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Bericht über Arbeitstag

Frage: Bericht über Arbeitstag
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Hallo Leute, ich mache z.Z. eine Ausbildung zur verwaltungsfachangestellten. In der berufsschule haben wir nun die Hausaufgabe bekommen unseren Arbeitstag zu beschreiben. Die hausaufgabe haben wir bis zum 16.03.2010 aufgekriegt, ich weiß das bis dahin noch lange zeit ist, aber ich habe mich trotzdem schon einmal hingesetzt und mit dem Schreiben angefangen. Eine bestimmt Wotzanzahl ist nicht vorgegeben, aber bis jetzt sind es schonmal 325. Vielleicht könntet Ihr mir helfen Fehler herauszufinden oder habt noch ein paar weitere Ideen oder Tipps für mich.

Vielen Dank im Voraus

My working day

At the time I`m training to be an employee in the administration. My training post is at the moment the head office of the municipality in Hainichen. I have flexible working hours that means I can come between 7 and 9 a.m. but usually I come at 7 a.m. so I can go earlier. In the week I must work 38 hours but I divide it into several times. For example at Monday I work till 2 pm at at Thursday untill 6 pm so I work one day longer than the others.

First when I arrived my training post I announce me by push the button “coming”. After I go 3 etages up to my office. Before I start working at 7 am I open the window to get fresh air so I can work with concentration. I put on my personal computer, the copier and the shredder. Some minutes later when my colleagues arrived the work I greet and do a short talk with them. At 8am I got to breakfast and talk with some colleagues of other agencies about their tasks. After the 15 minutes breakfast I go back to my office and continue the work. Some of my tasks are for example do some copies, write something on the computer or help my colleagues when they need help at their work. So I do no special tasks at work just things that can make a trainee. But last week at Thursday I had a great experience. In the youth club of Hainichen some burglar stole alcohol and destroy some furniture things for example a computer or a couch. Instantly we call the police do take a look on the club. After 10 minutes the police arrived the scene of the crime and draw up the occurence and our particulars. It was a really special adventure for me and I was happy that I had so an exciting day.
Frage von *Kathl* (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.12.2009 - 10:49

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