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english introduction

Frage: english introduction
(2 Antworten)

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hier ist eine einleitung aus meinem essay über die Vor/nachteile über ein freies jahr nach dem abi.

ist es so in ordnung?

More and more students are taking a gap year before they start studying at the college.
After students finish their high school they have different kinds of possibilities to take a year off. Individuals who take a gap year have an opportunity to get a job, do volunteer work or travel to a foreign country. In the following essay, I will present advantages and disadvantages of taking a gap year.

Frage von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | am 02.01.2013 - 15:16

Beiträge 107
Antwort von Jack | 02.01.2013 - 21:13
students had finished their they had different kinds of possibilities to take a year out of school and studying<--würde ich schreiben,aber to take a year of ist nicht falsch!
In my essay about a gap year,I will show you advantages and disadvantages.

Hoffe hilft dir.

Beiträge 107
Antwort von Jack | 02.01.2013 - 21:15
* their high school

*I will show you some advantages and disadvantages.

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