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Englisch -> Characterization

Frage: Englisch -> Characterization
(4 Antworten)

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wir sollten eine Charakterrieseirung über eine Person Namens Jess aus dem Buch/Film "Bent it like Beckham" schreiben.
(In Enlisch)
Nur hab ich das ewig nicht mehr gemacht und mein Englisch ist auch nicht gerade erste Sahne.

So siehts bis jetzt aus:
Jess Bhamra is a young indian girl which lives with her family in Great Britain. At their house you can see that the Bhamras live in the upper-middle class. She is one of the daughters of Mr and Mrs Bhamra her sister is called Pinky.
Jess is very athletic and tanned, besides she has dark hair. She is good-natured and intelligent as well as courageous and ambitious, but sometimes she can be rude and bad-tempered. Furthermore she is an excellent football player, but her parents forbid her to play football because she should become an indian housewife which marry an other indian man.
She play in a football club with her friend Jules.
Both of them love their trainer Joe, this is why they have some conflicts. But finally their can undo their conflict.

Kann ich das so schreiben? ->
She play in a football club with her friend Jules.
Oder ist das schon zu nah an einer Zusammenfassung?

Wäre toll wenn jemmand meine Fehler findet und mich darauf hinweißt.
Frage von oneill3007 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 15.08.2010 - 16:46

Antwort von GAST | 15.08.2010 - 17:07
Jess Bhamra is a young Indian girl who lives with her family in Great Britain. Looking at their house you can see that the Bhamras belong to in the upper-middle class. Jess is one of Mr and Mrs Bhamra`s daughters [...] Her sister is called Pinky.
Jess is very athletic and tanned,
besides she has dark hair. She is good-natured and intelligent as well as courageous and ambitious, but sometimes she can be rude and bad-tempered. Furthermore she is an excellent football player, but her parents forbid her to play football because [...] they want her to become an Indian housewife who will marry an [...] Indian man.
She plays in a football club with her friend Jules.
Both of them love their trainer Joe, this is why they have some conflicts. But finally their can solve their conflict.

Antwort von GAST | 15.08.2010 - 18:42
Both of them love their trainer Joe, this is why they have some conflicts. But finally they can solve their conflict.

Sorry einen Fehler um Schluss übersehen und den anderen nicht markiert.


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Antwort von John_Connor | 15.08.2010 - 18:44
Nicht persönlich nehmen, aber die Korrektur ist dem User sicherlich längst egal! :P

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Antwort von oneill3007 (ehem. Mitglied) | 15.08.2010 - 19:44
Wieso längst egal?

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