von presmabel | 19.03.2017 - 21:21
Eating with food miles in mind
CNN`s Ayesha Durgahee
Monday, September 19, 2005 Posted: 0617 GMT (1417 HKT)
Being good to the environment involves choosing local produce from the menu.
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LONDON, England (CNN) -- Next time you are out for dinner on a business trip, you may find that the food on your plate has traveled further than you have.

Choosing between the locally farmed chicken or the New Zealand venison from the menu can help the environment.

Food miles -- the distance food is transported from the plough to the plate -- is of increasing concern for environmentalists.

This comes as we travel more and our tastes go global, whether it be for Chinese pine nuts or snap peas from Kenya.

However, hauling Peruvian asparagus or Pakistani mangoes across continents and oceans is not only costly financially, but is a growing source of greenhouse gas emissions.

"When you are bringing food from so far away it can be as much as four times or ten times as much as if you were buying that product locally," says Kezia Cowtan from LifeCycles Project, a non-profit group focused on food sustainability.

"So you should be thinking about buying a local meal or going to a restaurant that includes local ingredients in its menu."

For instance, while on a business trip to Canada, ordering a steak that has been flown across the Pacific from New Zealand will contribute three kilos of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the environment.

A lamb chop from Australia will contribute a similar amount of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, while tuna steaks from Hawaii will add one kilo of CO2.

However, if you are on the west coast of Canada and order British Columbian salmon garnished with locally grown tomatoes, then your carbon footprint, or the amount of carbon dioxide you contribute to the atmosphere, will be limited.

Food miles are calculated by multiplying the transportation distance by the volume of food transported.

The higher the food mileage from field to fork, the larger the load placed on the environment.

Locally produced, seasonal produce cuts food miles and can make environmental and economic sense -- for both the producer and the consumer. It can also cut emissions by as much as 90 percent.

Beiträge 5
Antwort von presmabel | 19.03.2017 - 21:21
So jeden Abschnitt muss ich ein schlüssel satz schreiben

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 19.03.2017 - 23:05
hier mal die Übersetzung des 3. Absatzes, zum Verständnis: Transportwege für Nahrungsmittel werden ermittelt, indem man den Transportweg mit dem Umfang der gelieferten Menge multipliziert. Je größer die Entfernung der Nahrungsmittel vom Feld bis zur Gabel ist, umso größer ist die Umweltbelastung. Lokal hergestellte und saisonale Produkte senken die Transportwege für Nahrungsmittel und machen ökologisch als auch betriebswirtschaftlich Sinn – für beide, den Erzeuger und den Konsumenten. Außerdem kann es die Emissionen um mehr als 90 Prozent senken.
Ich verstehe die Aufgabe so, dass presmabel zu den 3 oben aufgeführten Absätzen jeweils einen Schlüsselsatz, der das Thema des Textabschnittes vorstellt, formulieren soll.

Beiträge 5
Antwort von presmabel | 20.03.2017 - 16:43
Genau, und wollte wissen ob es richtig ist?

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 20.03.2017 - 17:33
"So you should be thinking about buying a local meal or going to a restaurant that includes local ingredients in its menu."
Das ist meiner Meinung nach die Stelle, die Du in den 1.
Schlüsselsatz umwandeln solltes. "You can eat in restaurant but it is expensive than at home" aus der oben zitierten Textstelle gibt den Sinn nicht richtig wieder; besser: Think about buying a local meal or going to a restaurant that includes local ingredients in its menu.
However, the carbon footprint or the amount of carbon dioxide your contribute to the atmosphere
Du hast die richtige Stelle für den 2. Schlüsselsatz rausgesucht, aber nicht richtig formuliert: Your carbon footprint, or the amount of carbon dioxide you contribute will be limited by eating locally grown food.

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