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Englisch Text: Kontrollieren bitte !

Frage: Englisch Text: Kontrollieren bitte !
(2 Antworten)

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Könntet ihr diesen Text bitte einmal Korrekturlesen. Thanks :)

The cartoon „...“ shows five people, that each representing a different type of communication.
The different male people shows something to the effect that a time period about communication.
We begin with the oldest guy. He is small and has a bent forward bearing. The guy carves the first word in stone with a hammer. The second man to the left prints something with a book press.
He is a little bit taller and his bearing is a bit uprighter. The tallest human holds a book in his hand.
Probably he can write and read. Thus he can communicate with letters. The next to last is less than the tallest people. His bearing is crooked. He communicates with e-mails. The last man is very small and demonstrate a very crooked bearing. In his hand, he has a smartphone and he “twittert”.

The cartoon represent, that the man with the book, is the cleverst. At this time the people communicate with letters, which written by hand or type writer.
The big body-size shows in the metaphor, how much clever the people are. The man looks happy.
In contrast to the man with the hammer and the stone and the guy with the smartphone.
Both man are little, which shows in the metaphor, that they aren`t so clever as the tallest men.

In my opinion it is good as the art of communication has developed. It is very advantageous to be reachable. However, always one should not rely on SMS and E-Mail and send important things in a letter by post.
Frage von hero123 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 18.10.2012 - 20:51

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Antwort von hero123 (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.10.2012 - 21:41


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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.10.2012 - 21:53
Du musst Analysen/Interpretationen dieser Art immer mit dem einführenden "regenschirm"-Satz beginnen, in dem diewichtigsten allgemeinen Informationen über den text/Cartoon enthalten sein:

Du beginnst die Inhaltsangabe auf jeden Fall mit einem Einleitungssatz. In diesen Einleitungssatz gehören:

a) Textart
[Du sagst, dass es sich um einen Cartoon handelt; b) Titel
[Nach der Nennung der Textart gibst du den Titel an. c) Autor
d) Anlass
[Falls der Cartoon zu einem bestimmten Zweck gezeichnet wurde und dir dieser bekannt ist, solltest du ihn nennen.]

e) Erscheinungsjahr
[Wichtig ist hierbei, dass du nicht weißt, ob der Cartoon in diesem Jahr verfasst wurde. Dir ist lediglich bekannt, dass er zu diesem Zeitpunkt veröffentlicht wurde.]


The cartoon „...“ shows five people. Each of them representa different type of communication.
The different male people show different kinds of communicationthat were predominat at their life time.
We begin with the oldest man. He is small and has a bent forward bearing. He carves the first word in stone with a hammer. The second man to the left prints something with a book press.
He is a little bit taller and his bearing is a bit more upright. The tallest human holds a book in his hand.
Probably he can write and read. Thus he can communicate with letters. The next to last is smaller than the tallest person. His bearing is crooked. He communicates with e-mails. The last man is very small and demonstrates a very crooked bearing. In his hand, he has a smartphone and he twitters.

The cartoon shows that the man with the book, is the cleverest. At this time the people communicate with letters, which have been written by hand or type writer.
The big body-size shows in the metaphor, how cleverer the people are. The man looks happy in contrast to the man with the hammer and the stone and the man with the smartphone.
The two men are small, which metaphorically shows that they aren`t as clever as the tallest man

In my opinion it is good how the art of communication has developed. It is very advantageous to be reachable. However, always one should not rely on texting and e-mails and send important things in a letter by [b]mail.[b]

Ich habe nur Korrekturen vorgenommen; über den Inhalt des Textes schweige ich.

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