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Lord of the flies: Text korrigieren, bitte!

Frage: Lord of the flies: Text korrigieren, bitte!
(2 Antworten)

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Hallo Leute!
Ich habe ne Englischhausaufgabe auf gekriegt.
Mir ist nur wichtig, wenn ihr vielleicht meine Fehler korrigieren könnt, weil ich sie nämlich abgeben möchte. Wär cool, wenn ihr mir helfen würdet :)

LG dradril

"1.How do they interpret the reality?
2.How does forth the assembly out?
3.What is special about the expedition? Compare it with the first expedition.

1. In the night, where a dead man with a parachute appears, the twins should care for the fire but they’ve fallen sleep, when they wake up and relight the fire. Meanwhile they see “the beast” on the mountain, which is moving up and down. (p.96 l.34 “That was awful. It kind of sat up…”). The both are frightened, running and waking up Ralph in the night. The twins are convinced that they see the beast on the mountain (p.95 l.30 “We saw the beast…”).Then in the assembly they describe the beast. (p.97 l.4-6 “There were eyes….teeth…claws”) which follows the twins. All the children believe in the existence of the beast. Ralph and Piggy believe them too without much asking the twins but Ralph finds that the twins what they say is exaggeration and hysteria.

2 .In the end of the assembly Ralph decides that the biguns go to the mountains and looking for the beast. The fire has to relight for rescue (p.97 l.35-36 “…How should we get food? And what about the fire?”). He convinces the boys that the fire must be kept going. Piggy should take care for the littluns. Jack and Ralph have a disagreement about who should take charge of dealing with the beast and our. Jack wants to hunt the beast (p.97 l.21“This’ll be a real hunt! Who’ll come?”). In the argument Jack don’t respect the speaker with the conch (p.98 l.23 “Conch! Conch!..we don’t need the conch anymore...”). Ralph wants to relight the fire again for rescue of all children (p.99 l.3 “I said before, the fire is the main thing. …. We’ve got to relight the fire”) and looking for the beast on the mountain (p.99 l.21 “That’s where we’ll look. If the beast isn’t there we’ll go up the mountain and look; and light the fire”). This is Ralph’s plan.

3. In the first time of the second expedition the three boys Ralph and Jack and Simon don’t work together. In this time all “biguns” obey Ralph (p.99 l.30 “Under Ralph’s direction…”). Ralph allows Jack, leading the way. Jack is very careful (p.99 l.32 “Jack trod with theatrical caution thought they could have seen an enemy twenty yards away.”). Ralph is glad about a break (p.99 l.34 “…, thankful to have escaped responsibility for a time.”). Moreover he is brooding and cautious as he picks the direction (p.101 l.9 “I’m chief. I’ll go….” L.11 “You. Hide here. Wait for me.”, p.100 l. 17 ff. “They would reach the castle…”). And Simon thinks about his inability to speak before the group (p.100 l.5 “Other people could stand up and speak to an assembly, apparently, without that dreadful feeling of pressure of personality…..”). When they reach the castle, Ralph has to face the unknown because he is chief. It is his duty. He goes alone and discovers that there is no beast. Jack follows Ralph, acting as though he’s concerned about Ralph (p.102 l.20 “Couldn’t let you do it on your own”). Together they explore the mountain but Ralph is very serious and acting the chief (“He led the way over the rocks.”). In opposites stands Jack’s excitement for hurling rocks over the edge recalls the first exploration (p.102 l.25 “Jack was excited” l.35 “Jack struck the near one with his fist and it grated slightly.”). Besides they don’t understand each other well for example Jack thinks the spot would make a great fort because of its height but Ralph finds not (p.102 l.33 “Not me. This is a rotten place.”). In this expedition Simon isn’t really a part of it.
In contrast to the second expedition the first expedition is very exciting and funny for the three children (p.23 l.31 “They turned to each other, laughing excitedly, talking, not listening”…”Ralph,…,stood on his head and fell over.”). They are really enthusiastic (p.25 l.16 “ Ralph turned with shining eyes to the others.”), using many excited shouts for instance “Come on” or “Wacco” or “Wizard” etc.. The three boys explore the island together (p.23 l.4 “If Simon walks in the middle of us…”), Simon is taking part in too.

All in all you can see that in the second expedition the pleasure for this expedition is vanished. Seriousness substitutes the pleasure because all of them can’t forget the other arguments in the past for instance the issue of tending the fire."

Vielen Dank im voraus!
Frage von dradril (ehem. Mitglied) | am 05.01.2013 - 14:11

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.01.2013 - 17:12
1. In the night,
where a dead man with a parachute appears, the twins should care for the fire but
they’ve fallensleep, when they wake up and relight the fire. Meanwhile they see “the beast” on the mountain, which is moving up and down. (p.96 l.34 “That was awful. It kind of sat up…”).
The bothare frightened, running and waking up Ralph in the night. The twins are convinced that they see the beast on the mountain (p.95 l.30 “We saw the beast…”).Then in the assembly they describe the beast. (p.97 l.4-6 “There were eyes….teeth…claws”) which follows the twins. All the children believe in the existence of the beast. Ralph and Piggy believe them too without much asking the twins but Ralph finds that the twins what they say is exaggeration and hysteria.

2 .In the end of the assembly Ralph decides that the biguns go to the mountains and looking for the beast. The fire has to relight for rescue (p.97 l.35-36 “…How should we get food? And what about the fire?”). He convinces the boys that the fire must be kept going. Piggy should take care for the littluns. Jack and Ralph have a disagreement about who should take charge of dealing with the beast and our. Jack wants to hunt the beast (p.97 l.21“This’ll be a real hunt! Who’ll come?”). In the argument Jack
don’t respect the speaker with the conch (p.98 l.23 “Conch! Conch!..we don’t need the conch anymore...”). Ralph wants to relight the fire again for rescueof all children (p.99 l.3 “I said before, the fire is the main thing. …. We’ve got to relight the fire”) and looking for the beast on the mountain (p.99 l.21 “That’s where we’ll look. If the beast isn’t there we’ll go up the mountain and look; and light the fire”). This is Ralph’s plan.

Ich habe in den zwei Absätzen ca 20 z,T, gravierende Fehler gefunden.

Versuche eine eigene Korrektur, ich helfe dann weiter,

Wann sollst/willst du den Text denn abgeben?

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Antwort von dradril (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.01.2013 - 19:22
ich danke dir dafür, doch es war mein fehler nicht zu schreiben, dass ich sie montag abgeben, also heute, abgeben wollte. aber ich danke dir für deine bereitschaft mir zu helfen :-)

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