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Ich muss meine Schule auf Englisch beschreiben!

Frage: Ich muss meine Schule auf Englisch beschreiben!
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 190
Iam going to Vocational Training College and make business school of business department.
We have four departments in our school.
The names of departments are agriculturaly department, business department, technic department and health and sociales department.
We have ten subjects this year, they are physic, mathematic,german, english, spanish, politic, economie, computer studies,religious instruction and business management.
My school have a many of disziplin and is very strict.
My lesson is beginning of fiftyfive past seven and the break is fiveteen minutes long.
The teacher of this college are very friendly.
Since we are at this school, we make every day presentations.

Was kann ich noch zum schuluss schreiben ? Kann jemand die formulierungen oder wenn es fehler geben sollte korregieren.

My first impressions of the Vocational Training College are that they have many departments.
They are agriculutraly department, business department, technic department and health and sociales department.
We have in our school a kiosk, he sells about the drinking and eating.
This school have many pupils and teachers and the school is very big.
The teacher of this school are very friendly.
Frage von 24061994 | am 03.10.2012 - 15:26

Beiträge 0
Antwort von Nina_love_ (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.10.2012 - 17:19
I am going to a Vocational Training College and specialise on business school of business department.
We have four departments in our school. Their names are agriculturaly department,
business department, technic department, health department and sociales department.
This year we have ten subjects, physics, mathematic, german, english, spanish, politics, economics, computer studies, religious instroduction and business managment.
My school is very disziplinised and strict. (Da könntest du noch schreiben wieso sie streng sind; gib beispiele)
My lesson starts five minutes befor eight o´clock, and our breaks are each fifteen minutes long.
Although our teachers are strict they are very nice and help us if we need something.
Since I visit this school we have to hold prestentations every day.
My first impression of the Vocational Training Collage is ta very good one. i really like the school and my classmates are very nice. A very good thing about our school is that we have a little cafeteria where we can buy something to eat or to drink.
I really like my new school.

Du musst einbisschen auf dein have-has aufpassen und das du die Zeiten nicht vertauscht aber es ist ein guter Aufstaz ich habe ihn einbisschen verändert. Schau in dir mal an und viel Glück :)

Beiträge 0
Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.10.2012 - 18:39
I attend a Vocational Training College and I have specialised in "business school" of the school`s business department.
Our school is divided into four departments . Their names are agricultural department, business department, technic department,
and health and social department.
This year we have ten subjects, physics, mathematics, german, english, spanish, politics, economics, computer studies, religious instruction and business management.(1)

My school demands a lot of discipline and
we have to follow strict rules. (2)

My lessons start at five minutes to eight o´clock, and each of our breaks is fifteen minutes long. (3)

Although our teachers are strict they are very nice and help us if we need something.
Since I visit this school we have had (3) to hold
presentations every day.

My first impression of the Vocational Training Collage is a very good one. I really like the school and my classmates are very nice. A very good thing about our school is that we have a little cafeteria where we can buy something to eat or to drink.
I really like my new school.

Ich bin von Nina-love_s "Korrektur" ausgegangen; offensichtlich war sie wohl selbst "in love", so dass die Schmetterlinge im Bauch sie viele Fehler haben übersehen lassen.

Meine These wird hier wieder mal bestätigt: Schüler (Nina_love (15)!) können unmöglich eine adäquate Korrektur abliefern, weil sie die "Tücken" des Englischen noch nicht kennen / überblicken.

Zu meinen Anmerkungen:

1)die Namen der Fächer alle groß schreiben!

2)ich habe mich hier etwas weiter sprachlich von der Vorgabe gelöst.

3) du könntest auch schreiben: and our breaks are 15 minutes long each.

3) das Signalwort "since" verlangt das present perfect (have had)!

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