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English Bewerbung korriegieren

Frage: English Bewerbung korriegieren
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 7
Dear Sirs orMesdames,   
I hereby applyfor a work experience. 
I’m16 years old and I’m currently attending the 11 class of the *** in ***, which I will finish with the advanced technical certificate in 2017.
I speak English, French and Russian and I frequently work as a volunteer helper in church.

My interests lay on my A-Level-Courses Geography and German.
As a part on the work experience, I want to take the opportunity to have a look into the British Cultures and the practical worklife.

I was born on the 14th of November 1998 andI have an older Sister. My mother is an old people nurse and my father is a projectmanager. I also like it to travelling, modelling and to go to the Gym.

I’m very open-minded and I’m don’t afraid to reach strangers. I’m receptive, friendly, communicative, flexible and adaptive. I’m a teamplayer, but I also can work independently, in addition I have experience with the handling of a Computer.
I want to study medicine in the Area of Dermatologic or Photography, So I´m interested in a Placement in these Areas.

I would be glad if I would be convenient to have a placement in the north of London, because our group will be accommodated in Wembley. 

I look forward to hear from you.   

 Yours sincerely,    
Frage von jsica | am 27.09.2015 - 19:13

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 27.09.2015 - 22:55
Dear Sirs or_Madams,   
I hereby apply_for a work experience.
(an internship)
I’m 16 years old and I’m currently attending the 11th class of the *** in ***, which I will finish with the advanced technical certificate in 2017.
I speak (fluent?) English, French and Russian and I frequently work as a volunteer helper in church. My mother language is XXX.

My interests lay I am most interested in my A-Level-Courses Geography and German. As a part on the work experience, I want to take the opportunity to have a look into the British Cultures and the practical everyday working life.

I was born on the 14 th  of November 1998 and I have an older sister. My mother is an old people nurse and my father is a project_manager. I also like it to travelling, modelling and to go to the gym.

I’m very open-minded and I’m not afraid to reach (?) strangers. I’m receptive, friendly, communicative, flexible and adaptive. I’m a teamplayer, but I also can work independently, in addition I have experience with the handling of computers. --> BITTE BEISPIELE EINFÜGEN
I want to study medicine in the area of dermatology or photography, so I´m interested in a placement in these areas.

I would be glad if I would be convenient to have a placement in the north of London, because our group will be accommodated in Wembley.  

I look forward to hear from you.    

Yours sincerely,

Kommentar: Recht einfaches Sprachniveau. Vielleicht schaust du dir noch einmal eine Englische Musterbewerbung aus unserem Archiv an (siehe rechte Spalte). Viel Erfolg!
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