Suche eine Kontrolle {Grammatik,Sprache&Rechtschreibung)
Frage: Suche eine Kontrolle {Grammatik,Sprache&Rechtschreibung)(6 Antworten)
Würde mich über eine Kontrolle freunen (Grammatik und Sprache und Rechtschreibungg !) Danke ![]() Hallo Leute ich muss eine Film analyse schreiben Plot summary -Credits: when/where made, names of peopl involved -Opinion on:acting,castings, characters,effects,camera work, music , setting , story -Themes/message/ -Overfall effecr... -Recommendation:strenghts/weakness -Find a way of attracting your readers attention ar the beginning -Dont spoil the film for others by giving away too much of the story or saying how it ends The Day After Tomorrow "Alles was mir je wichtig war, wofür ich gearbeitet habe, das alles war für eine Zukunft, die es jetzt nicht mehr gibt." Das soll ein Zitat für den Anfang sein...Intresse...Kann jmd mir es ins Englsiche übersetzen...fällt mir schwerr The film ,,The Day After Tomorrow“ is a 2004 climate fiction-disaster film, which is showing the dangers and consequences of global warming. The film was made in Toronto and have a lot a special music effects by Harald Klostern. I would to recommend aynone whom the film, beauce he has in my opinion neither weaknesses. The film ist the best disaster film of all time through the grandiose technical effects. Impressive is the breaking the polar ice sheet at the beginning. The film shouldn´t and couldn´t assessed like any other- because when the film provides good entertainment, so he tries us to tell principal :Take care of yourselves lest equally fares ! („Passt auf damit es euch nicht genauso ergeht!“) |
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 25.01.2015 - 16:24 |
Antwort von Ratgeber | 25.01.2015 - 21:18 |
Ich habe nur Dein "Angebot" korrigiert bzw. ergänzt: The film ,,The Day AfterTomorrow“ is a 2004 climate fiction-disaster film , The movie, produced by Roland Emmerich („Independence Day“), is about the dramatic climate change, which leads the whole northern hemisphere into a second glacial period, and a desperate father, a paleoclimatologist just working in New Delhi, who wants to save his son from/out of the icy wastes of New York. In the background a hospital physican acts, who remains for a mand worries, rather than removing to a safe place against the storm. The film depicts/describes catastrophic climate effects in an extreme weather and the actors are Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ian Holm, Emmy Rossum and Sela Ward. The film was made in Toronto and has a lot of special music effects composed by Harald Klostern. I would recommend this film/movie to everybody, because it has in my opinion neither weaknesses (wenn Du neither verwendest, fehlt das nor | neither – nor = weder - noch, also fehlt was…). The film is the best disaster film of all time by the use of the grandiose/fantastic technical effects. Impressive is the breaking of the polar ice sheet at the beginning. The film shouldn´t and can´t be judged like any other, because the it provides good entertainment as well as it tries to tell us principally: Take care of yourselves, so you do not fare as well! Nun zu dem Auftrag und was Du daraus gemacht hast:
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Antwort von Genie_0 (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.01.2015 - 20:32 |
Leute Brauche wirklich Hilfe....freu mich über jede Korrektur dankee |
Antwort von matata | 25.01.2015 - 20:45 |
Bloss nicht spamen.... An einem Sonntag kann man auch noch anderes machen, als deine Englisch-Aufgaben korrigieren. Wenn es pressiert, dann fang halt früher an damit ![]() ________________________ - Team |
Antwort von Genie_0 (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.01.2015 - 20:47 |
Musste halt andere Aufagaben machen ![]() |
Antwort von Ratgeber | 25.01.2015 - 21:18 |
Ich habe nur Dein "Angebot" korrigiert bzw. ergänzt: The film ,,The Day AfterTomorrow“ is a 2004 climate fiction-disaster film , The movie, produced by Roland Emmerich („Independence Day“), is about the dramatic climate change, which leads the whole northern hemisphere into a second glacial period, and a desperate father, a paleoclimatologist just working in New Delhi, who wants to save his son from/out of the icy wastes of New York. In the background a hospital physican acts, who remains for a mand worries, rather than removing to a safe place against the storm. The film depicts/describes catastrophic climate effects in an extreme weather and the actors are Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Ian Holm, Emmy Rossum and Sela Ward. The film was made in Toronto and has a lot of special music effects composed by Harald Klostern. I would recommend this film/movie to everybody, because it has in my opinion neither weaknesses (wenn Du neither verwendest, fehlt das nor | neither – nor = weder - noch, also fehlt was…). The film is the best disaster film of all time by the use of the grandiose/fantastic technical effects. Impressive is the breaking of the polar ice sheet at the beginning. The film shouldn´t and can´t be judged like any other, because the it provides good entertainment as well as it tries to tell us principally: Take care of yourselves, so you do not fare as well! Nun zu dem Auftrag und was Du daraus gemacht hast:
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Antwort von Genie_0 (ehem. Mitglied) | 25.01.2015 - 21:20 |
Danke^^ Würdest du mir empfhelen, das der Lehrerin abzugeben... nein oder ;) |
Antwort von Ratgeber | 28.01.2015 - 20:29 |
ehrliche Antwort: wenn Deine Englischnote davon abhängt - NEIN! In meiner letzten Übersicht habe ich Dir verdeutlicht, dass Du 3 von 7 Anforderungen in Deiner Filmanalyse vollkommen ignoriert hast. Für einige nicht abgearbeitete Punkte findest Du hier Informationen... |
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