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The australian Connection - Antworten auf Fragen gesucht

Frage: The australian Connection - Antworten auf Fragen gesucht
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Beiträge 4
Kann mir jmd die Folgenden fragen beantworten auf englisch und übersetzt auf Deutsch ? Von das buch The australian Connection

Chapter 1:
a) What had Alex been waiting for for sight weeks ?
b)What had his mother promised him ?
c)How long is it since he last saw his father ?
d)What did Tom send Alex with his letter ?
Chapter 2:
e)Why was Alex angry when Tom`s wife told him about Tom when she picked him up at Sidney airport ?
Chapter 3:
f)Why did Alex put off his return to Sydney twice during his time wirh the William`s family ?
g)What problems did the band have on the way back to sydney ? 
h)How did Alex feel when he saw Tom`s face in the crowd ?
Frage von Yasser2 | am 20.05.2015 - 16:48

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