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Korrektur sehr wichtig

Frage: Korrektur sehr wichtig
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 37
Stimmt es so? (englisch)

(1) If he had not been too proud and would have accepted the job offer by his friend he would have earned more money and probably be happier.

(2) If he would have focused on his on life and not always thinking about the past he would be more satisfied .
(3) Moreover, he should have been more statisfied with smaller things.
(4) he should have accepted the dreams and wishes of his sons even if it does not answer to his expectations.
-> probably the father son relationship would have been better

He should have changed his views and should be satisfied and pleased with smaller things.
Furthermore, you should not always aspire after money (streben nach) because a rich man can be just as sad, lonely and dissatisfied as a small man.
Money is not the only thing that makes you happy.
Frage von Kaesebuch | am 06.01.2014 - 12:02

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Antwort von JenniVanity (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.01.2014 - 13:21
2. "his OWN life"

ansonsten seh ich keine fehler ö.ö

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.01.2014 - 17:52
(1) If he had not been too proud and would have (1) accepted the job offer by his friend (2) he would have earned more money and (3) probably be happier.

(2) If he would have (4) focused on his on (5) life and not always thinking (6) about the past (2) he would be more satisfied .
(3) Moreover, he should have been more statisfied (7) with smaller things.
(4) he should have accepted the dreams and wishes of his sons even if
it does not answer (8) to (9) his expectations.
-> probably the father son relationship would have been better

He should have changed his views and should be satisfied and pleased with smaller things.
Furthermore, you should not always aspire after money (streben nach) because a rich man can be just as sad, lonely and dissatisfied as a small (10) man.
Money is not the only thing that makes you happy.

Beachte: a)Fast grundsätzlich darfst due im If-Teil eines Bedingungssatzes KEIN will/would verwenden
b) Beginnt der Bedingungssatz mit dem if-Teil, MUSS danach ein Komma stehen.

1) had
2) Komma
3) would probably have been
4) had
5) own
6) had not always thought
7) satisfied
8) if they had not answered
9) delete/weglassen!
10) poor

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