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Frage: Englishtext korrigieren!
(2 Antworten)

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Also wir haben die Aufgabe die "Message" von dem Lithographen "the ladder of fortune" wiederzugeben. Das Problem ist natürlich wieder die Grammatik und die Frage ob die "Message" auch wirklich klar gedeutet ist. Was meint ihr? ^^

The message of the lithograph "the ladder of fortune" is that everyone can reach success or make the American Dream come true by making an effort.
The point of the matter is to find the right way which leads to success and fortune but a lot of people chosen the wrong way which seems to be short but also includes disadvantages for example if you want to get fortune by cheating or playing lottery then it`s just for a short moment and not for a whole lifetime. Not forgetting that`s also illegal and could cause a lot of problems.
Nonetheless according to the lithograph there are gods chosen people and the few elected ones respectively who got the chance to reach success but to climb the ladder of fortune and reach the treetop which offers success and wealth but all that has to be done by keeping a rule and be abstinent.
Afterwards all doors are open to that one who has the chance to win fortune.
Frage von coco-banana (ehem. Mitglied) | am 27.09.2011 - 17:38

Antwort von GAST | 27.09.2011 - 19:59
The message of the lithograph "the ladder of fortune" is that everyone can have success or make the American Dream come true by making an effort.
The point [---]is to find the right way which leads to success and fortune. [--]A lot of people,
however, have chosen the wrong way which seemed to be short but also
included disadvantages for example if you wanted to get fortune by cheating or playing lottery, because then "success" was just for a short moment and not for a whole lifetime. We should keep in mind that this way to fortune or success was[--] also illegal and could cause a lot of problems.
Nonetheless according to the lithograph there are
God`s chosen people and the few elected ones respectively who have got the chance of reaching success but to climb the ladder of fortune and to reach the treetop which offers success and wealth [--]can only be done by sticking toa rule and to be abstinent.
Afterwards all doors will be opened to those who
have hadthe chance of winning a fortune.

Ichg hoffe, ich hab`s edinigermaßen richtig hingekriegt; denn ohne Blick auf die zugrunde liegende Litho ist Korrigieren ein "Tappen im Dunkeln."

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Antwort von swenzel (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.09.2011 - 21:55
...who have got the chance of reaching success...

"to reach" bedeutet erreichen im Körperlichen Sinne, also "an etwas herankommen". Bei erreichen im nicht materiellen Sinn, benutzt man "to achieve". In dem Fall würde ich aber zu "the chance of being successful" raten.
Und ich bin mir auch nicht sicher, ob man das Sprichwort "ihm stehen alle Türen offen" 1 zu 1 ins Englische übersetzen kann.
Ich kenne nur "The world is your oyster" (Die Welt liegt dir zu Füßen) aber das lässt sich hier schwer einbauen.

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