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Beispiel einer Realschul-Abschlussarbeit im Fach Englisch

Alles zu Grammatik und Vokabeln

Beispiel einer Abschlussarbeitung (Realschule, Englisch)

Bildungsgang Realschule
Stand: 15. September 2003

A. Listening comprehension
Listen to the text and then answer the following questions. You’ll hear the text twice.
What sort of information is it? Tick the correct answer.
It is a report. It is an advertisement. It is part of the news. / 2 p.
What is it all about? Which is the answer that fits best?
It is about a trip around Europe. It is about holidays in general. It is about a travel magazine. It is about a trip to New England. /2 p.
Which of the following words and expressions have you heard in the text? Again, tick the correct answers.
breathtaking scenery hot spot flying all inclusive city breaks special trips on sale / 3 p.
4.) Which information in detail can you remember? (Do not use any of the words of number 3 again) - write down phrases, words or sentences.
/ 5 p.

B. Reading Comprehension
Read the following text and work on the tasks given.
So what is a year out all about?
A year out between school or college and higher education and a job can offer you an exciting, challenging and valuable opportunity, be it in the UK or overseas. It can and probably will enrich your life forever, aside from broadening your view of the world and those around you – providing you plan your time wisely and carefully, consider your longer term personal goals!
How you choose to spend your year out is up to you!
It can make a big statement about you as a person. If properly planned, a year out can say as much about you as an individual, as any set of exam results ever can! So what you do in your year out is vital! The idea of hanging around at home doing a bit of temporary work, or bumming around the world with a backpack and a few mates, may seem tempting at first glance. In reality it can rapidly end up in disillusionment. And certainly just finding exotic ways of spending your own or your parents' hard earned cash, will do little to convince people of your future goals!
But you can still have a lot of fun as well as a sense of achievement.
To help you make your choice, a group of leading year out organisations have come together to offer you the benefit of the collective experience of hundreds of former participants on a wide range of different year out opportunities.

What can I do?
With opportunities as long as your arm, you have the choice! For example, you can be a volunteer in the UK or overseas, live abroad on a cultural exchange, take part in an expedition, join a work experience opportunity, learn a new skill on a course.
And for how long?
Anything from a few weeks to a year!
Where can I go?
You choose it! It can be … almost anywhere in the world!
(Internet / gap year ca. 320 words)
Use the information from the text to form five correct and meaningful sentences.Match letters and numbers.
A A year out 1 is always for a year. B During the year out 2 is part of school life. C You can learn lots of new things 3 can be taken after school. D This is an opportunity for you 4 while you stay in your country or spend time in almost all countries in the world. E It can be important for your personal life and personal growth 5 while you go to university. 6 if it is a waste of money. 7 if you plan it properly. 8 you learn about different aspects of life.

A B C D E / 5 p.
Which of these adjectives describe the text “So what is a gap year all about?” best? Choose at least one. Explain your choice.
informative, critical, manipulative, creative, attractive, misleading, helpful
............................................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................……………………………………………………………………………………………………….............................................................................................................................................
/ 4 p.
Find the words in the text which mean
a) the same as
thrilling chance feeling that you learn more and improve
b) the opposite of
full time job individual live at home
/ 6 p.
Write five key sentences about the text. Give the main ideas.
/ 5 p. C. Text production
Write a short essay (about 100 words). Choose one of the given topicsCount the words.
If you could take a gap year what would you like to do? Explain your choices.
How do you think people will travel in the future? (Will people travel at all? Where will they go? How will they go there? What will most of them do in their holidays?, ... )
Describe your hobby. (When did you start it? Why did you choose it? What is so fascinating about it? Where do you see disadvantages, dangers ... ?)
/ 15 p. D. Language practice

Look up the German word „zu“ in your dictionary and translate:
Sie hat eine CD zu ihrem Geburtstag bekommen. 
Sie waren zu viert. 
Das Spiel endete zwei zu zwei. 
/ 3.p.
The answers below are taken from an interview with a girl who has just come back from a year out. Write down four questions which the reporter could have asked her.
What's your name?
Sandra Koslovski.
I'm from the UK, Birmingham that is.
Well, actually, I heard a report about year-out-organisations on the radio. They gave addresses, and so I sent them mails to get some more information.
I went to a kindergarten in Bavaria.
I worked with children. You know, play with them, help them with their everyday routines, and so on. / 4p.
Fill in the correct verb form or find a suitable preposition (prep.).
Joanne, a gap year student, calls her friend. This is the conversation.
Lu: Hello, this is 135790.
Joanne: Hi, Lu! It’s me, Joanne.
Lu: Hi, Joanne. Nice to hear ……………………. (prep.) you again. How are you?
Joanne: Thanks, fantastic. Thanks ……………………. (prep.) your mail last night.I would like to ask you something. I ……………………. (have) a job interview tomorrow afternoon. There is a restaurant where I live and they are looking ……………………. (prep.) a part-time waitress for Saturday nights.
Lu: Sounds good! That’s what you ……………………. (do) last year at the Chinese Garden here in town. But how can I help you?
Joanne: I wonder if you could contact them and ask them if they could fax or mail me a reference. If I ……………………. (get) the job I ............................................. (save) some money for the short trip we talked ……………………. (prep.) last time.
Lu: No problem, I’ll do that for you. I’ll make sure that it ……………………. (send) to you in time.
Joanne: That would be great: Actually, I miss you a lot.You’re the best friend I ........................................................... (ever/have).

/ 5 p.
Listening comprehension: / 12 p. Reading comprehension / 20 p. Text production / 16 p. Language practise / 12 p. Total: / 60 p. Listening comprehension / taken from a CD
The new glossy travel magazine from the Sunday Times!
The special issue will be on sale on Thursday for only 2,25 pounds. You’ll get it every other month - for subscription call 0870 – 225 0095
Read it – Be informed, be inspired, be there!
In our first edition we’ll inform you about “driving through Europe “ – about great roads and great hotels. It includes an article on New England which is a hot spot with its breathtaking scenery in summer, not just in autumn.
Plus - extra pages for holidays with toddlers, city breaks, learning to surf, luxury holidays and much much more. There also is a luxury holiday in Cuba to win.
(The Sunday Times Travel Magazine Special Issue / March 03)

Hinweise zur Bewertung:
Listening comprehension: 12 p Bei den rezeptiven Fertigkeiten führen sprachliche Fehler nicht zum Punktabzug, es sei denn, sie beeinträchtigen das Verständnis vollständig. Reading comprehension: 20 p Text production: 16 p. Inhalt max. 8 Punkte:8 p. kreativ, umfassend7 p. ideenreich, ausführlich6-5 p. zufriedenstellend, Teilaussagen verständlich4-3 p. noch angemessen, Teilaussagen meistens verständlich2-1 p. geringer Themenbezug, Teilaussagen schwer verständlich0 p. verfehlt, Mitteilungsabsicht(en) nicht erkennbarSprache max. 8 Punkte:8 p. abwechslungsreicher Satzbau, idiomatische Ausdrucksweise, grammatisch korrekt7 p. abwechslungsreich im Ausdruck, grammatisch weitgehend korrekt6-5 p. schlicht, aber angemessen im Ausdruck, keine schwer wiegenden grammatischen Fehler4-3 p. eingeschränkter Ausdruck, etliche grammatische Fehler, die die Verständlichkeit insgesamt kaum beeinträchtigen2-1 p. sehr eingeschränkter Ausdruck, Fehler beeinträchtigen die Verständlichkeit deutlich0 p. Ausdruck, Satzbau und Formen- bildung so schwach, dass keine Verständlichkeit gegeben ist Language practice: 12 p Summe: 60 p.

Listening comprehension: ca. 15 Minuten
Reading comprehension: ca. 30 Minuten
Text production: ca. 20 Minuten
Language practise: ca. 20 Minuten
Korrekturen / Veränderungen: ca. 5 Minuten

Umrechnung in Noten:
Punkte Note 60 - 54 1 53 - 46 2 45 - 37 3 36 - 28 4 27 - 14 5 13 - 0 6
Es handelt sich hier um den Prototypen der Abschlussarbeit der Realschule, die zurzeit gerne von Lehren als Arbeit verwendet wird.
(Herausgegeben vom Hessischen Kultusministerium) (1490 Wörter)
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