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English Interview - Korrektur gewünscht

Frage: English Interview - Korrektur gewünscht
(4 Antworten)

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Hey, ich soll mit einer Mitschülerin ein ausgedachtes Interview führen, bei dem ich mich als Psychologin bewerbe. Da ich nicht weiß, ob meine Lehrerin nur auf den Inhalt achtet (welcher jetzt nicht bewertet werden soll), oder auch auf Grammatik und Rechtschreibung, bitte ich darum, dass jemand über Grammatik und Rechtschreibug schaut. Danke im Vorraus!

Tell me something about you, please!

I am a reliable and helpful person. Since my childhood I am interested in Psychology. I decided to finish the school and go to a university. There I studied Medicine and Psychology. After studying I worked as a secretary in a doctor`s office. There I got a lot of inspiration to become a psychologist.

What are your hobbies?

My biggest hobby is music. I like dancing and singing. Sometimes I also play on the guitar. My second hobby is diving. It gives pleasure, because the world underwater is so beautiful. I also often meet my friends. The togetherness is very important for me.

How do you motivate yourself?

There is never a time to which I am not motivated. But if this time is coming, I think about the people I can make happy and carefree.

How would your friends describe you?

My friends would say that I am a crazy person, who is a helpful good listener. They probably would say that I have a special humor and I am often laughing. Nevertheless I am a social and intelligent person.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

I am a reliable person. I am very friendly at work and of course also in my free time. I can be sensitive and I am able to put myself in the position of the treated person. These are my strengths. My weaknesses are, that I am sometimes a bit impatient, but on the other hand nobody does notice it on me.

How do you react on criticism?

I have the opinion that criticism is good, because it enriches me. In this way I can find out what I am doing wrong and just so I can improve myself.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I think I would like to have a lot of completed and successful therapies which have helped many different people.

Are you able to work independently?

In my opinion it has to be natural to work independently and I do it gladly.

Why should we employ you and no one other?

Because I am very motivated to do this job and I think that this job is the best challenge I ever can overcome.
Frage von CherryPain (ehem. Mitglied) | am 01.01.2014 - 20:27

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Antwort von linda. (ehem. Mitglied) | 17.01.2014 - 22:50
Bei der ersten Frage hätte ich "Psychology" klein geschrieben.
Bei der zweiten Frage heißt es nur play the guitar. Ansonsten habe ich jetzt nichts entdeckt :)

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Antwort von CherryPain (ehem. Mitglied) | 17.01.2014 - 23:47
Danke :)

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.01.2014 - 10:18
Tell me something about you, please!

I am a reliable and helpful person. Since my childhood I have been interested in psychology. I decided to finish [---] school and go to a university. There I studied medicine and psychology. After my studies I worked as a secretary in a doctor`s office. There I got a lot of inspiration to become a psychologist.

What are your hobbies?

My biggest hobby is music. I like dancing and singing. Sometimes I also play [---] the guitar. My second hobby is diving. It gives pleasure, because the world underwater is so beautiful. I also often meet my friends. The togetherness is very important for me.

How do you motivate yourself?

There is never a time when I am not motivated. But if this time comes, I will think about the people I can make happy and carefree.

How would your friends describe you?

My friends would say that I am a crazy person[---] who is a helpful good listener. They probably would say that I have a special kind of humor and that I [---] often laugh. Nevertheless I am a social and intelligent person.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

I am a reliable person. I am very friendly at work and of course also in my free time. I can be sensitive and I am able to put myself in the position of the treated person. These are my strengths. My weaknesses are [---] that I am sometimes a bit impatient, but on the other hand nobody does notice it on me.

How do you react on criticism?

I am of the opinion that criticism is good, because it enriches me. In this way I can find out what I am doing wrong and just so I can improve myself.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

I think I would like to have a lot of completed and successful therapies which have helped many different people.

Are you able to work independently?

In my opinion it has to be natural to work independently and I do it gladly.

Why should we employ you and no one other?

Because I am very motivated to do this job and I think that this job will be the ultimate challenge for me.
(Zuletzt geändert von CherryPain am 01.01.2014)

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Antwort von CherryPain (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.01.2014 - 12:22
Danke, du dürftest mir den Arsch gerettet haben :p

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