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Produktbeschreibung: Hilfe beim Schreiben

Frage: Produktbeschreibung: Hilfe beim Schreiben
(6 Antworten)

Beiträge 15
kann mir jemand helfen muss eine Produktbeschreibung schreiben auf englisch im bereich körperpflege
Frage von nisha | am 29.11.2016 - 15:29

Beiträge 40293
Antwort von matata | 29.11.2016 - 15:34
Du machst einen Entwurf,
schreibst ihn ins nächste Antwortfeld, dann wird jemand von unsern "Engländern" korrigieren und Verbesserungsvorschläge machen.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 15
Antwort von nisha | 29.11.2016 - 15:39
mach ich wie soll ich das angehen

Beiträge 40293
Antwort von matata | 29.11.2016 - 15:59
Das wird dir helfen
---> siehe Leitfragen vor der Erstellung der Produktbeschreibungen

________________________ - Team

Beiträge 15
Antwort von nisha | 29.11.2016 - 16:42

Beiträge 15
Antwort von nisha | 29.11.2016 - 18:16
In the following, I’m going to describe my product. My product is a hand cream the name is Hand san ‘’2 in 1 Winter Hand creme’’. The hand cream produce in Germany. The brand is 50 years old and the meaning of san is healthy. The price of the cream is 1,25¤ of retail. In the discount, they cost 0,99¤ and at the time of winter it’ s always in offer. The most people they bought it are elderly people or they have dry hands. The cream is a blue white tube. They have a small size and the limited edition big size. The cream coming only on the winter time. The effect of the hand cream is to leave dry and rough winter hands a wonderfully delicate skin feeling. At the same time the hands with the antibacterial active substance are gently cleansed of bacteria. The cream absorbs quickly and provides 24h moisture, and they don’t have alcohol. The cream is skin compatibility dermatologically approved and it is pH skin neutral. U can buy at the all retail for example Rossmann, dm and budni

das ist was ich bis jetzt habe kann einer das nach gucken bitte

Beiträge 40293
Antwort von matata | 29.11.2016 - 23:37
Korrekturvorschlag von Memerur

In the following text, I’m going to describe my product.
My product is a hand cream the name is Hand san ‘2 in 1 Winter Hand crème’. The hand cream is produced in Germany.
The brand is 50 years old and the meaning of san is healthy.
The price of the cream is 1,25¤ in retail.
In the discount, they cost 0,99¤ and at the time of winter it’s always in stock. The most people that bought it are elderly people or people that have dry hands.
The cream is in a blue-white tube.
It has a small size and the limited edition big size.
The cream is only available in winter time.
The effect of the hand cream is to leave your dry and rough winter hands a wonderfully delicate skin feeling.
At the same time your hands are gently cleansed of bacteria with the antibacterial active substance.
The cream absorbs quickly and provides 24h moisture, and it doesn’t have alcohol in it.
The cream’s skin compatibility is dermatologically approved and it is pH skin neutral.
You can buy it at retails for example DM, Rossman and Budni.

________________________ - Team

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