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Ist das so grammatikalisch richtig?

Frage: Ist das so grammatikalisch richtig?
(2 Antworten)

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England is a country of origin of football. Here are the rules in the year 1863 foundet.

It was quite normal that the girls soccer played.
The first football match of the footballers,was England North
Against south was on the 23.March ,1895 with almost 10.000 spectators held.But ,the girls wear no shorts and t-shirts .
But they wear skirts and knee socks and she had to wear hat`s.Than`s only "decent" for women`s Football.But in year 1921 was in England forbidden to Woman Play in The Stadiums.
The reason for that was that Football not for womens be suitable and therefore not for womens be suitable and therefore not Supported Should be.49year womens Football in uk agian allowed to Play in Stadiums.
Frage von Annabell32 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 25.09.2016 - 20:55

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Antwort von matata | 25.09.2016 - 21:43
Mit der Gross - Kleinschreibung hapert es ziemlich, und auch die Satzstellung ist mehr Deutsch als Englisch.

Wie heisst eigentlich die Aufgabe? Und gib es einen Text als Ausgang für diese Aufgabe?

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Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 25.09.2016 - 22:40
England is the country of origin of football / the motherland of football .
Here the rules are founded in 1863.
It was quite normal that the girls played soccer.
The first football match in England between women took place on March 23th, 1895 between England-North and England-South with almost 10.000 spectators.
To preserve appearances the girls wore short skirts above knickerbockers and hats instead of shorts and T-Shirts.
But since December 1921 women in England were no longer allowed to play football in the stadiums because football wouldn’t be suitable and therefore shouldn’t be promoted.
49 years later women in the UK again were allowed to play football in stadiums.

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