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Englisch kleine Übung

Frage: Englisch kleine Übung
(1 Antwort)

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Ich habe eine Englisch Aufgabe auf, die benotet wird. Ich bitte um Korrektur. Es geht um die Zeiten und passive voice, es war ein Text, wo man einige Wörter in die richtige Zeit setzen musste. Die fettgedruckten Wörter sind meine Lösungen, aber ich weiß nicht, ob die stimmen, würde deswegen um Korrektur bitten. Ich bitte auch, nicht nur die Form zu korrigieren, sondern auch zu schauen, ob die Zeiten richtig sind, wenn möglich.

1. New Zealand was once part of the British Empire. It became (become) fully independent in 1947.
2. The country grew (grow) a lot of fruit and vegetables. Sheep farming is also important. There are at least ten times as many sheep as people. New Zealand is known (know) as the world`s biggest farm.
3. Many of New Zealands products had been bought (buy) by the British, but that changed when Britain joined (join) the European Community in 1973. Since then New Zealand have been trade (trade) more with Australia and South-East Asia.
3. The country`s official languages are English and Maori. Since the 1970s Maoris is being teached (teach) in schools with Maori students.
4. Women have been allowed (allow) to vote since 1893. At that time, women diese Lücke habe ich nicht (not/give) this right in any other country in the world.
5. New Zealand is only a little larger than the UK, so the main places can be visited (can/visit) withous too much travelling.
6. Sport is big in New Zealand. The rugbay team is called (call) the All Blacks. Before each international game the players performe (performe) a war dance. Usually the dance is led (lead) by a Maori member of the team.
Frage von ellaschwarz (ehem. Mitglied) | am 01.12.2016 - 14:14

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 01.12.2016 - 17:53
ich habe nur die von mir korrigierten Passagen (fett gedruckt) genommen; der Rest ist meines Erachtens ok. 2. The country grows (sie machen es ja heute noch) a lot of fruit and vegetables.

3. Since then New Zealand trades (reicht ja bis in die Gegenwart; vielleicht auch is trading) more with Australia and South-East Asia.
4 . Since the 1970s Maoris is being taught (simple past = taught; past participle = taught) in schools with Maori students.
5 . Women are allowed (gilt doch auch heute noch) to vote since 1893. At that time, women were not given this right in any other country in the world.
6 . New Zealand is only a little larger than the UK, so the main places can be visited without (kleiner Ausrutscher auf der Tastatur?) too much travelling.
7 . The rugby team is called the All Blacks.

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