Korrekturlesen Apartheid
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0 Dokumente und 2 Forumsbeiträge0 Dokumente zum Thema Korrekturlesen Apartheid:
2 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema Korrekturlesen Apartheid:
Hey, es wäre echt nett von euch wenn ihr diesen Text mal überfliegen könntet und eventuell grobe Schnitzer korrigieren könntet :P Dankeschön!
South African history can`t be mentioned without speaking of Apartheid. Apartheid means separation of races by official policy, in the case of South Africa it`s the separation of blacks and whites, ..
The story of apartheid is still prevailing at the present time in south africa. In fact, blacks and white have the same rights on the paper, however, the results of more than 40 years of persistent racial segregation are still to be seen today. The white population lives in secured mansions in affluent parts of the city, while the majority of Black..