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Englisch Korrektur: Past Tense

Frage: Englisch Korrektur: Past Tense
(10 Antworten)

Als nächstes ging Harold in ein Shisha-Café und rauchte einen Joint.
Nachdem er alles überdacht hatte, entschloss er sich dazu, wieder nach Hause zu gehen. Damit sollte sich alles wieder zum Guten wandeln. Er ging zu seiner Mutter und entschuldigte sich. Sie vergab ihm unter der Bedingung, es noch einmal mit dem Dating zu versuchen. Um eine passende Frau für Harold zu finden, veruschten sie es mit dem Onlinedating. Einige Tage später kamen zwei Mädchen. Mit einem der beiden Mädchen verstand sich Harold nicht, mit dem anderen dagegen gut, da beide viele Gemeinsamkeiten hatten. Sie spielten Banjos, hörten dieselbe Musik und außerdem war sie eine Schauspielerin. Sie trafen sich so häufig, dass sie später heirateten. Nach einigen Jahren leisteten sie sich ein Haus, denn Harold und seine Freundin waren beide Schauspieler und gaben nebenbei noch Banjo-Unterricht. Die Mutter lebte zufrieden, Harold und seine Freundin auch. Harolds Freundin war schwanger. Und somit endet diese Geschichte.

simple Present

At next he goes in a Shisha-Café and smoked a joint. After he converted it, he goes to home. So everything should change for the better again. He goes to her mother and say sorry. She forgives him, but he must try again the Dating. To find a wife for Harold, they tried it again with the Onlinedating. A few days later came two girls. One from this girl he do not understand, but by the second girl the two have much in common. They plays Banjos, heard the same music, and she was an actress. They met so frequently that she married later. A few years ago they made a house, then Harold and his girlfriend was a celebrity performers. The mother lives happily.
Harolds wife was pregnant.
And so ends the story.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 11.01.2011 - 20:04

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Antwort von Dominik04 (ehem. Mitglied) | 11.01.2011 - 20:10
bei deinem englisch bekommt man ja augenkrebs.

bitte überarbeite den text nochmal sorgfältig.

(ich will ja nicht lästern, aber der google-übersetzer schafft eine bessere qualität...)

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Antwort von kaja1994 (ehem. Mitglied) | 11.01.2011 - 20:26
naja, so schlimm ists nicht.
ich mach jetzt icht zu ende, sind echt n bisl viele fehler, also mal sehen,
Als nächstes einfach mit next übersetzen, ohne at.
auch wenn er im deutschen einen joint rauchTE, ist es im simple present dann ja nicht smoked.
wo ist das enschließen hin? heißt to decide
goes to home sagt man nicht. das to lässt man weg.
wenns ein kerl ist, ist es nicht HER mother.
say - he, she, it, s muss mit!
they tried the online-dating again, würd ich sagen, deine formulierung hört sich komisch an.
two girl came. verb nach subjekt, aber wo ists present hin?
dann hast du geschrieben "eins der mädchen verstand er nicht."
erst mal one OF the girls, und dann versuch den satz noch mal.

Antwort von GAST | 11.01.2011 - 20:46
At next he goes in a Shisha-Café and smoked a joint. After he converted it, he goes to home. So everything should change for the better again. He goes to her mother and saysorry. She forgives him, but he must try again the Dating. To find a wife for Harold, they tried it again with the Onlinedating. A few days later came two girls. One from this girl he donot understand, but by the second girl the two have much in common. They plays Banjos, heard the same music, and she was an actress. They met so frequently that she married later. A few years ago they made a house, then Harold and his girlfriend was a celebrity performers. The mother lives happily.
Harolds wife was pregnant.
And so ends the story.

setze erst mal alle markierten Verben in das past tense; dann sehen wir weiter


Antwort von GAST | 12.01.2011 - 14:59
At next he went in a Shisha-Café and smoked a joint. After he converted it, he went to home. So everything should change for the better again. He went to her mother and said sorry. She forgivave him, but he must try again the Dating. To find a wife for Harold, they tried it again with the Onlinedating. A few days later came two girls. One from this girl he did not understand, but by the second girl the two had much in common. They played Banjos, heard the same music, and she was an actress. They met so frequently that she married later. A few years ago they made a house, then Harold and his girlfriend was a celebrity performers. The mother lived happily.
Harolds wife was pregnant.

Antwort von ANONYM | 12.01.2011 - 15:09
naja, so schlimm ists nicht.

Das seh ich aber anders. Ich hab jetzt keine Zeit, wenns dann nicht schon passiert ist schau ich später drüber.

Antwort von GAST | 12.01.2011 - 19:50
Kann es keiner korrigieren/verbessern

Antwort von GAST | 13.01.2011 - 15:56
Kann es keiner korrigieren/verbessern

Antwort von GAST | 13.01.2011 - 19:53
Next he went in a Shisha-Café and smoked a joint. After he converted it, and decided he went to home. So everything should change for the better again. He went to his mother and said sorry. She forgives him, but he must try again the Dating. To find a wife for Harold, they tried the Onlinedating again.
A few days later the two girls come. One of this girl he did not liked, but he liked the second/other girl. The two had much in common. They played Banjos, heard the same music, and she was an actress. They met so frequently that she married later. A few years ago they bought a house and the two was a celebrity performers. The mother lived happily.
Harold’s wife was pregnant.

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Antwort von Grizabella | 13.01.2011 - 23:07
Next he went in a Shisha-Café and smoked a joint. After he converted it he decided to went home. So everything should change for the better again. He went to his mother and said sorry. She forgave him, but he had to try the Dating again. To find a wife for Harold, they tried the Onlinedating again.
A few days later the two girls came. He didn`t like one of these girls, but he liked the second/other girl. The two had much in common. They played Banjos, heard the same music, and she was an actress. They met so frequently that they married later. A few years ago they bought a house and the two were celebrity performers. The mother lived happily.
Harold’s wife was pregnant.

-> Ich hab jetzt mal nochmal die Zeiten verbessert, die ich finden konnte.

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 13.01.2011 - 23:29
Next he went into a Shisha-Café and smoked a joint. After he had converted it he decided to go home. So everything should change for the better again. He went to his mother and said sorry. She forgave him, but he had to try the dating again. To find a wife for Harold they tried the online dating again.
A few days later the two girls came. He didn`t like one of them, but he liked the second/other girl. The two had much in common. They played Banjos, heard the same music and she was an actress. They met so frequently that they married later. A few years ago they bought a house and the two were celebrity performers. The mother lived happily.
Harold’s wife was pregnant.

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