Englisch-Mündliche Prüfung (Text Wort-Wörtlich)
Frage: Englisch-Mündliche Prüfung (Text Wort-Wörtlich)(4 Antworten)
Hallo ich brauche deine Hilfe in Englisch mal wieder bitte, danke schon mal im Vorraus. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BITTTE BITTE BITTE brauche dringend HILFE |
Frage von snarface | am 14.06.2014 - 17:35 |
Antwort von Ratgeber | 14.06.2014 - 22:46 |
Hello, I would like to tell you about my latest presentation in Religion last month. The topic of it / Its topic was "Islam", and I chose it because I considered it to be interesting. I have a friend with this religion and I also visited countries where Islam is the main religion. The aim of the task was to research and write down the important facts in a handout for the class and the teacher. Therefore I collected pictures and looked for informations in a library, in the internet and asked my friend about the topic, too. For the making of my handout – researching, writing and constructing a Powerpoint-Presentation - I needed 90 minutes all together and another 45 minutes for learning by heart ( auswendig lernen). I had a few problems with the quantity of informations that I found online because I was only allowed to talk 7 to 10 minutes - no longer or shorter – and I almost overstepped the limit of the prescribed time…. Finally, the result of my presentation was, that I got a good grade on it! |
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.06.2014 - 07:45 |
Zitat: Au weia! Jeder Englisch-"Experte" sollte wissen, das "information" ein Singular-Wort ist! |
Antwort von snarface | 15.06.2014 - 11:14 |
Danke nochmal für eure Antworten! Habe es aber nochmal von jemand anderen überarbeiten lassen und das denke werde ich eher nehmen, werde aber trotzdem von euch einfließen lassen. So sieht der Text jetzt aus Hello, I would like to talk about my presentation last month about religion. The main topic of my presentation was `Islam`, and I chose this topic because I think it is interesting. I have a friend that practices this religion, and I have visited countries where this is the main religion as well. The goals of this task were to research and talk about the important facts, and make a handout for the class and the teacher. Another goal was to make the presentation 7 to 10 minutes long, and not go under or above that limit. Now I come to the steps of how I produced this presentation. First, I researched information on the Internet and took notes. After that I wrote everything down and organized it for the presentation. At the end I collected pictures and created my power point, finished the handout for the class, and studied my notes. For the research and studying, I needed 45 minutes. For the presentation I needed the limit of the prescribed time which was ten minutes, and for the structure I needed 90 minutes. The result of my presentation was a good grade, and an increased knowledge of this subject. The sources of my research were the Internet, books from the library, and also knowledge from my friend. I had no partner for this project, because I like to work alone, and a partner would just slow me down. Finally, I come to the problems that I encountered during this project. The first problem was finding the important facts. It was not very easy for me. I also happened to speak too long during my presentation, and almost exceeded the time limit. |
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.06.2014 - 12:51 |
Zitat:Wenn dieser "jemand" sich auf einer Internetseite we e-hausi oder gutefrage.net verbirgt, würde ich gern seine Adresse erfahren. |
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