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Eigener Schluss zu American Beauty: Korrektur bitte !

Frage: Eigener Schluss zu American Beauty: Korrektur bitte !
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Beiträge 3042
Ich soll ein Ende eigenes Ende für den Film American Beauty schreiben, da wir ihn noch nicht zuende geschaut haben.
Da ich in Englisch nicht so begabt bin, würde ich mich freuen, wenn einer von euch meinen Text überfliegen würde und ihn eventuell berichtigt.

Lester stnds confused in the garage. He closed it. He must at first concentrate him. Why Colonel Fitts comes to him? Lester turn off the lights. -At the same time- Carolyn properbly step on the gas. Her fury on Lester and her previous deserted life pent up (soll heißen: staut sich auf). She helds a gun, which she uses for training, in one hand. THirst-for-revenge thoughts go through her head. She wants to pass a remark on Lester. (=Meinung sagen)
What the gun propably means?
Finally she comes in angriness (=in WUt geraten) with her car in the front yard to stand, get off from the car in high dudgeon (=sehr aufgebracht) and tramps to the dor, with the pistol in the hand. Lester, who observe her from a window and is a little bit afraid, goes upstairs in the second floor. Carolyn yells his name. He shall come down, she hast to tell him something important. Lester goes slowly downstairs and try to talk insistently to her (=auf jmd. einreden). But now Carolyn pull a gun on Lester. She yells that he never shall come back and that he shall piss off. She cry, hold the gun with a fainter (=schwächeren) arm. Lester succeeds (=gelingt) it to catch the gun and throw it away. He hug her strong. She cry stronger and apologizes her. During Lester holds Carolyn in his arms suddenly he sees Colonel Fitts in the door. He stands there, seeping (=tropfend) from the rain, stands there like a sculpture. He holds the gun in his hand. With fast steps he runs to Lester and Carolyn. He throw Carolyn on the bottom and shoot in her leg. Lester takes fright. Colonel point his face at Lester. His face is dark, full of anger and revenge. He heave his arm with the gun on Lester and yells in his face:"Run fag, run!". Lester fall down but scramble and stand up again and run in the garden around the house on the street. Colonel follow him. Suddenly Lester fall when a loud bang comes. Colonel catch him with the gun. He goes to him and shoot triply in his back. Lester is dead. Carolyn yells and cry. Colonel come off in his house. Yet in that night Colonel became arrested and Carolyn get in an hospital. Now Carolyn has Jane and ... (den namen weiß ich net mehr). THE END!

Frage von mopselratz | am 01.02.2010 - 23:07

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