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Englishtext Korrektur

Frage: Englishtext Korrektur
(2 Antworten)

Beiträge 220
Hey Leute,

ich habe hier einen Englischaufsatz geschrieben.
Magd en einer kurz durchgehen? Ihr könnt mich gerne per pm erreichen oder ich poste den Text hierher :)

Danke schon mal.

LG Jesse
Frage von Jesse1990 | am 15.05.2018 - 16:12

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Antwort von matata | 15.05.2018 - 17:56
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Beiträge 220
Antwort von Jesse1990 | 15.05.2018 - 19:33
okay, danke matata:

As a part of my bachelor thesis I had a specific and very difficult problem. The research query was to construct and analyze a mathematical model for replenishment in a hospital. First of all it was necessary to decide, which objective function I should choose. You have some alternative objective functions like minimize the cost or maximizing the profit of the hospital. I chose the first objective function because I found more lectures and article than in the second one. Furthermore it was necessary to decide some constraints for the mathematical model like observing the service level or the space constraint. The next challenge is the implementation in the mathematic software. At the beginning I got a lot of mistakes. It was necessary to check the syntax to solve the implementation mistakes. The most difficult was to get the data about the medicine products. I needed the information about price and volume of each medicine product like a package plaster. First of all I wrote some e-mails to ask them about the prices and volume. Most of the hospitals didn’t answer me or they wrote a refusal. After one week I asked a friend of mine parents. He has good connections in the health care section. A few days later I got a contact person for the information about the products. Than I implemented the data in the optimization model and I was able to got my first results f my model. In my opinion is the research query very important for me because I would like to work in this section.

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