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Ist der Text so grammatisch richtig ? für ein Referat..

Frage: Ist der Text so grammatisch richtig ? für ein Referat..
(1 Antwort)

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Letter from a parachute teacher:
I have made up to now more than 500 parachute jumps (it makes addicted) and it is not to be described easily the feeling(emotion).
After the jump you have approx. 10 seconds an acceleration phase which you can feel of course physically. After these 10 seconds you do not accelerate any more (if the free case position is not changed) and has afterwards a feeling(emotion) of the weightlessness (nobody "case feeling ") more - one can also float it than call.
For the perception: This is very different, because every person differently(else) reacts. Because I hang around very often on the jump places of this world, I can say you that 90% of the tandem company with a smile land (what stops(continues) as a rule longer). So the smiling guests(company) also get something with in the air - maybe not the first 10 sec - but afterwards. I hope - I could help(assist) you something.
Frage von rofl01 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 09.12.2012 - 13:41

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 09.12.2012 - 22:22
Letter from a parachute teacher:
So far I have made more than 500 parachute jumps (it is addictive) and the feeling cannot be described easily. After the jump you have approx. 10 seconds of an acceleration phase which you can of course feel physically. After these 10 seconds you do not accelerate any more (if the free case (?) position is not changed) and you feel like beeing without gravity - one can also call this phase "floating".
For the perception: This is very different,
because every person reacts differently. Because I very often hang around on the jump places of this world, I can say you that 90% of the tandem partners land with a smile that lasts much longer that the jump. So the smiling guests (partner) also enjoys the jump - maybe not the first 10 sec - but afterwards. I hope - I could give you some useful information about skydiving.

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