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(2 Antworten)

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könnte bitte jemand korrekturlesen?
wäre sehr nett! dnask =)

1)Finally you can see that in one house and also one family two different mentalities come into conflict.

An immigration is difficult for everyone, but the most difficulty affects young people. The point is that they do not want to disappoint their parents, but they also want to be part of the new surrounding. They want to have friends who really like them and see them the same way as they are. They are afraid of being excluded, because they and their families are different from the locals.
It is important to give children the chance to integrate into the new society and do not try to educate them a way which locals do not understand and notice as something strange.
Sure they have to learn the traditions of their home country, but they also should be accepted at their new home.
And parents are those people who can help them.

2)I have decided to write my Facharbeit about migration and post-colonialism because I am really interested in history and I think that it is a topic which is always important. It is very hard to immigrate and live in a country where the culture is completely different to yours. After that decision two movies came to my mind which consort with the topic. The first one was “Bend it like Beckham”. The movie is about an Indian girl, whose dream is to be successful in playing soccer, but her strict family does not allow that.
The second movie was “East is East”, which I finally chose. I have heard a lot about that movie, but never watched it. So I thought that it may be interesting to write my Facharbeit about something that is new for me.
After I have watched the movie first I had a few ideas to write about. For example arranged marriage. But the main thing that had impressed me was the life of the children in the family, with a father who is a strict Moslem and wants them to live a Pakistani life, and a mother, who is British and affectionate, in a society which do not really accept unfamiliar traditions and lifestyles.
In the movie you can recognize identity conflicts and see how the characters deal with that. In my work I want to find out how they feel and deal with their situation. Additionally I want to try to work out which difficulties immigrants have to manage.
Frage von Miawallace (ehem. Mitglied) | am 05.05.2011 - 21:47

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Antwort von Feroo72 (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.05.2011 - 22:11
work würde ich für Facharbeit einsetzen :)

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Antwort von Miawallace (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.05.2011 - 22:22
ja wollte ich auc, aber mein lehrer bestehn auf facharbeit (kusiv) xDD
ääähm hast dus dir durchgelesen..? falls ja ist es ok?

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