Sind die 2 Lebensläufe richtig ?
Frage: Sind die 2 Lebensläufe richtig ?(2 Antworten)
1 Lebenslauf als Reporterin Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing in reaply to your advertisement in "Freies Wort" of 12 January 2015. I wm 19 years old and I will be talking my school - leaving examination in July 2015 which I hope to pass with good results. After leaving school i am interested in finding an apprenticeship in the reporting buisiness. I fell that a carer in reporting eould suit may interest in writing report and articles. I have been a member of a computer and a phozoclub for several year. I have already gained considerable experience eith word processing snd talking and developing photos. I would be grateful if you were able to consider me for an apprenticeship Please find enclosed my curriculum vitae, photocopy of my last school year and the name and addresses of two referees. I should be glad to attend an Interview at any time which will suit you. I look forward zo hearing from you Yours faithfully, STEFEZIUS Sarah Stefezius Encl. : CV copy last school report 2 Lebenslauf als au - pair Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing in reaply to your advertisiment in" Freies Wort" of 10 th January 2015. I would like to apply for the post an au - pair. I am 19 years old snd I will be taking my school - leaving examination in July 2015 which I hope to pass witch good results. After leaving school I am interested in finding in the au psir buisiness. After finishing school, I eould like to stay in Great Britain for one year. I fell that a post as an au pair would suit my interests. I like working with childreen snd have already gained a lot of experience I have teo younger brothers who I often look after. I mske the breakfast for them, play eith them and help with thrm homework. I been a member of a working club for 5 years. I can cook really well and know a lot of recipes. Therefore, I would be very grateful if you were sble zo consider. Please and enclosed my Curriculum vitae, a photocopy of my last school report and the nsmes and address of two referees. I would be very crateful for the opportunity of a personal interview. I look forward zo hearing from you. Yours faithfully, STEFEZIUS Sarah Stefezius, Encl. : Cv photocopy andof school reporting Sind die Bewerbungsschreiben in Ordnung auch von der Rechtschreibung her ? LG Melone 1995 |
Frage von Melone1995 | am 18.01.2015 - 19:21 |
Antwort von Ratgeber | 18.01.2015 - 21:29 |
zu 1: Bewerbung auf Ausbildungsstelle zur Reporterin Dear Sir or Madam! Referring to your advertisement in "Freies Wort" on 12 January 2015, I would like to apply for an apprenticeship in reporting at your agency. I am 19 years old and will take my school-leaving examination in July 2015 (den Zusatz würde ich nicht bringen. My special interests are writing reports and articles and as a member of a computerand a photoclub for several years I have already gained considerable experiences with word processing, taking and developing photos . Please find enclosed my curriculum vitae, photocopy of my last schoolyear and the name and addresses of two referees. I would be grateful if you considered my appliance and will be available for an interview at all times . Looking forward to your reply Yours faithfully, STEFEZIUS Sarah Stefezius Encl. : CV copy last school report |
Antwort von Ratgeber | 18.01.2015 - 21:55 |
zu 2 Dear Sir or Madam, referring to your advertisement in "Freies Wort" on 10 th January 2015, I would like to apply for the post of an au - pair. I am 19 years old and I will be taking my school-leaving examination in July 2015 and after leaving school I am interested in finding a job in the aupair buisiness. After finishing school, I would like to stay in Great Britain for one year, because I feel that a post as an au pair would suit my interests such as working with children. Since I have two younger brothers, I have already gained a lot of experience, like making breakfast for them, play with them and help with their homework. While being a member of a working club for 5 years, I can cook really well and know a lot of recipes and would like to make use of all these skills as an au pair in a family in Great Britain. I would be grateful if you considered my appliance and will be available for a personal interview at all times. Please find enclosed my Curriculum vitae, a photocopy of my last school report two references. Looking forward toyour reply Yours faithfully, STEFEZIUS Sarah Stefezius Encl. : Cv photocopy andofschool reporting |
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