Kanada: Politisches System - Referat bitte kontrollieren
Frage: Kanada: Politisches System - Referat bitte kontrollieren(1 Antwort)
Hallo liebe Community, ich würde mich freuen wenn ihr meinen Referat-text auf sprachliche Richtigkeit überprüfen könntet. ![]() Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe und die investierte Zeit MfG Hannes123 The political system of canada Introduction: The political system of Canada is a constitutional monarchy and trough the colonial influence similar to the Westminster model. The government in Canada is similar to Germany divided in 3 levels. Responsible for the whole state is The federal government. The second level is the Provincial and the territorial government The third level is municipal government, which cares about the local matters. The federal government Topics that affect national matters like national and international security policy, and trade relations, immigration, the media and the financial sector are controlled by the federal government. The head of state is Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada and she is represented by the Governor General. The governor general only got formal tasks and no influence on the government. The political system in Canada is a two chamber system which is the House of Commons and the Senate. The House of Commons makes the laws in Canada. The members of the House of Commons are elected directly by the Canadians and are called members of parliament. The biggest party forms the government and its leader becomes the prime minister. Or a minority government is formed as a coalition of smaller parties. The prime minister is the head of the government is appointed by the governor general. The prime minister holds in the executive power. Once in office he chooses the ministers and builds the cabinet, which forms the government. The senate reviews the laws that are proposed by the House of Commons. The senate are appointed by the governor general on advice of the prime minister and there are a certain number of senators from every province. Provincial government The responsibilities of the provincial government is the provincial constitution, the provincial taxation, criminal and property law, public land and its resources At the provincial level the lieutenant governor represents the queen. The Legislative assembly is elected by the people of the province and the most presented party sets the head of the government, the premier. The premier leads the government and chooses the members of the cabinet. The cabinet sets government policy and handle in their own legislative designs to the legislative assembly. Municipal government: Residents of the municipality elect the mayor and council members to lead the local government. Committees of councillors discuss budget, service and administrative issues that are then passed on to the council for debate Party system of Canada Liberal Party of Canada The Liberals are the longest-running political party and the most historically successful. The party started as the party for French-Canadians and Catholics in the early colonial period. During the late 19 th centuries they became a more centrist party standing in for British liberal values of free market and personal responsibility, as well as tolerant relations between French and English Canadians. Pierre Trudeau as prime minister stood in for a good relation between Anglophones and Francophone and injected the official bilingualism. Today, the Liberal Party portrays itself as a party that is fiscally conservative, but socially progressive. They are strongly supportive of abortion rights, gay marriage and ample immigration, but also favour a largely unregulated free market. The leader of the party is Trudeau´s son Justin Trudeau. The New Democratic Party The NPD has got his origin in the time of the great depression. The NPD was a strict socialist party and followed the doctrinaire Marxism. They were elected by people on the furthest left like union bosses, street protesters, and anti-capitalist academics, but rarely the broad middle class. Nowadays the NPD stands for a Social Democracy and an economy that is regulated but not ruled by the government. In consequence of this the electorate grown. At the election 2011 they increased their seats from 37 to 102. Much of This success was credited to the very popular and charismatic leader Jack Layton. The Progressive Conservative Party The Progressive Conservative Party was, until 2006, the only party other than the Liberals that ever governed Canada. Historically, it defined itself as the party of loyalty to England, English-Canadians and English culture in general. Much as the Liberals changed to a more left standpoint under Pierre Trudeau the PC under the leadership of Brian Mulroney became more right. His administration called for lower taxes, deregulation, and privatization of government services in order to generate greater wealth and prosperity. The reform Party: In the 1980 a lot of conservative Canadians felt Mulroney was not right wing enough. They called him a ,, conservative in name only´´ and found that he was actually continuing the high spending, high-taxing policy of his forerunners. The party was founded 1887 and ate into much of the old PC base and elected a lot of hard-line conservatives to the Parliament. In consequence of Mulroney’s resignation 1993 the party shifted further and further left. Because the fact of having 2 conservative party splits the right-vote und keeping the liberals in power the two parties in 2003 decided to merge into a new party the Conservative Party of Canada. This wise decision shows of at the next election 2006 when Stephen Harper the leader of the united party was elected prime minister The Bloc Quebecois: As we know from the English lessons in the province Quebec is a big amount of the residents for separation. Founded in 1990 by Lucien Bouchard, a former Progressive Conservative cabinet minister, the Bloc was Canada’s first federal political party which openly support Quebec separatism, and remained the most popular political party in the province until very recently. The Bloc Quebecois only got candidates in Quebec and because of this the party will never form a government. But this isn’t really the point, because the just want to defend the interests of Quebec. Ideologically, the Bloc is quite left-wing, not very surprising considering that Quebec is said to be the most left-wing region in all of North America. From 1993 to 2011 the Bloc always was the third biggest party in the parliament. But in the election 2011 they fall from 49 seats to 5 seats. The Green Party The Green Party is a relatively new party and was elected first to the parliament in 2011. After the foundation the Greens just stood for awareness of the environment and had not many other political issues. Under Elizabeth May the current leader the party moved away from the environment as its only issue and tries to market itself as a centrist party. But despite of the breakthrough at the election 2011 the party is not that known in big parts of the society. It will show in the future whether the party is actually offering a clear new option to voters The election 2011: The election in 2011 was triggered because the minority government of the Conservative Party of Prime Minister Stephen Harper lost a confidence vote. The confidence vote was applied by the Liberals in reaction of several mistakes of the government and the Liberals of cause also saw a chance of bettering their position in parliament. The outcome of the election was special on several ways. With an overall voter turnout of 61.4% the Conservative Party remained in power. The Conservatives moved from a minority to a majority government by winning 166 of the 308 seats. The New Democratic Party won the largest number of seats in their history, including a large majority of seats in Quebec. Before this election in Quebec had always been elected fewer then two candidates. They formed the Official Opposition for the first time. The Liberal Party won the fewest seats in their history and the leader of the party Michael Ignatieff was let out from the office. So the confidence vote seems to be a not very clever act. The Bloc Québécois, which had always won at least a majority of seats in Quebec in every election of their existence, lost nearly all their seats. They even lost their official party status. The leader of the Party Gilles Duceppe left the office Green Party leader Elizabeth May became the first Member of Parliament elected to represent the Green party. Summary of the election 2011: All in All the outcome of the election is very interesting. The Conservatives und Stephen Harper strengthen their political position immensely. The New Democracy Party underwent a great upturn which inter alia went on the cost of The Bloc Quebecois. The Liberals recorded the biggest defeat in their history and the Green party the first time showed presence in the parliament. In my opinion the political constellation in Canada seems to be really lively and in change. There are many surprising results and one can be exited whether Liberals continue their downward trend, the New Democracy Party masters it to convince further voters, the Green Party can be a solid member of the parliament and whether the Bloc Quebecois and his idea of separatism still got a place in the Canadian society. |
Frage von Hannes1234 | am 11.11.2014 - 15:10 |
Antwort von Hannes1234 | 11.11.2014 - 15:11 |
ForeignPolicy In the post war years Canada became a well regardednegotiation partner. Ministers of Foreign Affairs Louis St. Laurentand since 1948 under Lester B. Pearson Canada took influence on theformulation of the UN Charter and the formation of important UN agencies, Over more Canada affected the NATO Treaty andparticipated in the Korean War. All this fact formed the self-understanding ofthe Canadian Foreign Policy. One big credit of the foreign policy of Canada was the successful mediation between theconflicting parties in the Suezcrisis in 1956. This action brings together all elements ofCanadian diplomacy of those years. Mediation prevented a nuclear exchange betweenEast and West and enabled a retreat for the French and British governmentswithout a loss of face and strengthens the UN. For the Supervision of the ceasefire in thiscrisis a multinational troop’s contingent was used on the initiative of Canada. This new model of conflict containment proved tobe very efficient and will be used also in the future. Since then the BlueHelmets Canadian soldiers in peacekeeping missions are a trademark of theCanadian foreign policy. Until today it has lost none of its attraction. The mediation in Suez shows the role of the Canadian foreignpolicy and personifies its character. All Canadian governments pursue a multilateralforeign policy which searches a compromise which includes the interest of all negotiationpartners. Such a Solution is always better then a forcedsolution. All participating states are responsibility for compliance once foundsolution. All Canadian governments have a particularinterest in the peaceful ending of crises and conflicts and the disbarment ofstates. Canada has alwaysbelonged to the "Western States" and was always a close ally of the United States, butwas neutral during the East conflict, which turned out to be wise from a present-dayperspective. After the end of the East-West conflict in 1990 Canada wasamong the countries who shaped the world policy. The concept of human security was introduced bythe foreign minister Lloyd Axworthy and is an essential element ofCanadian foreign policy in the 1990s. Its characteristic lies in the fact that no moresecurity and Stability of states is the focus, but the safetyof the people. This minor change of perspective produced a global humanitarianresponsibility and not only to the own people. That sets of new priorities forthe Foreign, Security and Development policy. A significant of a successfulpolicy of Human security is, the witch the Canadian participationenforced prohibition of anti-personnel mines in the Ottawa protocol. In my opinion this principles are indispensableand should be followed by every country in the world: |
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