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Englishtext! bitte korrigieren

Frage: Englishtext! bitte korrigieren
(4 Antworten)

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ich habe einen kleinen Text über das Recht auf Freiheit geschreiben.
Es ist nichts weltbewegendes sondern nur um ein bisschen für die Schulaufgabe (ein Teil wird eine composition sein) zu üben. Würde mich freuen wenn jemand den Text auf gramatische unreinheiten und Sinnfehler korrigieren könnte. Danke schon mal im vorraus!

„The price of freedom of religion, or of speech, or of the press, is that we must put up with a good deal of rubbish.“

Freedom of religion, of speech and of the press is necessary. There are many humans in the world fighting for these rights. Without those rights it`s hardly possible to live a life of happiness and equality. In most of the countries, where those rights are accepted, life is much better. But there are not only advantages. With this rights being accepted there are some disadvantages too. Every one would be allowed to kill an other without being sentenced. So, should there be limits of freedom?

On the one hand it`s difficult to set limits. Because with limits you attack other persons in their freedom. So maybe the other man feels suppressed and stand up to fight for his right. One man`s terrorist is the other man`s freedom fighter. With limits there will always be little fightings and discrepancies.

On the other hand, if there are not limits, there will be so much rubbish. What is science managed by religion? What will be, if every second child is thought, that evolution is rubbish and that the world was created by god in six or seven days? If there are no limits of freedom there will be chaos all over the world. Courts will be waste, because every person acts in his own freedom and cannot be sentenced

So some little limits are necessary for a better life. And not every rubbish we must put up with can`t be oppressed. Life is symbiosis of accepting and being accepted.
Frage von Albert_Einstein (ehem. Mitglied) | am 07.02.2011 - 15:58

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Antwort von Albert_Einstein (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.02.2011 - 16:22
bitte kann mirjemand den text korrigieren bitte bitte bitte xD

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Antwort von umut92 (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.02.2011 - 16:27
"The price of freedom of religion, or of speech, or of the press, is that we must put up with a good deal of rubbish.“

Freedom of religion, of speech and of the press is necessary.
There are many humans all over the world struggling for that kind of rights. Without these rights, it`s hardly possible to have a equal and happy life. In most countries, where these rights are accepted, life is much better. However, we should consider that unlimited freedom has both advantages and disadvantages. Can you imagine that everyone is free to kill each other without any legal restrictions?

It`s difficult to set limits. Because with limits you attack other persons in their freedom. So maybe the other man feels suppressed and stand up to fight for his right. One man`s terrorist is the other man`s freedom fighter. With limits there will always be little fightings and discrepancies. Ich habe nur den Bahnof verstanden.

If there were no limits, there would be so much rubbish. What about science deeply influenced by religion? What about those who believe that evolution is rubbish and that the world had been created by God in six or seven days? If there were no limits of freedom, there would be chaos all over the world. Courts would be unnecessary, because every person would think that whatever he/she does is true.

I strongly believe that some little limits are necessary for a better life. And not every rubbish we must put up with can be oppressed. Life is a symbiosis of accepting and being accepted.

Try to paraphrase the second paragraph. It is not understandable.

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Antwort von umut92 (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.02.2011 - 16:28
lies mal den ganzen text. Ich habe vergessen, unten Bold zu verwenden.

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Antwort von Albert_Einstein (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.02.2011 - 16:39
ok danke... hast mir geholfen... ich mach mich dann mal an den 2. paragraphen und überarbeite den nochmal.. vielleicht lad ich ihn auch nachher nochmal hoch... Danke!

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