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Beiträge 35
Ich muss folgende Karikatur: im Englischen analysieren. Ich habe mich jetzt auch daran versucht, allerdings bräuchte ich noch jemanden, der mir das kontrollieren kann. Ich bedanke mich schon einmal recht herzlich für Eure Mühe und würde mich über Verbesserungsvorschläge freuen. Es handelt sich um folgenden englischen Text:

The cartoon was drawn by cartoonist Adams. I believe that the illustaration shows Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarcozy on a steamroller. The steamroller is going off the end of a cliff. There expression is horrified. Behind the steamroller fixed on a rope is a little box, or a little trolley and he was towed. In the box I believe there is David Cameron. He raised his finger in the air with the message “I am the boss and you must do this things I would like.

The steamroller would like to symbolize the euro. The euro is a big part of the roller. I believe that the end of the cliff would like to symbolize the downfall about the euro. The cartoonist shows that Merkel and Sarkozy are strong enough to save the euro and David Cameron on rather the UK is not a part of the Eurozone.

I believe there is no end in sight. After the euro crisis I believe 2011 is another crisis. The Greece and Spain crisis. After the new election in Greece being all the old. The strongest countries for example Germany lacing more billions packages and this is the mistake. This countries let drag always into the debt crisis.
Frage von flagflag | am 26.10.2015 - 17:07

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