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Characterization & Summary schreiben

Frage: Characterization & Summary schreiben
(2 Antworten)

jjjjjgggggggggggggggh ggggf dfd

GAST stellte diese Frage am 09.02.2010 - 18:02

Antwort von GAST | 09.02.2010 - 21:27
Vorsichtig! Verwechsle bitte nicht Personenbeschreibung mit Charakterisierung.! Vom Charakter der Frau und des Schlägers erfährst du doch fast gar nichts. (vom Schläger evtl.: aggressiv (alkoholbedingt); Authoritätsprobleme: verwechselt nette Frage mit autoritärem Befehl - evtl. Schul- oder familien (vater-)geschädigt?)
Der einzig eindeutig beschreibbare Charakter ist doch der des Ich-Erzählers!; vgl. die folg. Terxtstellen:

Now I am not sure. I was on the train last Saturday at about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. A woman got on at the next station and I noticed her right away. She was well-dressed,
about forty, young-looking and had dark hair with highlights. She sat down opposite a young guy, who had a denim jacket. His sneakers and his T-shirt were dirty. The first thing I heard the woman say was, “do you think you could take your feet off the seat, please? They are touching my jacket.” The guy stood up really quickly. “who do you thing you are?” he shouted.” Do you own this train, or something?” “I´m only asking you to move your feet, “the woman said. She kept her voice very calm. He shouted into her face, “If you make me angry, you will be in trouble?” He was really red in the face and I think he was a bit drunk. Suddenly booth of them stood up and the guy looked very angry. I can remember thinking, “Oh, no, something terrible is going to happen!” The other passengers all looked away or won at their newspapers. If I hadn’t been so embarrassed I would have done something. Instead I looked out of the windows and concentrated on the Chicago subways passing by. Suddenly the drunken guy pushed the woman hard. She let out a cry, fell backwards onto the seat and hit her head against the window as she fell. Still nobody did anything. The train pulled into the next station and the drunken guy got off, in fact he almost fell off, and walked away. The woman got off, too, holding her hand to her head. I could see the pain on her face as she stared back at the other passengers through the window, wide-eyed. The look on her face saidshe couldn’t believe what she had just experienced. It shouldn’t have … happened. I know what I did wasn’t right. If I had said something to that drunk, perhaps some other passengers would have helped, too. I’m sure that the guy wouldn’t have pushed her. But I was scared to get involved in their problem. I felt really bad when I got off the train and I still feel bad today. Why haven’t we learned to show more courage? I’m not a kind any more, so what was I scared off? I can’t get it off my mind, I find myself thinking about it all day. I wonder how many other young people have had a similar experience.

Ich habe so nebenbei noch deine Rechtschreibfehler verbessert


Antwort von GAST | 09.02.2010 - 22:07
Bei der Inhaltsangabe beache, dass du mit einem einleitenden "regenschirmsatz" beginnst, z.b.

"In dem vorliegenden Text (von? Überschrift?) besdchreibt ein beobachtender Ich-Erzähler einen aggressiven Gew3altakt in einem Zugabteil.
Eine Frau bittet einen schlecht gekleideten, ihr gegenüber sitzenden jungen Mann, seine Füße von ihrem Sitz zu nehmen. Dieser ist offensichtlich angetrunken , wird gleich aggressiv und schlägt die Frau während der mündlichen Auseinnadersetzung. Keiner der Mitreisenden reagiert. Nachdem die Frau und der Schläger den Zug verlassen haben, denkt der Ich-Erzähler über sein Verhalten und das der anderen Fahrgäste nach. Er entwickelt Schuldgefühle.

Tipps: nur Präsens, keine wörtliche Rede, keine Aufzählung, keine "Spannung " erzeugen durch erzählerische Wörter wie "und plötzlich, danach, auf einmal ...".


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