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Fehler in meinen Englischaufgaben

Frage: Fehler in meinen Englischaufgaben
(1 Antwort)

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Hallo Zusammen,

bitte hier nochmals um eure Hilfe bei meinen Englischaufgaben.
Da haben sich bestimmt Fehler eingeschlichen ..
Könnt ihr mir die berichtigen?


How does Miro feel about Ben?

Miro’s feelings and thoughts about Ben change during the time Ben is on the bridge.
At first Miro has some kind of respect for Ben: When Ben has put off his clothes he looks away to not injure his privacy (beginning of chapture 10) and also is fascinated by him because Ben is some kind of mirror to Miro (beginning of chapture 10). The main point because Miro is that fascinated is that they have both almost the same age: “When Artkin had told him that a boy about his own age had been selected … Miros interest and curiosity has been quickened.
Later on when Ben is questioned by Artkin and almost starts to cry, Miro feels contempt of Ben: “He felt contempt for all these American boys and girls who led their selfish unthinking lives and thought they were so smart and brave until situation developed that showed their true worth.”
Finally his opinion of Ben changes again when Ben gets tortured. “He had not looked particularly brave … even before the fingers began. But he had held on all those seconds.” He also feels ashamed of the situation that Ben has been tortured and can not hold on the view on him (middle of chapter 10 before the attack begins).

2. Describe different phases of the attack.

The first phase is set on 8:35. The terrorists get surprised by the army because Ben said that the attack is going to start on 9:30. Miro is in the bus with Kate, Artkin, Stroll and Ben are in the van which is opened. The attack starts with the army throwing some kind of grenades which surround the bus and the van with fog.
In the second phase the soldiers open the fire with their guns, set explosions, turn on sirens and place their helicopter over the bridge. Miro takes Kate as his personal protective shield but he doesn`t leave the bus. He sees from the bus that Stroll dies by a shot
In the third phase a soldier tries to attack the bus with a grenade which is able to knock out the victims for a while. But the attack gets wrong when the soldier gets shot by Artkin.
In the fourth phase the soldiers keep on the fire and hit Artkin who, while he dies, shot into the wrist of Ben.
Miro now tries to escape with Kate on his side and finds an exit at one side of the bridge which is not saved by the soldiers. While running through the fog he gets inured by another soldier but can leave the bridge.

3. How does Kate try to find a solution during the escape?

Kate tries three times to convince Miro to give up his escape. At first she tries to face him with his situation to make him give up: “You are hurt. The woods are full of soldiers. You are in a strange country. There’s no way out.”
Because that does not make him give up she tries to reach him with telling him that she will help him to get less punishment when he gives up. “I’ll testify in your behalf. I’ll tell them you were kind to the children. To me. You didn’t hurt us. You didn’t do anything.”
At last, because that also does not make him giving up, she tries to make him believe that he has lost everything in this world where he fought for and will be alone after escaping: At first he would have lost his brother and now his father. She makes him believe that Artkin has been his father.
Miro starts crying but lift a shot accidently which kills Kate.
Frage von Streber16 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 30.05.2011 - 21:10

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Antwort von matata | 30.05.2011 - 21:28
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