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Frage: Korrektur eines englischen Textes
(22 Antworten)

hallo ich bin neu hier und wollte mal fragen ob hier jemand mal nen englischen text über abraham lincoln überprüfen kann ?


Abraham Lincoln was born on the 12 February 1809 on a farm in Hardin County (Kentucky, USA).

He grew up in a poor illiterate Grenzerfamilie between farm and primary. After some years the family moved first to Indiana, then Illinois, where wild land populated.

In Illinois, Lincoln worked from 1836 as a lawyer and he was elected to Parliament in 1834, where he was represented for 8 years. 1842 Lincoln married Mary Todd.

In 1846 he was elected to the U.S. Congress, where it remained until 1849 as deputy sat. Because of its opinion in favor of Mexico and the abolition of slavery in Columbia, however, he fell among his followers in Illinois into disrepute, their interests in Congress by him were not represented. From 1848 to 1860, therefore, Lincoln was to retreat from politics forced.

He returned to work as a lawyer back, out of which he, however, with increasing vehemence in the public debate over the slave issue related: Lincoln spoke out against the extension of slavery to the newly annexed southern states, and thus supported the position of the abolitionist. This commitment coupled with the 1856 change to the new Republican Party, whose leading personality he developed.

In the presidential campaign of 1860 Lincoln was the Republican candidate for U.S. president. This led to the secession of seven southern states, however, as the Confederate States of America constituted. The new president moved into his first official act decisively against the secession of the southern states of the Union position and was accompanied by political and military resources against the desire autonomy.

The entire office of the President was called "secession war from 1861 to 1865 overshadowed in the American Civil War, the northern states of the Union, under Lincoln`s political leadership against the secessionist southern states before. Lincoln reached the reconquest of the southern states and sought the abolition of slavery there.

Due to its successful policy was 1864 when President Lincoln re-elected. On 9 April 1865 Lincoln was the capitulation of the South in the Civil War. The achievement of other policy measures to reconstruct the Union, but he remained fails.

Indeed, on 14 April 1865 of the Southern bombers injured John Wilkes Booth (1838-1865) with a pistol fatally shot the president. Abraham Lincoln died the following day in a Washington hospital.

viele sätze sind falsch aufgebaut oder wörter fehlen.

der deutsche text dazu hier :Abraham Lincoln wurde am 12. Februar 1809 auf einer Farm im Hardin County (Kentucky, USA) geboren.

Er wuchs in den ärmlichen Verhältnissen einer analphabetischen Grenzerfamilie zwischen Farmarbeit und Grundschule auf. Nach einigen Jahren wechselte die Familie zunächst nach Indiana, dann nach Illinois, wo sie wildes Land besiedelte.

In Illinois arbeitete Lincoln ab 1836 als Rechtsanwalt und wurde er 1834 ins Parlament gewählt, wo er bis 1842 vertreten war. 1842 heiratete Lincoln Mary Todd.

Im Jahr 1846 wählte man ihn in den US-Kongress, in dem er bis 1849 als Abgeordneter saß. Aufgrund seiner Stellungnahme zugunsten Mexikos und der Abschaffung der Sklaverei in Columbia geriet er jedoch unter seinen Anhängern in Illinois in Misskredit, die ihre Interessen durch ihn im Kongress nicht vertreten sahen. Von 1848 bis 1860 sah sich Lincoln daher zum Rückzug aus der Politik gezwungen.

Er kehrte zur Tätigkeit als Rechtsanwalt zurück, aus der heraus er jedoch mit zunehmender Vehemenz in der öffentlichen Debatte über die Sklavenfrage Stellung bezog: Lincoln sprach sich gegen die Ausdehnung der Sklaverei auf die neu annektierten Südstaaten aus und unterstützte somit die Position der Abolitionisten. Dieses Engagement verband sich 1856 mit dem Wechsel zur neuen Republikanischen Partei, zu deren führenden Persönlichkeit er sich entwickelte.

Im Präsidentschaftswahlkampf von 1860 wurde Lincoln als Kandidat der Republikaner zum US-Präsidenten gewählt. Dies zog die Sezession von sieben Südstaaten nach sich, die sich als Konföderierte Staaten von Amerika konstituierten. Der neue Präsident bezog in seiner ersten Amtshandlung entschieden gegen die Abspaltung der Südstaaten von der Union Stellung und ging mit politischen und militärischen Mitteln gegen das Autonomiebegehren vor.

Die gesamte Amtszeit des Präsidenten wurde vom sogenannten "Sezessionskrieg" von 1861 bis 1865 überschattet: In dem amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg gingen die Nordstaaten der Union unter politischer Führung Lincolns gegen die sezessionistischen Südstaaten vor. Lincoln erreichte die Rückeroberung der Südstaaten und bemühte sich um die Aufhebung der dortigen Sklaverei.

Aufgrund seiner erfolgreichen Politik wurde Lincoln 1864 als Präsident wiedergewählt. Am 9. April 1865 erreichte Lincoln die Kapitulation der Südstaaten im Bürgerkrieg. Die Verwirklichung weiterer politischer Maßnahmen zur Rekonstruktion der Union blieben ihm jedoch versagt.

Denn am 14. April 1865 verletzte der südstaatliche Attentäter John Wilkes Booth (1838-1865) mit einem Pistolenschuss den Präsidenten tödlich. Abraham Lincoln starb am darauffolgenden Tag in einem Washingtoner Hospital.

wäre echt der hammer wenn sich einer die mühe macht .
GAST stellte diese Frage am 08.06.2009 - 19:55

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 20:02
wohl? Weil der einfach in ne billige Übersetzungsmaschine geworfen wurde xDD

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 20:05

kenne keine bessere .

kann jemand mal den deutschen text in eine ordentliche üs maschine packen ?

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 20:07
also bei google habe ich das rausbekommen müste nach meinen kenntnissen ber auch stimmen:

Abraham Lincoln, geboren am 12. Februar 1809 auf einem Bauernhof in Hardin County (Kentucky, USA).

Er wuchs in einem armen Analphabeten Grenzerfamilie zwischen Hof-und Erstversicherung. Nach einigen Jahren zog die Familie erste, Indiana, Illinois, dann, wo die wilden Land besiedelten.

In Illinois, Lincoln arbeitete von 1836 als Rechtsanwalt und wurde er an das Europäische Parlament im Jahre 1834, wo er war für 8 Jahre. 1842 heiratete Mary Todd Lincoln.

Im Jahr 1846 wurde er auf dem US-Kongress, wo es blieb bis 1849 als stellvertretender Samstag Aufgrund seiner Stellungnahme zu Gunsten von Mexiko und der Abschaffung der Sklaverei in Kolumbien, jedoch fiel er unter seinen Anhängern in Illinois in Verruf, ihre Interessen im Kongress von ihm waren nicht vertreten. Von 1848 bis 1860, also, Lincoln war zum Rückzug aus der Politik gezwungen.

Kehrte er zur Arbeit als Rechtsanwalt zurück, von denen er jedoch mit zunehmender Vehemenz in der öffentlichen Debatte über die Fragen im Zusammenhang Slave: Lincoln sprach sich gegen die Ausweitung der Sklaverei auf die neu im Anhang südlichen Staaten, und unterstützt damit die Position von die Abschaffung der Todesstrafe. Dieses Engagement, verbunden mit der 1856 auf die neue Republikanische Partei, deren führende Persönlichkeit er entwickelt.

In den Präsidentschaftswahlen von 1860 Lincoln war die republikanische Kandidat für die US-Präsidenten. Dies führte zu der Abspaltung von sieben südlichen Staaten, aber, wie der Konföderierten Staaten von Amerika aus. Der neue Präsident sich in seinem ersten offiziellen Akt entschlossen gegen die Abspaltung von den südlichen Staaten der Union Stellung und wurde begleitet von politischen und militärischen Mitteln gegen den Wunsch Autonomie.

Die gesamte Amtszeit des Präsidenten wurde "Secession Krieg 1861 bis 1865 im Schatten auf dem amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg, den nördlichen Staaten der Union, unter Lincoln` s gegen die politische Führung der abtrünnigen südlichen Staaten vor. Lincoln erreicht der Rückeroberung von den südlichen Staaten und versucht, die Abschaffung der Sklaverei gibt.

Durch seine erfolgreiche Politik wurde 1864 als Präsident Lincoln wieder gewählt. Am 9. April 1865 Lincoln war die Kapitulation des Südens im Bürgerkrieg. Die Erreichung anderer politischer Maßnahmen für den Wiederaufbau der Union, aber er blieb nicht.

Denn am 14. April 1865 von der Southern Bomber verletzt John Wilkes Booth (1838-1865) mit einer Pistole tödlich erschoss den Präsidenten. Abraham Lincoln starb am folgenden Tag in einem Washingtoner Krankenhaus.

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 20:08
den deutschen kenn ich auch ^^

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 20:10
mn willst du den deutsch ,englisch oder ddoch den chineischen da würde ss nämlich so sein:

亚伯拉罕林肯出生于1809年2月12号的一个农场在哈丁县(肯塔基州,美国) 。


在伊利诺伊州的林肯工作从1836年作为一名律师,他当选为议员在1834年,他在那里出席了8年。 1842年林肯结婚玛丽托德。






事实上, 1865年4月14日南部爆炸受伤约翰威尔克斯布思( 1838年至1865年)用手枪开枪主席。亚伯拉罕林肯,翌日死亡在华盛顿医院。

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 20:29
in englisch wäre nicht schlecht^^

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 20:36
find echt keine gute suchmaschine die ihn korrekt übersetzt

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 21:04
ich brauche es echt dringend.
wenns geht bis 22 uhr

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 21:38
wäre echt dankbar .

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 21:53
ich denke hier bekommt man Hilfe

Beiträge 7
Antwort von Mcchen | 08.06.2009 - 21:55
Also meiner Erfahrung nach sind Übersetzungsmaschinen lediglich bei Wortkombinationen nützlich. Für richtige Texte kann man die meist knicken. Also wär wohl doch eigenes Übersetzen mit nem Wörterbuch angebracht;)

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 21:59
deswegen bin ich ja hier.
kann sowas echt nicht gut.
und da einem hier ja geholfen werden soll, dachte ich hier hilft jemand .

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 08.06.2009 - 22:05
Wir helfen dir schon, da bist du richtig informiert. Aber wir machen nicht deine Arbeit.
Du übersetztst und zwar mit Wörterbuch und deinen Englischkenntnissen und nicht mit einer unbrauchbaren Übersetzungsmaschine.
Dann kann man das auch kontrollieren.
Und noch ein Tipp: Solche umfangreichen Arbeiten schneit es nicht einfach vom Himmel, man hat etwas Zeit dafür. Also bring sie nicht erst dann, wenn es brennt, hier zur Kontrolle, obwohl sie noch gar nicht fertig sind.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 22:17
es ist mir erst gegen abend eingefallen das ich zu morgen noch ne biografie über lincoln raussuchen muss.

und ich schaffe es einfach nicht die sätze umzustellen.

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 22:33
hab jetzt schon nen bisschen was gemacht und der text ist kleienr geworden .

He returned back to work as a lawyer , out of which he, however, with increasing vehemence in the public debate over the slave issue related: Lincoln spoke out against the extension of slavery to the newly annexed southern states, and thus supported the position of the abolitionist. This commitment coupled with the 1856 change to the new Republican Party, whose leading personality he developed.

In the presidential campaign of 1860 Lincoln was the Republican candidate for U.S. president. This led to the secession of seven southern states, however, as the Confederate States of America constituted. The new president moved into his first official act decisively against the secession of the southern states of the Union position and was accompanied by political and military resources against the desire autonomy.

The entire office of the President was called "secession war from 1861 to 1865 overshadowed in the American Civil War, the northern states of the Union, under Lincoln`s political leadership against the secessionist southern states before. Lincoln reached the reconquest of the southern states and sought the abolition of slavery there.

Due to its successful policy was 1864 when President Lincoln re-elected. On 9 April 1865 Lincoln was the capitulation of the South in the Civil War. The achievement of other policy measures to reconstruct the Union, but he remained fails.

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 22:50
ich habe jetzt einen neuen text gefunden und wollte mal fragen ob man ihn so vor der Klasse vortragen könnten.

Abraham Lincoln was born on a small farm near Larue, Kentucky. His family lived in a one-room log cabin that was typical for poor farmers on the Kentucky frontier. When Abraham was three, his family moved to another farm in Knob Creek, Kentucky. The farm was located on the main road that connected Louisville, Kentucky and Nashville, Tennessee.

As a young boy, Abraham Lincoln met many people as they moved along the Louisville-Nashville road – pioneer families, peddlers, and politicians who were traveling to the state capital.

There was always plenty of work for the young Abraham. Since there were no schools on the Kentucky frontier, Abraham Lincoln could spend his days working. And he did. He plowed the fields at planting time, he pulled weeds that grew up around the crops, and he kept the box of firewood filled all the time, along with many other chores. When he was eight, his family moved to Indiana, where his mother died less than two years later. His father then married Sarah Johnson, who helped Abraham learn to read.

By age 16, Abraham was a tall, slim, and strong young man. He did any and all odd jobs anyone would hire him for. He worked as a farmhand, grocery clerk, and rail splitter. He also worked as a deckhand on a flatboat that floated down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to New Orleans.

In 1836, Abraham Lincoln received his license to practice law. After practicing law for a while, he was elected to the House of Representatives. He served one term and then returned to Springfield, Illinois to resume his law practice. In 1855, when the Kansas-Nebraska Act that allowed new states to decide whether or not they wanted to be admitted as slave states was passed, Abraham Lincoln was called to action.

In 1858, he ran for the Senate against Stephen Douglas, who was in favor of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. During this election campaign, Lincoln and Douglas debated each other on the topic of slavery. These debates are known as the Lincoln-Douglas debates, and they are some of the most famous debates in American history. Douglas won the election, but these debates made Lincoln famous.

In 1860, the Republican party chose Abraham Lincoln as their candidate for president. The elections were held in the fall of 1860 and Lincoln won. Soon afterward, South Carolina and other states seceded from the Union. By the time Lincoln got into office, tensions between the North and South were very strong. If fact, one month after Lincoln took office, southern soldiers fired on Union-held Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. This was the beginning of the war between the states, now known as the Civil War.

In 1862, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which granted freedom to all slaves in the South. After two years of a war that was being won by the South, this proclamation did not have much effect. But in July 1863, there was a battle at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania where the Southern army was forced to retreat, and for the first time the North got the upper hand.

Later that year, Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address, one of the most famous American speeches of all time:


Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battle field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate – we cannot consecrate – we cannot hallow – this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us – that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion – that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain – that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom – and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.

Less than a week after this speech, Ulysses S. Grant took command of the Union army and began to force all rebel forces to the Deep South. In the meantime, General William Tecumseh Sherman was marching toward Atlanta in his famous "march to the sea."With things going well for the Union, Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election of 1864. When he took his oath of office at the beginning of his second term, he urged that instead of taking vengeance against the South, there should be "malice toward none and charity for all."

On April 14, 1865, five days after the surrender of Confederate forces, Lincoln attended a theater performance with his wife. A man named John Wilkes Booth crept up behind Lincoln and shot him in the head. President Lincoln died the next day.

Beiträge 0
Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.06.2009 - 23:09
He returned back to work as a lawyer ,out of which he, however, with INTERVENED WITH increasing vehemence in the public debate over the slave issue related

Kein Komma vor `and` im nächsten Satz.

This commitment WAS coupled with the 1856 change to the new Republican Party, whose leading personality he developed.

HOWEVER, this led to the secession of seven southern states WHEN the Confederate States of America constituted.

against the desireD autonomy.

Das Ende von dem Namen muss markiert werden.

Due to HIS successful policy President Lincoln WAS re-elected IN 1864. On 9 April 1865 Lincoln ACCOMPLISHED the capitulation of the South in the Civil War. The achievement of other policy measures to reconstruct the Union WAS STILL A GOAL (?), but he remained failED.

Beiträge 0
Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 08.06.2009 - 23:12
Wo hast den denn gefunden?
Hab mich ablenken lassen und die neue Entwicklung verpennt...

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 23:17
Abraham Lincoln was born on a small farm near Larue, Kentucky. His family lived in a one-room log cabin that was typical for poor farmers on the Kentucky frontier. When Abraham was three, his family moved to another farm in Knob Creek, Kentucky. The farm was located on the main road that connected Louisville, Kentucky and Nashville, Tennessee.
As a young boy, Abraham Lincoln met many people as they moved along the Louisville-Nashville road – pioneer families, peddlers, and politicians who were traveling to the state capital.

Since there were no schools on the Kentucky frontier, Abraham Lincoln could spend his days working. And he did. He plowed the fields at planting time, he pulled weeds that grew up around the crops, and he kept the box of firewood filled all the time, along with many other chores. When he was eight, his family moved to Indiana, where his mother died less than two years later. His father then married Sarah Johnson, who helped Abraham learn to read.
By age 16, Abraham was a tall, slim, and a strong young man. He did any and all odd jobs anyone would hire him for. He worked as a farmhand, grocery clerk, and rail splitter. He also worked as a deckhand on a flatboat that floated down the Ohio and Mississippi rivers to New Orleans.

In 1836, Abraham Lincoln received his license to practice law. After practicing law for a while, he was elected to the House of Representatives. He served one term and then returned to Springfield, Illinois to resume his law practice. In 1855, when the Kansas-Nebraska Act that allowed new states to decide whether or not they wanted to be admitted as slave states was passed, Abraham Lincoln was called to action.

In 1858, he ran for the Senate against Stephen Douglas, who was in favor of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. During this election campaign, Lincoln and Douglas debated each other on the topic of slavery. These debates are known as the Lincoln-Douglas debates, and they are some of the most famous debates in American history. Douglas won the election, but these debates made Lincoln famous.

In 1860, the Republican party chose Abraham Lincoln as their candidate for president. The elections were held in the fall of 1860 and Lincoln won. Soon afterward, South Carolina and other states seceded from the Union. By the time Lincoln got into office, tensions between the North and South were very strong. If fact, one month after Lincoln took office, southern soldiers fired on Union-held Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. This was the beginning of the war between the states, now known as the Civil War.

In 1862, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which granted freedom to all slaves in the South. After two years of a war that was being won by the South, this proclamation did not have much effect. But in July 1863, there was a battle at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania where the Southern army was forced to retreat, and for the first time the North got the upper hand.
Later that year, Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address, one of the most famous American speeches of all time:


The Gettysburg Address is one of the most quoted speeches in United States history. It was delivered at the dedication of the Soldiers` National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on the afternoon of Thursday, November 19, 1863, during the American Civil War, four and a half months after the Union armies defeated those of the Confederacy at the decisive Battle of Gettysburg.
Abraham Lincoln`s carefully crafted address, secondary to other presentations that day, came to be regarded as one of the greatest speeches in American history. In just over two minutes, Lincoln invoked the principles of human equality espoused by the Declaration of Independence and redefined the Civil War as a struggle not merely for the Union, but as "a new birth of freedom" that would bring true equality to all of its citizens (Bürger), and that would also create a unified nation in which states` rights were no longer dominant.
Beginning with the now-iconic phrase "Four score and seven years ago...", Lincoln referred to the events of the Civil War and described the ceremony at Gettysburg as an opportunity not only to consecrate the grounds of a cemetery, but also to dedicate the living to the struggle to ensure that "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth".
Despite the speech`s prominent place in the history and popular culture of the United States, the exact wording of the speech is disputed. The five known manuscripts of the Gettysburg Address differ in a number of details and also differ from contemporary newspaper reprints of the speech.

Less than a week after this speech, Ulysses S. Grant took command of the Union army and began to force all rebel forces to the Deep South. In the meantime, General William Tecumseh Sherman was marching toward Atlanta in his famous "march to the sea."With things going well for the Union, Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election of 1864. When he took his oath of office at the beginning of his second term, he urged that instead of taking vengeance against the South, there should be "malice toward none and charity for all."
On April 14, 1865, five days after the surrender of Confederate forces, Lincoln attended a theatre performance with his wife. A man named John Wilkes Booth crept up behind Lincoln and shot him in the head. President Lincoln died the next day.

So werde ich es jetzt erstmal lassen .
hoffe mal das es gut ist .

Antwort von GAST | 08.06.2009 - 23:51
hats einer gelesen ?

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