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Korrekturlesen Apartheid

Frage: Korrekturlesen Apartheid
(1 Antwort)

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Hey, es wäre echt nett von euch wenn ihr diesen Text mal überfliegen könntet und eventuell grobe Schnitzer korrigieren könntet :P Dankeschön!

South African history can`t be mentioned without speaking of Apartheid.
Apartheid means separation of races by official policy, in the case of South Africa it`s the separation of blacks and whites, which lead to big struggle in the past.
In South Africa Blacks were never treated as equals by the whites. The winning of the Afrikaans National Party in 1948 with slogans like “Put the nigger in his place” and other racial offenses was the first step of introducing Apartheid in South Africa. Supported by the Dutch Reformed Church, which said that the bible wanted the separation of races, the population of the whole state was registered according to their ancestry. With new laws the rights of black people were decreased.
The “Group Area Act” for example said that the whole area had to be divided in sections. The whites, got the best economic land with resources and everything they needed. The blacks on the other hand had to live under bad conditions. They only held 13% of the land, even though they were four times as many of the whites. Other social injustice can be found in the diagram below, where blacks and whites in South Africa are compared.

In 1956 leaders and supporters of the anti-Apartheid movement were arrested by government. Among others for example Nelson Mandela, who defended himself successful.
The African National Congress (ANC), founded in 1912, organized protests and demonstrations against the discrimination of black people. The Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) was founded in 1559 to support the aims of the ANC more precisely. Both, the ANC and the PAC were made illegal after a protest where the police shot 70 unarmed people. The result of the brutal proceeding of the government was the launching of a military wing which attacked electric power lines and other infrastructure installations without hurting civilians. The head of the organization called “Umkhonto We Sizwe” (Spear of the Nation) was Nelson Mandela who was arrested in 1962.
The whole system of Apartheid began to fall apart in the 1980s. Unemployed blacks continued resistance and economic suffering because of international sanctions convinced many South Africans that something had to change.
The change came with F.W. De Klerk who was elected president in 1989. He legalized the ANC and released Nelson Mandela, who worked together with De Klerk for a peaceful way to a multiracial South Africa.
In 1994 the first all-race elections took place and Mandela was elected president.
That was the end of Apartheid and also the end of suffering for the black population of South Africa.
Frage von skoo (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.06.2009 - 18:30

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Antwort von isabelCG (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.07.2009 - 14:37

The whites, got the best ec...

da brauchst du kein komma...

They only held 13% of the land, even though they were four times as many of the whites.

ich würde sagen, dss es ... four times as many AS the whites heißt.

In 1956 leaders and supporters of the anti-Apartheid movement were arrested by government.

by THE government.

Among others for example Nelson Mandela, who defended himself successful.

den satz check ich nicht...
soll das bedeuten: unter anderem z.b. nelsen..., der sich selber erfolgreich verteidigte (und somit "nicht" ins gefängnis kam um jetzt den vorherigen satz miteinzubeziehen).

wenn ja, dann muss ich sagen, dass ich das so noch nie gehört habe und daher auch nicht weiß, ob es richtig ist...

kannst es ja auch anders schreiben.
(an den vorhergen satz mitangeknüpft, also inhaltlich, nicht von den satzzeichen her...)

Nelson Mandela for example was one, who defended himself successfully.

habe gerade nochmal das nachgeschlagen bei
erst englisch, dann deutsch.

es heißt nicht among others, sondern in dem falle amongST others.


Both, the ANC and the PAC were made illegal after a protest where the police shot 70 unarmed people.

...where the police (HAD) shot...

so, denke das wärs.... vl habe ich auch noch was überlesen... kp, hoffe es hilft dir! ;)
ansonsten schönes englisch... und auch thema...



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