Könnt ihr überprüfen,on das richtig ist?(short story)
Frage: Könnt ihr überprüfen,on das richtig ist?(short story)(16 Antworten)
Hey, könnt ihr mal überprüfen, ob ich richtig geantwortet habe und wenn nicht könnt ihr mir dann sagen was die Frage lautet?Achja und könntet ihr die Grammatikfehler korregieren?Wäre echt nett von euch*kiss* Das ganze hat mit der short story greyhound Tragedy zu tun. Den text hab ich natürlich abgetippt: Danke ihr lieeeeeben Who is the narrator of this short story? 1)In the short story "Greyhound Tragedy",by Rchiard Brautigan is the narrator not in the short story. In the short story has the sennce" She or Her" and the narroter hasnt all informations. Mit dem teil möchte ich ausdrücken, dass der Erzähler in der Kurzgeschichte gar nciht mitspielt. Denn ers sagt ja immer Sie oder Ihre Mutter.Was meint ihr dazu leg ich richtig? 1b) What does the narrotr choose to tell about the girl in order to influence the reader and to justify the title of the stpry? The words family ties and the sentence never able to leave in line 11. The reason is the girl hasnt a chance to leave her town and this is for me a big tragedy. The sentce in line 64 with the heart felt out of place, because she doesnt like her place or the situation. The next sentence is in line 69 with stupid night. In this stupid night in september she hasnt take the chance to ask how cost the ticket to hollywood. The last sentence in line 70 "didnt have the nerve to find out cost is the situacion of this girl. She cant it and this influence us to the title. 2)Find two metaphors in the text and show what effect they might have on the reader.(Ich weiss gar nicht so recht was eine Mathaphar ist) - She was red faced and nervous. Her heart felt out of place in the bus station.(istthis a methaphor, beacause the narrotr describes the situation from the girl and we have a sad feeling. -The bus sation was stark,unromantic and very distant from the silver creen.(The narrot describes the bus station and this(zeig uns )the future from this girl) Was meint ihr sind das Methapahrn? Achja hier ist der Text danke nochmal^^ Greyhound Tragedy by Richard Brautigan She wanted her life to be a movie magazine tragedly like the death of a young star with long lines of people weeping and corpse more beautiful than a great painting,but she was never able to leave the small Oregon town she was born and raised in and go to Hollywood and die. Thogh it was the Depression, her life was comfortable and untoched because her father was the manager of the local Penney`s and financially compassionate to his family. Movies were the religion of her life and she attended every service with a bag of popcorn. Movie magazines were her Bible that she studied with the zealousness of a doctor of divinity. She probably knew more about movies than the pope. The years passed like the subscription to her magazines 1931-1938(until September 2) Finally it was time to make her move if she were ever going to go to Hollywood.There was a young man who wanted to marry her. Her parents were very enthuasiastic about his prospects. They approved of him because he was a Ford salesman."Iu`s a company with a fine tradition,"her father said. Thing did not look good for her. She spend months buildiing up the courage to go down to the bus station to find uot how much the fare to Hollywood cost.Sometimes she spent whole days thinking about the bus station. A few times she even got dizzy and had to sit down. It never dawbed on her that she she could have called on the telephone. She made it a point during those nervous months never to go by the bus station. Thinking about it all the time was one thing but actually seeing it was another. Once she was driving downtown with her mother and her mother turned onto the street where the bus station was located and she asked her mother to please turn down another street because she wanted to buy something at a store on that street. Some shoes. Her mother thpught nothing of it and made the turn. She didnt think to ask her daughter why her face was red but that was not unusual because she seldom thought to ask her anything. One morning she was going top talk to her about all the movie magazines that came in the mail. Some days htey would jam up the mailbox so that she would have to use a srewdriver to get the mail out. But her mother had fotgotten about it by noon. Her mothers memory had never been able to last until twelve. It usually pooped out around 11:30,but she was a good cook if the recipes were simple. Time was running out like the popcorn at a Clark Gable picture. Her father had been dropping a lot of "hints" lately about her being out of high school for three years and perhapsit was time for her to think about something with her life. He was not the local manager of Penney`s for nothing. Recently,actually about a year ago,he had become tired of watching his daughter sit around the house all the time. Reading movie magazines with her eyes wide as saucers. He had begun to think of her as bump on a log. Her fathers hints happend to coincide with the young Ford salesmanns fourth proposal of marriage. She had turned down the other three saying that she needed time to think it over, which really meant that she she was trying to biuld up enogh courage to go down to the bus station and find out what the fare to Hollywood cost. At least the pressure or her own longings and her fathers"hints" made her leave the house early one warm twilight, after getting out of doing the dinner dishes, and walk slowly down to the bus station. From March 10,1938m until the evening of September 2,1938,she had been wondering what a bus ticketto Hollywood cost. The bus station was satrk,unromantic, and very distant from the silver sreen. Two old people were sitting there on a bench waiting for a bus. The ol people was tired. They wanted to be now at whereeve they were going. their suicase was like a burnedout light bulb. The man who sold the tickets looked as if he could have sold anbything. He could just as well be selling washing machines or lwan furniture as tickets to other places. She was red-faced and nervous. her heart felt out of place in the bus station. She tried to act as if she were waiting for somebody to come in on the next bus, an aunt, as she worked desperately to build uo enough courage to ask now much it cost to go to Hollywood, but it didnt make any difference to anybody else what games she prentended. Nobody looked at her, though she could rented herself out as an earthquake beet. They simply didnt care. It was a stupid night in September and she just didnt have enough nerve to find out how much the fare to Hollywood cost. She cried all the way gome thorugh the warm, gentle Oregon night, wanting to die every time her feet touched the ground. There was no wind nd all the shadows were comforting. They were like cousins to her, so she maaried the young Ford salesman and drove a new car every year except for the Second World war. She had two childre that she named Jean and Rudolph and tried to let her beautiful movie star death go at that,but now,thirty-one years later, she still blushes shen she passes the bus station. Thx for all! |
GAST stellte diese Frage am 05.02.2009 - 16:41 |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:09 |
hat |
Antwort von BursaPlaya16 (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.02.2009 - 17:11 |
ich glaube keiner hat lust sich das durchzulesen :) |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:12 |
Das ist eine Menge text und die mesten leute haben selbst genug zu tun ![]() Ich würde es ja lesen, aber will nach diesr Klausurenwoche nur noch chillen. So geht es wohl einigen. |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:16 |
versteh ich könnt ihr dann mein gelesenes überprüfen^^ist ja nicht soviel |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:28 |
owei die erste aufgabe (erster satz) is schon a weng falsch ...the narrator is... anders rum also das is davor ist der deutsche satzbau!les alles nochmal in ruhe durch und beachte die tipps von : www.ego4u.de ganzdurchlesen will ich des jetzt auch nich und achte auf kurze sätze dann macht man weniger fehler |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:32 |
wie sehen die restlichen 2 Aufgaben aus?^^ ist ja nicht viel der text ist nur viel |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:32 |
Und meide wiederholungen hast du schonmal was von einem "umbrella sentence" gehört? der einleitungssatz bei englischen Texten wenn man Fragen beantwortet und oder analysiert? |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:35 |
1)In the short story "Greyhound Tragedy",written by Rchiard Brautigan the narrator doesnt play in the story. He is a "outsider" and tells about the life of (this girl)Namen des Mädchen schreiben!. ...In the short story has the sennce" She or Her" and the narroter hasnt all informations...-->was willst du damit sagen? |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:35 |
hab ich leider nciht? Hast du dir die 2 Aufgaben schon angesehn? |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:38 |
"The words family ties and the sentence never able to leave in line 11."-->bedeutung des Satzes? The reason is, that the girl hasnt a chance to leave her town and this is ...for me...deine Meinung ist nicht gefragt laut aufgabenstellung! a big tragedy. The sentce in line 64 with the heart felt out of place, because she doesnt like her place or the situation.--->Bedeutung? The next sentence is in line 69 with stupid night. In this stupid night in september she hasnt take the chance to ask how cost the ticket to hollywood. The last sentence in line 70 "didnt have the nerve to find out cost is the situacion of this girl. She cant it and this influence us to the title. |
Antwort von matata | 05.02.2009 - 17:40 |
Du wirst jetzt warten, bis jemand deine Arbeit anschaut und nicht mehr pushen. Du hast ziemlich viel geschrieben, und die meisten sind mit ihrer eigenen Arbeit beschäftigt. Also akzeptiere eine gewisse Wartezeit. ________________________ e-Hausaufgaben.de - Team |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:40 |
Die Metapher (griechisch μεταφορά „Übertragung“, von metà phérein „anderswohin tragen“) ist eine rhetorische Figur, bei der ein Wort nicht in seiner wörtlichen, sondern in einer übertragenen Bedeutung gebraucht wird, und zwar so, dass zwischen der wörtlich bezeichneten Sache und der übertragen gemeinten eine Beziehung der Ähnlichkeit besteht.-->Wikipedia Beispiel wenn die Erde als Weihnachtskugel in einer Geschichte dargestellt wird. Also sind deine Beispiele keine Metaphern! |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:42 |
"The words family ties and the sentence never able to leave in line 11."-->bedeutung des Satzes? Die Familienbande und sie würde das Dorf nie verlassen in Zeile 11 The sentce in line 64 with the heart felt out of place, because she doesnt like her place or the situation.--->Bedeutung? Der Ort ist ihr nciht mehr wichtig, da sie den ort oder die Situation nicht mehr mag( Sie will nach Hollywood) wieso hast du das untere nochmal aufgeschrieben?^^ |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:43 |
Ähm unter Metaphern versteh ich eine Bildliche Vorstellung. Da würde ich keine finden. |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:44 |
All in allem les den Text nocheinmal AUFMERKSAM durch mache dir randnotizen schlage unklare wörter nach und geh dann in RUHE an die Aufgabenstellung ran (wenn sie unklar ist mache sie dir klar) und leg dir mal die Grundlagen eines Englischen Textes zu also wie man Texte schreibt und Fragestelungen bearbeitet! die Website welche ich dir auch gepostet habe ist dafür super gemacht! und bei grundlagen beschaffen kann dir hier keiner helfen du bist 18 und solltest dazu eigenständig in der Lage sein! |
Antwort von GAST | 05.02.2009 - 17:47 |
ist alles falsch häääää? |
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