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Hilfe beim Motivationstext für einen Amerika austausch

Frage: Hilfe beim Motivationstext für einen Amerika austausch
(1 Antwort)

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Hey :D Ich will dieses Jahr beim Amerika austausch mitmachen und dafür muss ich ein Motivationstext schreiben. (hab das noch nie gemacht und weiß zum größten teil nicht was man darin schreiben sollte...)

Wäre nett wenn mir jemand sagen kann was ich verbessern könnte oder ob der text überhaupt gut ist.

Why excactly I should should go to the America student exchange

Hello,my name is ... and here I tell you why excactly I should go to theAmerica student exchange.But first some information about me. My name is ..., I `m … years old, and I live in a House in ..., a little village next to .... In my freetime I play tennis and piano.

And here are some reasons why I should be a part of the student exchange.

The first point why I should go to the exchange is that I have experience about student exchanges because I did last year a French exchange. So I know what to do with a guest from another country like what we can do or what I can show him about the Black Forest or Germany when he has freetime. I know too how to be like at his Family and what I can do at his school (maybe a short presentation about me or Germany).And from the French exchange I learned that I `m not allowed to dostupid or dangerous things when we do a tour in another country orwhen I `m at his Family.

A second point is that when I was in class 7 there was a exchange to London and I couldn`t go to London because they made a lottery of the people who wanted to go to London and I think it isn`t so good because till now I hadnt` really contact to peopel which language is english

Anotherthing is that I ever wanted to go to America and I ever wanted tolearn something about the American way of Live and I ever wanted to have a view at a normal american school day. And I ever wanted to see something about the culture of America and typical american food. And I could improve my english a lot because I could learn english from peopel who have english as their mother language.

So if you choose me you can `t do anything wrong. Please really thinkabout it, because it would make me verry happy if I would be a part of the America/German student exchange.  
Frage von Nico12 | am 27.10.2014 - 14:19

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Antwort von matata | 27.10.2014 - 15:02
Tipps und Muster für das Motivationsschreiben findest du hier:

Englisch: Korrekturvorschläge

Klavier spielen / to play the piano / to perform on the piano

Tennis spielen / to play tennis

Freizeit / spare time
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