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Frage: Aborigines
(7 Antworten)

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Ich brauch etwas über die Beziehung der Aborigines / der Einwanderer mit der Natur
Danke im Vorraus
Frage von Mohamed (ehem. Mitglied) | am 17.11.2010 - 19:35

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Antwort von cookie. (ehem. Mitglied) | 17.11.2010 - 19:38
okay das habe ich noch von meiner letzten english hü
vll hilfts dir ja (da sind sicher ein paar fehler dabei) :

Information on Aborigines/Aboriginal culture/traditions/food/modern way of life

Aborigines are actually not one people, but hundreds of different groups, each with its own language.
They live in billabongs (swamp) and taught their children early, how to catch snakes with their hands.
Many Aborigines also lives in a house and know to interact with computers.
Finding their way in modern society is difficult for people who have only recently left the Stone Age.
Over 40 000 years, they’ve adapted perfectly to an environment that provides everything they need. Migrating animals give them a varied diet. Turkeybush leaves are rubbed on scores. Crushed termites mixed with water help to cure diarrhoea. The resin of spinifex grass can be used as glue. Acacia seeds rubbed together produce a kind of soap. Eucalyptus trees hollowed out by termites are made into didgerioos.
In Aboriginal society, girls can be married at the age of 13; and violence is sometimes used to keep the community together. If someone is killed, the victim’s family is allowed to kill the person responsible. If a man leaves the community without permission, a wound may be inflicted on that person’s brother for not preventing him.

Information on white settlers/influence on Aborigines…

White society, into which many Aboriginal children were forced to assimilate in the early 20th century, brought mostly harm. Aboriginal people are genetically very susceptible to alcoholism and a Western diet high in bread and sugar gives many of them diabetes. Time is also not a real concept in traditional society, and even today many Aboriginal people are unable to keep regular working hours. It’s common to see those who can’t adapt sitting barefoot in city parks.

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Antwort von NuRReddin (ehem. Mitglied) | 17.11.2010 - 19:43
haha übersetz des mal xD

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Antwort von dickimon (ehem. Mitglied) | 17.11.2010 - 19:45
ich hatte die bei meiner arbeit auch.
hauptpunkt war eigentlich nur "aborigines are still living in harmony with nature" und dann halt da drauf aufbauen

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Antwort von cookie. (ehem. Mitglied) | 17.11.2010 - 19:48
haha übersetz des mal xD

Es ist unter Schule-English.
Also wird er es ja auf english brauchen oder?

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Antwort von Mohamed (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.11.2010 - 18:56
ist eigentlich ganz gut muss ich ein wenig verbessern aber echt super danke

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Antwort von cookie. (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.11.2010 - 18:57
sry hab dir die unverbessere form gegeben
hier ist das verbesserte :

Information on Aborigines/Aboriginal culture/traditions/food/modern way of life

Aborigines are actually not one class, but hundreds of different groups, each with its own language.
They live in billabongs (swamp) and taught their children early, how to catch snakes with their hands.
Many Aborigines also live in a house and know to interact with computers.
Finding their way in modern society is difficult for people who have recently left the Stone Age. Over 40 000 years, they’ve adapted perfectly to an environment that provides everything they need. Migrating animals give them a varied diet. Turkeybush leaves are rubbed on scores. Crushed termites mixed with water help to cure diarrhoea. The resin of spinifex grass can be used as glue. Acacia seeds rubbed together produce a kind of soap. Eucalyptus trees hollowed out by termites are made into didgerioos.
In Aboriginal society, girls can be married at the age of 13; and violence is sometimes used to keep the community together. If someone is killed, the victim’s family is allowed to kill the person responsible. If a man leaves the community without permission, a wound may be inflicted on that person’s brother for not preventing him.

Information on white settlers/influence on Aborigines…

White society, into which many Aboriginal children were forced to assimilate in the early 20th century, brought mostly harm. Aboriginal people are genetically very susceptible to alcoholism and a Western diet high in bread and sugar gives many of them diabetes. Time is also not a real concept in traditional society, and even today many Aboriginal people are unable to keep regular working hours. It’s common to see those who can’t adapt sitting barefoot in city parks.

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Antwort von Mohamed (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.11.2010 - 19:00
Danke dass ist doch schon besser das weiß jetz schon obwohl ich es nicht gelesen habe

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