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EuroCom Präsentation, bitte dringend korrigieren

Frage: EuroCom Präsentation, bitte dringend korrigieren
(10 Antworten)

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Ich muss am Montag 07.11.2016 meine Eurocom Präsentation schriftlich abgeben. Ich bin nicht gut in English, kann jmd bitte meinen Text so schnell es geht korrigieren. Habe Motrip als Thema genommen.


Hello my name is Lahoud S., I want to give you a short presentation about Motrip . I`d like to tell you something about “The Life of Motrip , His style of rap, Awards, His best known song and about his Topical projects.

The life of Motrip
MoTrip is a German rapper of Lebanese origin. His pseudonym is derived from his given name and the Arabian word MuTrip for artists. Motrip was born 1988 in Beirut and his right name is Mohamed El Moussaoui .
He grew up in very poor relations. He has fled with his family from Beirut to Germany. Then they are there to Aachen come and live till this day.
He has still an older brother. Motrip is since the 6th class with his wife together, they have recently married. He and his woman got this year a baby. By his older brother Hassan he started to rap and wrote at the age of 15 years his own texts as a model at this time Motrip , Kool Savas which also has roots in Aachen brags. After some published songs and positive resonances various more known rappers on Motrip became attentive. Thus, it came to work together, for example, on publications of the artists Kool Savas , Samy Deluxe, Fler , Massiv , Silla and JokA. In 2011 Motrip signed Music with the label Universally. Then on the 2nd of march 2012 his first album, called “Embryo” came out. Motrip is not only a rapper but also ghostwriter, he has written songs for known rappers like Bushido, Fler and Silla . In 2015 Motrip his second album came out. It means “Mama”. Motrip charted on the third place with the album. His song “So wie du bist ” in the album became known fast and now is the best known song of him. It has in YouTube today 50 million calls.
2. His Style to rap
Motrip is not as well as most German known rappers only about drugs, money or bitches rap. Motrip rapt about everything as for example love, problems et center. He uses in his texts also no insults, because he wants to show the person also without is a matter offending. His texts are pensive.
3. His famous song “So wie du bist “
Motrip famous song is “ So wie du bist “ feat. Lara. The song came out in 2015. He became known fast because one can notice the song to himself well and join in the singing. The song “ So wie du bist “ goes rather in the direction of pop and not rap. While song says he one itself not for other people should change separate as remain as one is. The song belongs with more than 50 million clicks on YouTube to the top 10 of the dung-clicked German songs.
Frage von lahoud9 | am 05.11.2016 - 18:19

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 06.11.2016 - 00:00
MoTrip – (Du solltest Dir einig sein über die korrekte Schreibweise des Namens; Wenn man Deinen Namen ständig fwelsch schreiben würde, würde die das auch nerven, oder?))

Hello my name is Lahoud S., I want to give you a short presentation about MoTrip.
I’d like to tell you something about “The Life of MoTrip, his style of rap, Awards, his best known song and about his topical projects.

The life of MoTrip
MoTrip is a German rapper of Lebanese origin. His pseudonym is derived from his given name and the Arabian word MuTrip for artists. MoTrip was born 1988 in Beirut and his right name is Mohamed El Moussaoui .
He grew up in very poor circumstances. He has fled with his family from Beirut to Germany. Their escape (route) finally finished in Aachen where he and his familiy live since that time.
MoTrip is together with his girlfriend whom he married recently since schooltime . He and his wife became parents this year.
He also has an elder brother called Hassan, by whom he started to rap and wrote his own texts at the age of 15 years.
MoTrip’s idol was Kool Savas who also has his roots in Aachen.
After some published songs and positive resonances various more known rappers became aware of MoTrip. Thus, he cooperated, for example, on publications of the artists Kool Savas , Samy Deluxe, Fler , Massiv , Silla and JokA. In 2011 MoTrip signed Music with the label Universally. Then on the 2nd of march 2012 his first album, called “Embryo” came out. MoTrip is not only a rapper but also ghostwriter, he has written songs for known rappers like Bushido, Fler and Silla. In 2015 MoTrip his second album came out, titled “Mama” which charted on the third place for 16 weeks in Germany and for 20 weeks in Switzerland. His song “So, wie du bist” in the album became rapidly famous and is the best known song of him now. Today it has 50 million calls on YouTube.

2. His Style to rap MoTrip is not as well as most German known rappers only about drugs, money or bitches rap. MoTrip rapped about everything as for example love, problems et center (was soll das bedeuten?). In his texts he also doesn’t use insults, because he wants to show the person also without is a matter offending. His texts are pensive. )Gib die ganze Nr. 2 mal bitte in Deutsch, damit ich verstehe, was Du sagen willst.)

3. His famous song “So wie du bist “ MoTrip famous song is “So wie du bist “ feat. Lary. The song came out in 2015. It (the song) became known quickly because the text is easy to remember and join in the singing. The song “So wie du bist“ is rather more towards the direction of pop and not rap. While song says he one itself not for other people should change separate as remain as one is (verstehe ich nicht…). The song belongs with more than 50 million clicks on YouTube to the top 10 of the dung-clicked (?)German songs. (Auch diesen Absatz bitte mal auf Deutsch… )
Ach ja und sag doch mal bitte, welchen Online-Übersetzer Du für die Passagen, die Du von Wikipedia übernommen hast, verwendet hast. Anscheinend den Google-Übersetzer...

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 05.11.2016 - 20:37
Wenn du schon so schlecht in Englisch bist - warum zum Teufel stellst du deine Frage nicht früher hier ein, damit ein Helfer oder eine Helferin auch noch Zeit hat, sich mit dem Thema vertraut zu machen und Rückfragen zu stellen....?
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 3
Antwort von lahoud9 | 05.11.2016 - 21:29
Dachte es würde Geld kosten...ohhh Mist :(

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 05.11.2016 - 22:09
hier kostet eine Korrektur nichts, bloss ein bisschen Geduld, bis ein Englisch-Experte sich um deinen Text kümmert...
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Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 06.11.2016 - 00:00
MoTrip – (Du solltest Dir einig sein über die korrekte Schreibweise des Namens; Wenn man Deinen Namen ständig fwelsch schreiben würde, würde die das auch nerven, oder?))

Hello my name is Lahoud S., I want to give you a short presentation about MoTrip.
I’d like to tell you something about “The Life of MoTrip, his style of rap, Awards, his best known song and about his topical projects.

The life of MoTrip
MoTrip is a German rapper of Lebanese origin. His pseudonym is derived from his given name and the Arabian word MuTrip for artists. MoTrip was born 1988 in Beirut and his right name is Mohamed El Moussaoui .
He grew up in very poor circumstances. He has fled with his family from Beirut to Germany. Their escape (route) finally finished in Aachen where he and his familiy live since that time.
MoTrip is together with his girlfriend whom he married recently since schooltime . He and his wife became parents this year.
He also has an elder brother called Hassan, by whom he started to rap and wrote his own texts at the age of 15 years.
MoTrip’s idol was Kool Savas who also has his roots in Aachen.
After some published songs and positive resonances various more known rappers became aware of MoTrip. Thus, he cooperated, for example, on publications of the artists Kool Savas , Samy Deluxe, Fler , Massiv , Silla and JokA. In 2011 MoTrip signed Music with the label Universally. Then on the 2nd of march 2012 his first album, called “Embryo” came out. MoTrip is not only a rapper but also ghostwriter, he has written songs for known rappers like Bushido, Fler and Silla. In 2015 MoTrip his second album came out, titled “Mama” which charted on the third place for 16 weeks in Germany and for 20 weeks in Switzerland. His song “So, wie du bist” in the album became rapidly famous and is the best known song of him now. Today it has 50 million calls on YouTube.

2. His Style to rap MoTrip is not as well as most German known rappers only about drugs, money or bitches rap. MoTrip rapped about everything as for example love, problems et center (was soll das bedeuten?). In his texts he also doesn’t use insults, because he wants to show the person also without is a matter offending. His texts are pensive. )Gib die ganze Nr. 2 mal bitte in Deutsch, damit ich verstehe, was Du sagen willst.)

3. His famous song “So wie du bist “ MoTrip famous song is “So wie du bist “ feat. Lary. The song came out in 2015. It (the song) became known quickly because the text is easy to remember and join in the singing. The song “So wie du bist“ is rather more towards the direction of pop and not rap. While song says he one itself not for other people should change separate as remain as one is (verstehe ich nicht…). The song belongs with more than 50 million clicks on YouTube to the top 10 of the dung-clicked (?)German songs. (Auch diesen Absatz bitte mal auf Deutsch… )
Ach ja und sag doch mal bitte, welchen Online-Übersetzer Du für die Passagen, die Du von Wikipedia übernommen hast, verwendet hast. Anscheinend den Google-Übersetzer...

Beiträge 11947
Antwort von cleosulz | 06.11.2016 - 12:25
Ratgeber hat deinen englischen Text größtenteils korrigiert.

Aber offenbar gibt es noch Klärungsbedarf darüber, was du wirklich sagen willst.
=> Beantworte bitte ihre Fragen.
Ggf. vereinfache deine Sätze so, dass man den Inhalt versteht.
=> Google-Übersetzer eignet sich nicht für ein Referat.

Für deine mündliche Eurocom-Prüfung ist jedoch wichtig, dass du deine Präsentation flüssig rüber bringst und auch auf Fragen eine flüssige Antwort findest.

Dabei sind kurze Sätze immer besser, als lange Ausschweifungen. Da macht man leicht Fehler.
Und vor allem musst du dich mit deinem Thema gut auseinander setzen und solltest dich auskennen.
Die mündliche Präsentation lässt sich mit Hilfe der Familie und von Freunden gut üben.

Standardformulierungen kann man üben und auswendig lernen.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 3
Antwort von lahoud9 | 06.11.2016 - 14:13
Nr.2 Er ist nicht so wie die anderen bekannten deutschen Rapper, da er nicht über Drogen, Geld und Schlampen rappt. In seinen Songs beleidigt er keine Leute. Er rappt über das Leben.

Könntest du bitte den Text einfacher schreiben, habe Pons benutzt.

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 06.11.2016 - 14:57
Wenn du den Text selbständig schreibst und die Wörter brauchst, die du kennst, wird der Text von allein einfacher...
Wir schreiben keine Texte für die User.
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Beiträge 11947
Antwort von cleosulz | 06.11.2016 - 15:19
Formulierungshilfen für eine mündliche Präsentation findest du hier:
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Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 06.11.2016 - 17:23
  • Er ist nicht so wie die anderen bekannten deutschen Rapper, da er nicht über Drogen, Geld und Schlampen rappt: He is not the same way like other well known German rappers, because the topics he raps are not drugs, money and bitches ( wobei ich mich schwer tue, diesen abwertenden Begriff zu verwenden, immerhin ist es eine Prüfung…; vielleicht kannst Du Dir die Übersetzung „slut“ merken ).
  • In seinen Songs beleidigt er keine Leute: MoTrip doesn’t insult any person in his songs.
  • Er rappt über das Leben: In his raps he tells about life.

Beiträge 4
Antwort von Held23 | 01.12.2016 - 17:26
Bin hier gerade drüber gestolpert? Bist du jetzt durch mit dem Thema?

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