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Frage: Korrektur
(8 Antworten)

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Good day, Mrs H

I will tell you now something about my summer holidays.

In the end of June I’m going to go with the gymnastic club ans Turnfest at Berlin. I announced me for the disciplines uneven bars and aerobics. We will spent the night then also there. I think that will be great.  After these spectacular days I’m going to work every weekend. I’ve got a holiday job at the Café Kairo in Berlin, who my mother works too. There I hopefully earn a bit money to spent them afterwards in London. 
I travel namely for two weeks quite alone to London to a hostfamily (?) for mend my english. Of course you can’t learn very much during two weeks, but it’s interested me anyhow. I live then at a family noch I don’t know and visit by the way the international London school of english. It needed many time to coax my parents that I may. Because of they are then also in holidays in Italy and I’m put (?) complete alone. But I’m glad extreme of these holidays. 
After the holidays in London I’ve got a week to get better and then it’s going to start with the high school.

Ich hab viele Sachen in Übersetzter getan, weil ich es zu schwierig fand. Ich bitte um Verständnis.
Frage von Blake (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.12.2010 - 21:38

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Antwort von Senkura (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.12.2010 - 22:02
Ich merk es schon an den Sätzen. Jedenfalls hast du es einige Male selbst versucht. Ich hoffe, dass es dir nicht zu schwer sein wird, da du was daraus lernen willst:

Hello Mrs. H.
I am going to tell you about my plans for my summer holiday.
At the end of June I will be attending a gymnastics event in Berlin. I have enrolled for the disciplines "Asymmetrical bars" and "Aerobics". I will also stay there overnights. I think that will be great. After these spectacular days, I am going to work every weekend. I have a holiday job at the Cafè Kairo in Berlin, where my mother works too. I hope to make some money there, which I intend to spend lateron in London. That is to say, I`ll be going to London for two weeks on my own to live with a host family in order to improve my English skills[b]. [b]One can`t expect to master this over a period of 2 weeks, but it interests me nevertheless. I will live with a guest family, which I do not yet know and additionally attend the International London School of English. It took a long time to persuade my parents to let me do this, since they themselves will be on holiday in Italy and I will have to rely on myself. Nonetheless, I`m very much looking forward to this holiday. After the weeks in London I will have one week to recuperate and then it`s time to go back to school.

So ungefähr könnte es aussehen. Nächstes mal wird es besser ;)

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Antwort von matata | 10.12.2010 - 21:40
Kannst du den deutschen Text da noch dazu schreiben?
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von Blake (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.12.2010 - 21:42
Ich habe es gerade selber gemacht für nächste Woche. Hab nicht wirklich einen deutschen Text, da ich es direkt gemacht habe

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Antwort von Blake (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.12.2010 - 21:43
Es ist wirklich sehr wichtig, ich werde es nicht 100% übernehmen, aber ich würde es gerne vergleichen und gucken, was ich verbessern kann.

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Antwort von Senkura (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.12.2010 - 22:02
Ich merk es schon an den Sätzen. Jedenfalls hast du es einige Male selbst versucht. Ich hoffe, dass es dir nicht zu schwer sein wird, da du was daraus lernen willst:

Hello Mrs. H.
I am going to tell you about my plans for my summer holiday.
At the end of June I will be attending a gymnastics event in Berlin. I have enrolled for the disciplines "Asymmetrical bars" and "Aerobics". I will also stay there overnights. I think that will be great. After these spectacular days, I am going to work every weekend. I have a holiday job at the Cafè Kairo in Berlin, where my mother works too. I hope to make some money there, which I intend to spend lateron in London. That is to say, I`ll be going to London for two weeks on my own to live with a host family in order to improve my English skills[b]. [b]One can`t expect to master this over a period of 2 weeks, but it interests me nevertheless. I will live with a guest family, which I do not yet know and additionally attend the International London School of English. It took a long time to persuade my parents to let me do this, since they themselves will be on holiday in Italy and I will have to rely on myself. Nonetheless, I`m very much looking forward to this holiday. After the weeks in London I will have one week to recuperate and then it`s time to go back to school.

So ungefähr könnte es aussehen. Nächstes mal wird es besser ;)

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Antwort von clemens1992 (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.12.2010 - 22:07
I will tell you now something about my summer holidays.
In the end of June I am going to go with the gymnastic club ?ans Turnfest? at Berlin. I announced me for the disciplines uneven bars and aerobics. We will spent the night then also there. I think that will be great.  After these spectacular days I am going to work every weekend. I’ve got a holiday job at the Café Kairo in Berlin, where my mother works too. There I will hopefully earn a bit money to spent some time in London. 
I will travel namely for two weeks quite alone to London to a hostfamily for training my english. Of course you can not learn very much during two weeks, but itinteresting me in a way I can not describe. I will live then at a family, which I do not know and visit by the way the international London school of english. It needed a lot of time to coax my parents that I may. Because of they are then also in holidays in Italy and I will be completly alone. But I am glad extreme of these holidays. 
After the holidays in London I have got a week to get better and then it is going to start with the high school.

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Antwort von clemens1992 (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.12.2010 - 22:09
nimm den oberen ^^ :D

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Antwort von Blake (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.12.2010 - 22:09
Ich danke dir sehr Senkura, auch über die PM, die du mir geschickt hast. Scheinst sehr gut in Englisch zu sein, sehr flüssiger und schöner Text. Ich hoffe es klappt bei mir auch bald. Kaum vergleichbar mit meinem..

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Antwort von Senkura (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.12.2010 - 22:12
Ich lerne doch auch immer dazu, sonst würde ich es villeicht garnicht machen. Wünsche dir Glück bei den anderen Aufgaben. sonst schreibe mir einfach eine PM.

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