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Frage: englischen text korrigieren
(4 Antworten)

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hallo, könntet ihr bitte bitte mal über den text lesen, ist wirklich dringend, also am liebsten so schnell es geht (: ob der von grammatik her richtig ist und so, wäre ganz lieb (:

The Goose bumps effect
Music can activate emotions at our body.
It allude us. We mustn’t analyse the content. Music has an unbelievable impact to us. But how that music does that?
The music tempo effects our heart rate and music has many positive effects on the human body. Music is the language of the emotions. The brain is looking for an emotional meaning, when we listen to music. If music is very loud and fast and monotonous with one beat it’s not so emotional than an acoustic song with melody and slower rhythm. At each human the are other factors which activate the goose bumps effect.
What is the goose bumps effect? All mammals, including us, have skin covered with hair. When the hairs rise up, we called it goose bumps, because it looks like the skin of a plucked goose.
There is a phenomenon, we can listen a song an associate it with one experience, for example “Honey, they play our song.” For people that’s a nice feeling, but it wears out.
Composers are the really emotion researchers. They know the easy musical parameters, which look at every human being.
Music is a phenomenon. It has an indescribable effect on us. Music is important for our complete life.

vielen dank schon mal im vorraus (:
Frage von ischischisch (ehem. Mitglied) | am 08.09.2010 - 21:10

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Antwort von matata | 08.09.2010 - 21:15
The Goose bumps Effect
Music can activate emotions at our body. It allude us. We mustn’t analyse the content. Music has an unbelievable impact to us. But how that music does that?
The music tempo effects our heart rate and music has many positive effects on the human body. Music is the language of the emotions. The brain is looking for an emotional meaning,
when we listen to music. If music is very loud and fast and monotonous with one beat it’s not so emotional than an acoustic song with melody and slower rhythm. At each human the are other factors which activate the goose bumps effect.
What is the goose bumps effect? All mammals, including us, have skin covered with hair. When the hairs rise up, we called it goose bumps, because it looks like the skin of a plucked goose.
There is a phenomenon, we can listen a song an associate it with one experience, for example “Honey, they play our song.” For people that’s a nice feeling, but it wears out.
Composers are the really emotion researchers. They know the easy musical parameters, which look at every human being.
Music is a phenomenon. It has an indescribable effect on us. Music is important for our complete life.
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von ischischisch (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.09.2010 - 21:27
entschuldige wenn ich frage, aber an dem text ist nichts verändert?

Beiträge 40306
Antwort von matata | 08.09.2010 - 21:28
Das heisst, dass er von der Rechtschreibung her in Ordnung ist. Andere Dinge zu kontrollieren, bin ich noch nicht dazu gekommen.
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von ischischisch (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.09.2010 - 21:30
oh achso, wäre das vielleicht noch möglich? wäre sehr sehr sehr nett (:

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