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Lazaraus, Emma: Interpretation berichtigen, bitte

Frage: Lazaraus, Emma: Interpretation berichtigen, bitte
(6 Antworten)

kann jemand sich meine interpretation angucken und es verbessern mein englisch ist nicht gerade gut danke im vorraus: "The New Colossus" is a poem from Emma Lazarus and was written in 1883. Emma Lazarus wrote about the greek fame and the statue of liberty. In the poem the SStatue of liberty refer to the immigrants who came to America to be free.

The poem is a sonett. The first and second passage has four lines and the pattern is an enclosed rhyme a-b-b-a a-b-b-a.
The third and forth has three lines and the pattern ic a cross rhyme c-d-c d-c-d.
The first two phrases are about the greek fame and than Emma Lazarus wrote about the Statue of liberty which is mighty and she want peoole to come to the golden door who want a new life. I think the poem is godd but very difficult to comprehending and i think emma lazarus could use more nicer words for example magnificence in place of "pomp"
GAST stellte diese Frage am 05.09.2009 - 22:51

Antwort von GAST | 06.09.2009 - 00:39
kann jemand sich meine interpretation angucken und es verbessern mein englisch ist nicht gerade gut danke im vorraus:

"The New Colossus" is a poem from Emma Lazarus and was written in 1883.
Emma Lazarus wrote about the greek fame and the statue of liberty. In the poem the SStatue of liberty refer(s) to the immigrants who came to America to be free.
The poem is a sonett. The first and second passage (have) four lines and the pattern is an enclosed rhyme a-b-b-a a-b-b-a.
The third and (fourth) (have) three lines and the pattern ic a cross rhyme c-d-c d-c-d.
The first two phrases are about the greek fame and than Emma Lazarus wrote about the Statue of liberty which is mighty and she want peoole to come to the golden door who want a new life. I think the poem is (goo) but very difficult to (understand) and i think emma lazarus could use more nicer words for example magnificence in place of "pomp"

Also ich habe mal die Sachen, die ich verbessern würde in Klammern gesetzt. Um nochwas zur Interpretation zu sagen. Es geht um den Gegensatz alt-neu. Die Freiheitsstatue steht für die Einwanderer etc.. und der Koloss steht halt für das Vergangene, also einfach ein Gegensatz..

Beiträge 40293
Antwort von matata | 06.09.2009 - 00:55
Jetzt ist vielleicht nicht mehr die richtige Zeit, um auf einen Englisch-Experten zu hoffen. Wart doch bitte bis morgen, vielleicht kommen Lorli oder Gemmson oder andere Könner on und helfen dir.
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von isabelCG (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.09.2009 - 03:40
"The New Colossus" is a poem by Emma Lazarus and was written in 1883. Emma Lazarus wrote about the greek fame and the statue of liberty. In the poem the Statue of liberty refers to the immigrants who came to America to be free.
The poem is a sonett [?]. The first and second passage has four lines and the pattern is an enclosed rhyme a-b-b-a a-b-b-a.
The third and forth has three lines and the pattern is a cross rhyme c-d-c d-c-d.
The first two phrases are about the greek fame and then Emma Lazarus wrote about the Statue of liberty which is mighty and she wants peoole to come to the golden door who want a new life. I think the poem is god but very difficult to comprehend and I think Emma Lazarus could use more nicer words for example "magnificence" in place of "pomp"

achte beim verbessern auch auf die einzelnen buchstaben. da war im text was mit thAn und es müste thEn heißen. kp ob es nur rechtschreibfehler war...


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Antwort von soccerstar94 (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.09.2009 - 06:08
"The New Colossus" is a poem by Emma Lazarus and was written in 1883. Emma Lazarus wrote about the greek fame and the statue of liberty. In the poem (,) the Statue of liberty refers to the immigrants who came to America to be free.
The poem is a sonett [?]. The first and second passage has (have) four lines and the pattern is an enclosed rhyme a-b-b-a a-b-b-a.
The third and forth has (have) three lines and the pattern is a cross rhyme c-d-c d-c-d.
The first two phrases are about the greek fame and (lass das "and" weg und mach ein Punkt.) then (Then) Emma Lazarus wrote about the Statue of liberty which is mighty and she wants peoole (people) who want a new life to come to the golden door. I think the poem is god (good) but very difficult to comprehend (understand) and I think Emma Lazarus could use more (lass das "more" weg) nicer words (,) for example "magnificence"(magnificent) in place of "pomp"

Antwort von GAST | 06.09.2009 - 16:09
kann einer der richtig gut englisch kann sagen welche verbesserung richtig ist wäre echt lieb

Antwort von GAST | 06.09.2009 - 21:54
Emma Lazarus The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame
With conquering limbs astride from land to land
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

„Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!“ cries she
With silent lips. „Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me:
I lift my lamp beside the golden door.“

Ich habe das Gedicht hier noch mal eingestellt.

Du solltest, wenn die Jahreszahl 1883 das Datum der Veröffentlichung des Gedichts ist, wissen, dass es die Statue of Liberty damals noch gar nicht gab: sie war ein Geschenk der Franzosen (aus Dank dafür, dass die Amerikaner in ihrer "Declaration of Independence vom 4.7.1776 erstmalig die Menschenrechte formuliert hatten, die dann die Grundlage der französischen Revolution von 1789 waren) zum 100.Jahrestag der Gründung der USA 1787. Die Statue war damals aber angekündigt bzw. schon im Bau.
Der Koloss von Rhodos, der zu den 7 Weltwundern der Antike zählt (the Seven Wonders of the Antique World) wurde 305 v.Chr. gebaut; man weiß nicht genau, ob er nur eine Statue war, oder ob er (Höhe über 30 Meter, aus Bronze - gegossen in Einzelplatten mit einem Eisenskelett innen) mit gespreizten Beinen die Hafeneinfahrt von Rhodos überspannte. Er stellte Zeus dar.

"The New Colossus" is a poem by (1) Emma Lazarus and was written in 1883. Emma Lazarus wrote about the (2) famous Greek statue, the Colossos of Rhodes, and the Statue of Liberty (3). In the poem the Statue of Liberty (4) refers (5) to the immigrants who came to America to be free.
The poem is a sonett. The first and second stanza (5)has four lines and the pattern is an enclosed rhyme a-b-b-a a-b-b-a.
The third and forth has three lines and the pattern is (6)a cross rhyme c-d-c d-c-d.
The first two phrases are about the Greek famous statue on Rhodes(6) and then (7)Emma Lazarus wrote about the Statue of Liberty(8) which is mighty and she wants (9) people to come to the golden door who want a new life. I think the poem is good(9) but very difficult to comprehend (10) and I(11) think emma lazarus could use more nicer words for example magnificence in place of "pomp"

Ich habe deine Fehler mit Zahlen gekennzeichnet: leider kann ich dir nicht inhaltlich helfen.
Wenn du meine Anmerkungen (geschicht. Hindergrund) durchliest, wirst du merken, dass du mit deiner Interpretation nicht einmal die Oberfläche des Gedichtes kratzt.

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