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Frage: Werbung
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Hallo, wir schreiben Montag eine English Klausur. Unsere Aufgabe wird es sein eine Werbung zu analysieren. Ich habe mal diese genommen und hoffe ihr könnt mal meine analysie dazu angucken.

The advert shows us a photograph by "König Pilsener" where you see Til Schweiger who holds a beer.
The advertisment consist of a quote from Til Schweiger, the brand from the company and a slogan which stands in red letters under the brand.
They try to arouse the readers curiosity with the tv star who holds the beer from the company, because the people identify with that person and whenever they drink that beer they connect it with Til Schweiger who say this beer is the best award for a succesfull day.
With the slogan which is written in capital letters they want to underline the high quality from the beer, because the slogan says it is the king under the beers.
With that two points they make the reader interested in the product and attraid desire.
Also the colors very importand for the advert. The commanding colors in that photograph are black and white, on the other hand the beer have a powerfull yellow color. The dark and bright colors creats interest,too.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 19.02.2010 - 18:38

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