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Short story kontrollieren, bitte

Frage: Short story kontrollieren, bitte
(3 Antworten)

Hallo :),

ich hatte in Englisch die Aufgabe bekommen eine zweiseitige Kurzgeschichte zu schreiben.
Uns wurde die Überschrift "The misunderstanding" vorgegeben.

Wäre toll, wenn jemand meine "short story" verbessern könnte.

Vielen Dank schon im voraus!

English – Short Story – “The misunderstanding“[/u]

Timo and Steve are very good friends. They have known each other since elementary school. Meanwhile, both are 18. Timo`s and Steve’s parents are very strict. The result was that both have very isolated from their parents. Both spent almost their entire time with each other. They told each other the latest stories from the school. Timo and Steve were not best friends for any reason. They were in a certain manner different from their classmates. Timo often told Steve thoughts of his craziness and Steve then made suggestions on how to implement these ideas into reality. The classmates shun contact with Timo and Steve, but the two do not bother. They were generally more concerned with themselves and their monotonous life. One day the lives of them suddenly changed. The whole thing started with a crazy idea of Timo: "Steve, what do you think the small bank in our neighbouring town to raid the bank, the bank has two employees and only minor safety precautions?" Steve initially responded with a puzzled expression, but he was not avers. “Rob a bank did you get this idea I would definitely be there, but the implementation is difficult." The idea with the bank robbery is related to the poverty of Timo`s family. Steve`s family has to deal with the same problems. Both were always supplied with the most. Her classmates, however, have always given everything by their parents. Timo doesn’t want to accept a life of poverty and inspired Steve with his finally plan. The plan is to attack the bank in the neighbouring town within ten minutes. One needs to distract the bank employees, while the other meets outside the bank`s final preparations. Subsequently, the bank is robbed, dragged the money in a borrowed van. As equipment had Timo two firearms and two balaclavas provided. Steve agreed with this plan, yet he still struggled with doubts. The coming weeks are designed according to Timo and Steve have met daily in their secret hiding place to perfect the plan for the upcoming bank heist. Finally, they both agreed for a day and time in which the plan should be implemented. The day of the raid was coming closer. Meanwhile, many thoughts went through Steve’s head. He was afraid of being arrested and spend the rest of his life in prison. Timo, however, had no fears and no doubts that his brilliant plan could go wrong at all. The big day had arrived. Steve and Timo are bathed in sweat and tensed. They drove with their rented van in front of the bank in the neighbouring town. Timo again changed his plan to save even more time. Both took their black balaclavas and check their firearms. Timo had bought the gun a few weeks ago on the black market. Timo looked at Steve and said to him: "Are you ready, we pull through this together then we are liberated from our rich and worries?" Steve responded with a curt "OK" and they both went into the bank. They threatened the employees with their loaded firearms and demanded money. Bank workers brought the money from a safe, put it in a bag and handed it to them. Just before they both wanted to take the flight, they could already hear the sirens of police vehicles. Someone have known of the two and their plan and had informed the police. Steve knew immediately that their plan has failed, and only began to flee no attempt from the many police officers. Timo on the other hand just looked at him briefly and ran into a nearby forest. A policeman had to take the assumption that Steve lying in front of him like his weapon would be open to fire the shot. The policeman did not hesitate and fired directly into Steve`s head. Steve fall to the ground and blood poured from his head. Timo was able to flee into hiding successfully, but the death of his best friend he could never processed. Steve never had an opinion and has always been influenced by Timo. This was him at the bank robbery undoing. Steve knew that`s what he did not properly surrender. But he was shot dead cold. Timo had always crazy and brutal thoughts and he never regretted the bank robbery. He managed to escape, he escaped successfully but his best friend had to die for him. A misunderstanding with consequences. The parents of Steve and Timo had to watch for months in whatthe media what their children have done. Sometimes there comes the moment where they have thought about their strict education. But that the bank robbery and the death of Steve can’t be reversed. Timo`s and Steve’s parents committed suicide shortly afterwards. Timo has gone into hiding and was never seen again.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 23.10.2011 - 14:15

Beiträge 602
Antwort von Lamina_cribrosa | 23.10.2011 - 14:45
Hab leider nicht Zeit den ganzen Text durchzuschauen, was mir aber gerade aufgefallen ist:

The result was that both have very isolated from their parents.
Both spent almost their entire time with each other. They told each other the latest stories from the school.

Ich würde hier schreiben:
Because of that, both have isolated themselvs from their parents. They spent a lot of time with each other and told each other the latest stories from school.

Beiträge 602
Antwort von Lamina_cribrosa | 23.10.2011 - 14:49
Und springst ziemlich oft zwischen den Zeiten hin und her. Mal Gegenwart, dann Mitvergangenheit und Vergangenheit. Schau Dir das nochmal genauer an.

Beiträge 602
Antwort von Lamina_cribrosa | 23.10.2011 - 14:51
Aja, zu meinem 1. Kommentar: Es soll natürlich "themselves" heißen. Sorry! ;)

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