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Übungen zum Thema "Zeiten" kontrollieren, bitte

Frage: Übungen zum Thema "Zeiten" kontrollieren, bitte
(4 Antworten)

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Ich habe mal eine Hausaufgabe genacht und wollt euch mal fragen ob das so ok ist.

Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe!

Complete these sentences with a phrase in the past continuous.
1.Her brakes failed when she wasn’t repairing the car.
2.He did a PhD while he working full- time at BMW.
3.There was an announcement when he was saying everybody on stage.
4.We saw a musical while we were having a holiday.
5.I made a mistake when I was buying a new car.
6.Our food was brought while we were covering the table.
7.He cut himself when he was a small kid.
8.Bob arrived when he was making a break.

Complete these sentences with a phrase in the simple past.
1.When we were looking out of the window, we are flew in an airplane.
2.While she was giving a presentation, the phone rang.
3.When we were watching television, I slept for an hour.
4.While I was looking for my keys, opened the door.
5.When the plane was taking off, I looked out of the window.
6.While she was sleeping, I stood up.
7.When I was overtaking a car on the motorway, I drove too fast.
8.While we were writing the invitations, barked the dog.

Answer these questions using a sentences in the past perfect.
1.Why couldn’t he find his key’s?
He had forgotten it.
2.Why did they call an ambulance?
He had met with an accident.
3.Why didn’t she pass the exam?
She hadn’t learnt.
4.Why did you walk to work?
Her car had damaged.
5.Why wasn’t he allowed to board the airplane?
He hadn’t valid boarding pass.
6.Why did Helen look thinner?
She had tapered.
Frage von Korni1976 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 24.07.2012 - 12:45

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Antwort von Korni1976 (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.07.2012 - 12:13
wäre dringend bitte!

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.07.2012 - 14:15
Deine Verbformen sind noch in folgenden Sätzen fehlerhaft: 1.2 und 1.7, 2.1.

Bei 3.6 fehlt ein Artikel: He hadn’t a valid boarding pass.

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.07.2012 - 23:10
Complete these sentences with a phrase in the past continuous.
1.The brakes of her car failed while she was driving down the hill.
2.He did his PhD while he was working full- time at BMW.
3. When he started to greet everybody on stage an announcement was being heard.
4.We watched a musical while we were having a holiday.
5.I was making a a mistake when I bought this new car.
6.Our food was brought while we were laying the table.
7.He cut himself as a small kid while he was carving his name into the bark of a tree..
8.When the boss entered the room the employee was having a break.

Complete these sentences with a phrase in the simple past.
1.When we looked out of the window, we were flying in an airplane.
2.While she was giving a presentation, the phone rang (was ringing).
3.When my friends (watched)were watching television, I was sleeping for an hour.
4.While I was looking for my keys, the door was opened from inside.
5.When the plane took off, I was looking out of the window.
6.While she was sleeping, I stood up.
7.When I overtook a car on the motorway, I was driving too fast.
8.While we were writing the invitations, the dog barked.

Answer these questions using a sentences in the past perfect.
1.Why couldn’t he find his keys?
He had forgotten them.
2.Why did they call an ambulance?
He had had an accident.
3.Why didn’t she pass the exam?
She hadn’t learnt.
4.Why did you walk to work?
Because my car had been damaged.
5.Why wasn’t he allowed to board the airplane?
He hadn’t got a valid boarding pass.
6.Why did Helen look thinner?
She had lost weight.
(Zuletzt geändert von matata am 25.07.2012)

Beachte bitte folg. grundsätzliche Regel:

Das past progressive wird vornehmlich verwendet, wenn zwei Handlungen in der Vergangenheit ablaufen, wobei eine länger andauernde Handlung von einer später einsetzenden "unterbrochen" wird.
Die länger andauernde H. wird mit "while" eingeleitet; die "unterbrechende" H. wird mit when eingeleitet.

Die länger andauernde Handlung steht dabei immer im past progressive und die mit der Präposition "when" eingeleitete Handlung steht immer im simple past.

Wenn nicht ganz klar ist, ob eine Handlung später einsetzt, oder ob beide Handlungen tatsächlich gleichzeitig / paralell passieren, dann können beide Verben in der progressive form stehen (vgl. die Sätze 2 und 3 in deinem zweiten Block)

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Antwort von Korni1976 (ehem. Mitglied) | 26.07.2012 - 10:25
Super Tip Danke :-)

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