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Verwendung der englischen Zeiten

Frage: Verwendung der englischen Zeiten
(2 Antworten)

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If a question isin the present tense , you should answer in the present tense (see a) , and if a question is in the past tense , then you should answer in the past tense (see b) . (a) To show a sequence of actions use the simple present, e. g.

One day Peter and Mary go to Melbourne to buy a garden seat. She is shocked at the state of the city. Everything is dirty and it smells. Nobody cleans the city any more.

If you use the present tense, actions that happened at an earlier point in time are in the simple past IF THE TIME WHEN THEY HAPPENED IS GIVEN, e. g.

Two years before, there was a short war, which ended with a terrible explosion on the 37th day.

You use the present perfect tense to bring people up to date with what has happened recently to explain situations/actions now WITHOUT SAYING WHEN IT HAPPENED, e. g.

There has been no petrol since the end of the war, so there is very little private motorised transport.
Peter has made a cart with wheels which he has fixed to a bicycle. With this cart he can fetch milk from the farmer four miles away.
BUT: Peter made a cart with four wheels a week before.

If you want to show that one action forms the background to another action, you use the present progressive, e. g.

While Moira and Dwight are staying in the mountains, they go fishing.

(b) If you are asked a question about the text in the past tense, use the simple past to describe a sequence of events, e. g.,

One day Peter and Mary went to Melbourne to buy a garden seat. She was shocked at the state of the city. Everything was dirty and it smelt. Nobody cleaned the city anymore.

If you use the simple past, all actions that happened before that are in the past perfect. It doesn’t matter if you say when it happened, e. g.

At the beginning of the novel Moira had given up hope and could not understand why everyone was behaving as though life would go on.

If you want to show that one action formed the background to another action, you use the past continuous, e. g.

While Moira and Dwight were staying in the mountains, they went fishing.
Frage von FB19071 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 29.08.2014 - 23:13

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Antwort von brabbit | 30.08.2014 - 10:55
If a question isin the present tense, you should answer in the  present tense (see a), and if a question is in the past tense, then you should answer in the  past tense (see b).
(a) To show a sequence of actions use the simple present, e.g.
Frage in Present Tense -> Antworte in Present Tense (siehe a) + Abfolge von Handlungen werden auch in Present Tense geschrieben.
Hier ist ein Beispiel für eine Abfolge von Handlungen (Present Tense):
One day Peter and Mary go to Melbourne to buy a garden seat. She is shocked at the state of the city. Everything is dirty and it smells. Nobody cleans the city any more.
If you use the present tense, actions that happened at an earlier point in time are in the simple past IF THE TIME WHEN THEY HAPPENED IS GIVEN, e. g.

Two years before, there was a short war, which ended with a terrible explosion on the 37th day.
Hier wird beschrieben, wann du das Simple Past anwendest.  Und bei den anderen Sätzen wird wieder erst erklärt, wann du eine Zeit nutzt und dadrunter steht dann ein Beispielsatz. Du musst also verstehen wann welche Zeit im Englischen verwendet wird!
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Antwort von FB19071 (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.08.2014 - 16:42
Ok, ist also nur ein Hinweis. Vielen Dank!

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