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Vortrag Englisch - Grammatik und Füllen für 20 Credits

Frage: Vortrag Englisch - Grammatik und Füllen für 20 Credits
(4 Antworten)


kann jemand den Text durchlesen und auf Grammatikalische richtigkeit prüfen und den Text neu verfassen? Wenn möglich, denn text ein bisschen langziehen und füllen.
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Hier die Bruchstücke des Textes:

The story of the Lighthouse of Pharos starts with the founding of the city of Alexandria by the Macedonian conqueror Alexander the Great in 320 B.C.

Alexander the great designed the Lighthouse, but he died before he can complete the construction.
20 years later was the Tower redesigned by the Greek architect Sostratus of Cnidus.

The Tower of Pharos was built on a little Island called Pharos in the Harbor of Alexandria.

Alexander the Great choose the location of his new city carefully. Instead of building it on the Nile delta, he selected a site some twenty miles to the west, so that the silt and mud carried by the river would not block the city harbor. South of the city was the marshy Lake Mareotis. After a canal was constructed between the lake and the Nile, the city had two harbors: one for Nile River traffic, and the other for Mediterranean Sea trade.

Pharos have a man-made causeway form the Island to Alexandria for the fuel transport .

The lighthouse was built on the island of Pharos and soon the building itself acquired the name. The connection of the name with the function became so strong that the word "Pharos" became the root of the word "lighthouse" in the French, Italian, Spanish and Romanian languages.

The lighthouse was apparently a tourist attraction. Food was sold to visitors at the observation platform at the top of the first level. A smaller balcony provided a view from the top of the eight-sided tower for those that wanted to make the additional climb. The view from there must have been impressive as it was probably 300 feet above the sea.

There are stories that this mirror could be used as a weapon to concentrate the sun and set enemy ships ablaze as they approached. Another tale says that it was possible to use the mirror to magnify the image of the city of Constantinople from far across the sea to observe what was going on there.

The light from the tower could be seen from almost 100 miles out to sea.

The Lighthouse was 120 till 160 meters high and weighs over 60 Tons.
The Tower was consisted of Stone, Granite and Marble.
The cost for the Pharos was about 800 Talents or over today 9 Million Euro.
The building was 20 years under constructions.
It was about 1.000 years the tallest man-made building.
The Tower is one of the seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
The Tower needed to burn timber, oil and bitumen.

The Lighthouse is consisted of a three-stage tower, decorated with sculptures of Greek gods and mythical creatures. At the Top stood the latern Poseidon the Greek god of the Sea.
At the Top stage stood a lantern with a giant bonfire whose light may have been focused by mirrors. The Mirrors are made of polished bronze and reflected the sunlight during the day while fire was used during the night.
In the Core of the first stage was a shaft to lift the fuel for the fire.

The Lighthouse was taller than the “Statue of Liberty” in New York.
The german tallest lighthouse is 60 meters high, also 100 meters smaller than the tower of Pharos.
The tallest lighthouse on the world today is the “Steel Marine Tower in Yokohama and is 106 meters high, also over 50 meters smaller than the lighthouse of Pahros.

The lighthouse was hit by a earthquakes in 950 and 1200 A.D.
In the fourteen century destroy a earthquake the tower, up this time it was a ruin.
ANONYM stellte diese Frage am 15.09.2010 - 10:20

Beiträge 0
Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.09.2010 - 13:11
Wissen kann man sich nicht kaufen.
Das muss man sich selbst erarbeiten.

Antwort von GAST | 16.09.2010 - 03:23
Du solltest es am besten überarbeiten und es einen Mitschüler zur korrektur geben,

Beiträge 5739
Antwort von brabbit | 16.09.2010 - 10:38
The story of the Lighthouse of Pharos starts with the
of the city of Alexandria by the Macedonian conqueror Alexander the Great in 320 B.C.

Alexander the great designed the Lighthouse, but he died before he can complete the construction.
20 years later was the Tower redesigned by the Greek architect Sostratus of Cnidus.

The Tower of Pharos was built on a little Island called Pharos in the Harbor of Alexandria.

Alexander the Great choose the location of his new city carefully. Instead of building it on the Nile delta, he selected a site some twenty miles to the west, so that the silt and mud carried by the river would not block the city harbor. South of the city was the marshy Lake Mareotis. After a canal was constructed between the lake and the Nile, the city had two harbors: one for Nile River traffic, and the other for Mediterranean Sea trade.

Pharos have a man-made causeway form the Island to Alexandria for the fuel transport .

The lighthouse was built on the island of Pharos and soon the building itself acquired the name. The connection of the name with the function became so strong that the word "Pharos" became the root of the word "lighthouse" in the French, Italian, Spanish and Romanian languages.

The lighthouse was apparently a tourist attraction. Food was sold to visitors at the observation platform at the top of the first level. A smaller balcony provided a view from the top of the eight-sided tower for those that wanted to make the additional climb. The view from there must have been impressive as it was probably 300 feet above the sea.

There are stories that this mirror could be used as a weapon to concentrate the sun and set enemy ships ablaze as they approached. Another tale says that it was possible to use the mirror to magnify the image of the city of Constantinople from far across the sea to observe what was going on there.

The light from the tower could be seen from almost 100 miles out to sea.

The Lighthouse was 120 till 160 meters high and weighs over 60 Tons.
The Tower was consisted of Stone, Granite and Marble.
The cost for the Pharos was about 800 Talents or over today 9 Million Euro.
The building was 20 years under constructions.
It was about 1.000 years the tallest man-made building.
The Tower is one of the seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
The Tower needed to burn timber, oil and bitumen.

The Lighthouse is consisted of a three-stage tower, decorated with sculptures of Greek gods and mythical creatures. At the Top stood the latern Poseidon the Greek god of the Sea.
At the Top stage stood a lantern with a giant bonfire whose light may have been focused by mirrors. The Mirrors are made of polished bronze and reflected the sunlight during the day while fire was used during the night.
In the Core of the first stage was a shaft to lift the fuel for the fire.

The Lighthouse was taller than the “Statue of Liberty” in New York.
The german tallest lighthouse is 60 meters high, also 100 meters smaller than the tower of Pharos.
The tallest lighthouse on the world today is the “Steel Marine Tower in Yokohama and is 106 meters high, also over 50 meters smaller than the lighthouse of Pahros.

The lighthouse was hit by a earthquakes in 950 and 1200 A.D.
In the fourteen century destroy a earthquake the tower, up this time it was a ruin.

Credits bitte. Kannst ja einen Idioten bezahlen, der gegen Geld dir die Hausis macht.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 16.09.2010 - 10:57
Kannst ja einen Idioten bezahlen, der gegen Geld dir die Hausis macht.

*Aber sowas von zustimmend nick*
Ist schon traurig wenn jemand meint dass jemand für ihn/sie die Arbeit macht damit er/sie hinterher die Lorbeeren ernten kann...

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