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Englisch Präsentation --> Hinduismus

Frage: Englisch Präsentation --> Hinduismus
(5 Antworten)

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Hallo Freunde ;) Ich werde mein Refarat über Hinduismus halten und bitte um eine Korrecktur. Danke im Vorraus:

Einleitung: Hello Everybody. Today we are talking about the Religions of Indian. It`s a really big topic and Indian has a lot of different Religions. Our topic will be Hinduism. Anonym will start with the first point, the Definition of Hinduism: What is Hinduism and the Story. Then will Anonym 2 follow with the second point: The different Gods. The last Point are the four goals ( Ziele) of Hinduism.

Mein Hauptteil:

The first goal is Artha. Artha means, hard to work in the school and in a job and to have a lot of sucess. Some Children help their Parents and fullfil Artha.

The Second is Dharma. Dharma means, you have to fullfil your dutys opposite god, your family and yourself. Dharma means too, respect other Animals, because this, a lot Hindus are Vegetarier.It`s important to be friendly opposite the Animals.

The third goal is Kama. Kama means,to have fun in the live, as such to have hobbys like: playing Gitar or dancing or to play with the candles on Diwali.

The last goal is Moksha. There will life with god, because god is lucky, that the people have succided the other goals. All good things in the live will rewarded. Hindus things that, they reach Moksha earlier, if they do Yoga, because Yoga exercise body and for the soul.

Ok das wars ;))
Frage von offenbach2357 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.04.2013 - 14:15

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.04.2013 - 19:06
Einleitung: Hello Everybody. Today we are talking about the
religions of India. It`s a really big topic and
India has a lot of different religions. Our topic will be Hinduism. Anonym will start with the first point,
the definitionof Hinduism: What Hinduism is and its history. Then Anonym 2
will follow with the second point: The different gods. The last point are the four goals ( Ziele) of Hinduism.

Mein Hauptteil:

The first goal is Artha. Artha means, to work hard at school and in a job and to have a lot of success. Some children help their parents and fullfil Artha.

The second is Dharma. Dharma means, you have to fullfil your duties in the service of the (1)god, your family and yourself. Dharma means, too, respect other animals, because of this, a lot Hindus are vegetarians. It`s important to be friendly
to animals.(2)

The third goal is Kama. Kama means,to have fun in [---] life, as such to have hobbies like: playing the guitar or dancing or playing with the candles (? 3) on Diwali.

The last goal is Moksha. They will live with the god, (4) because the god is happy that the people have succeeded the other goals. All good things in their liveswill be rewarded. Hindus think that they can reach Moksha earlier, if they do Yoga, because Yoga exercises body and is goodfor the soul.

1) opposite heißt zwar "gegenüber" meint aber "die andere Straßenseite" ha, ha!
2)du unterschlägst hier die "Reinkarnationslehre": Menschen, die sich nicht gut in ihrem Leben verhalten haben, können als (niedere) Tiere wiedergeboren werden - von daher achten die Hindus alle Tiere; die Brahmanen fegen häufig sogar ihren Weg, um nicht auf "Ameisen u.ä." zu treten (es könnten ja re-inkarnierte Menschen sein.)
3)was sind die "candles of Diwali"? (müsstest du in deinem Referat erklären.)
4) Da hast duetwas nicht verstanden: das "moksha" ist ein anderes Wort für "nirwana", d.h. die Seele des Menschen ist erlöst und verliert sich im "Nichts".

Nebenbei, dein Text ist inhaltlich sehr "flach".
Schau mal, was "Tante Wiki" dazu sagt:

Artha (Devanagari: अर्थ) is a Sanskrit term meaning "purpose, cause, motive, meaning, notion, wealth, economy or gain".
It refers to the idea of material prosperity. In Hinduism, artha is one of the four goals of life, known as purusharthas. It is considered to be a noble goal as long as it follows the dictates of Vedic morality. The concept includes achieving widespread fame, garnering wealth and having an elevated social standing. It is the second of the four purusharthas, the other three being dharma (righteousness), kama (physical or emotional pleasure) and moksha (liberation). Artha is one of the dharmas (duties) of a person in the second stage of life, the householder stage, and during this a person must accumulate as much wealth as possible, without being greedy
Dharma listen (help•info) (Sanskrit: धर्म dhárma, Pali: धम्म dhamma) is the Law that "upholds, supports or maintains the regulatory order of the universe", Dharma has the Sanskrit root dhri, which means "that without which nothing can stand"[1] or "that which maintains the stability and harmony of the universe."[1]
Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism all have the idea of dharma at their core, where it points to the purification and moral transformation of human beings. Dharma is not the same as Religion.[1] Though differing in some particulars, all concur that the goal of human life is moksha or nirvana, in which the ultimate nature of dharma (as cosmic law) is apprehended experientially

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Antwort von offenbach2357 (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.04.2013 - 19:15
ja danke, aber ich darf nur ne Minute reden, deswegen reicht es vom Inhalt

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.04.2013 - 21:17
Nöö, wenn du Falsches verbreitest, ist es nicht gut.

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Antwort von offenbach2357 (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.04.2013 - 19:25
Ihr hat es eig gefallen, dank dir ;)

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Antwort von offenbach2357 (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.04.2013 - 15:55
P.s. Habe ne 3 bekommen

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